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Posts posted by Spiku

  1. My sincerest, I tend to open every thread that looks interesting and then go back and read them one by one. Your next purchase is likely to be the slop hauler, and 4 bayou gremlins; I tend to remove Pere and Francois, as I feel they underperform or are too intensive on your resources/Ophelia's support actions when compared to the demand of Raph and Rami.

    Raph = Objective grabber, who is very tough to take down. Often you will shoot him yourself to get him to 4wds so he can walk 20" in a round.

    Rami = Very effective sniper. Ophelia can do more, due to soulstone use.

    At which point I feel I will get more out of 3 Bayou Gremlins and a Slop Hauler, than I could out of Francois and Pere, especially as that means you are only sharing the good cards in your hand between 3 models, rather than 5

    Also, Bayou Gremlins will often want to focus their shots; often one focus shot is more effective than two normal shots. Same can be true of rami, because if you are +1-+5 higher than your opponent, with a focus shot, it's a straight flip for damage, which means if you get weak, you could cheat in a high damage card and do 4 damage (or 8 if you doubled it)

    Ophelia is a massive damage dealer, and very fast. She is as good in melee as she is at ranged, as she can use her pistols as 2"range melee weapons too, so don't be afraid of anything ;3 You flip two cards and take the highest when she shoots, and with soulstones letting you add the total of another flip to it, she can hit with such a high combat value that the target has no chance to defend unless they are a master. Given that she only suffers 1 wound to do double damage, she can easily kill big targets. AND she can ignore armour with a (0) action, so doesn't have her damage reduced.

    Her last spell, right between the eyes, is not a gun shot but a spell. This means that she and the Young LaCroix can cast it whilst in combat, if they have to =3

  2. Fixed list isn't Malifaux, you are at a huge disadvantage. You have not mentioned your starting ss value, or your cache.

    I really don't know how I can contribute this, unfortunately, because fixed list seems absolutely insane to me; that's the standard grow/pig list there, except no A.Somer.

    Uhm... when facing the dreamer, deploy your Bayou Gremlins 16" either side of Som'er, so Chompy wont destroy both with initiative? I really don't know where to start when you are taking a fixed list vs factions whose fixed lists will have natural counters to you

  3. It's one of the easier match ups for you. You refer to an odd number, but haven't listed a model count or a soulstone value for the game =D

    It's a shame you don't have a slop hauler. Basically all you will need to know is things like:

    Ophelia companions with Rami, so you activate one, and the other can go before the opponent.

    Ophelia walks out 6", casts (0) Ooh! A Girl! To pull Rami into base contact. she then uses (0) Dumb and Lucky to give Rami the ram suit on every attack. Ophelia walks back behind cover.

    Rami gets to activate, and he can shoot up your opponent before ducking into cover =3 He has rams, so if you get a good shot you can announce Dumb Luck to do double damage and take some damage yourself, but you wont always do it. Ophelia, however, WILL always do it because it only costs 1 wound for her use Calculated Luck when she has rams.

    Really you already outclass his basic box; you are faster, more numerous, and with lots of shooty options. http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/Ophelia+Lacroix tells you pretty much all you need to know and

    will show you everything else
  4. How you are killing two to three models in a single turn with Headshot, when Hans may only target one model in an activation due tot he Custom Sniper Rifle rule which reads: All Strikes with this weapon must target the same model during an activation.

  5. Agree with you that Hans is a bit expensive (mainly in non-Vik lists) but Trappers aren't always the better choice. Trappers can be shut down by Obscuring Terrain, Interveening Models, or Spells/ Abilties that effect LOS, Hans can not. Hans also doesn't give a crap about Irresistable or Pitiful, Trappers do. Most of the problems people have with Hans are tied to using him as "a guy with a gun" vice an actual sniper (supporting the crew and/or finishing models off). Not an auto-include by any means but definately useful.

    Hence "same sort of option" and not "complete replacement at cheaper price". A certain level of the positioning, and untargetability helps mitigate the obscuring terrain side of things.

    The On the Move ability is the killer for me. As a low activation team, you have trouble orchestrating something this telegraphed, even if you ignore a good percentage of the terrain types in a terrain heavy game. -flip to attack on Cb 5?

    If the scenario/map specifically calls for him, yay. But I struggle off the top of my head, at 6am, to come up with a reason not to spend the points on taking Von Schill

    ---------- Post added at 06:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:28 AM ----------

    There will also be the occasional game where you burn through your opponent's hand and then use Hans to headshot two or three models in a single turn...

    Using Hamelin, or taking him with Perdita/Zoraida?

  6. Adanedhel: It's subtle isn't it! Shame that it only works in games with Graverobbers in.

    I want something to let me take 3 Young LaCroix with Ophelia when she is being used as a henchman for Som'er. It's a gremlin crew!

    Or piglets for the Pigapult when using Ophelia.. she can take both Slop Haulers and the pult~

  7. Generally speaking Hans costs too much for what you will get out of him, what with his slow effective movement. Trappers can provide the same sort of option cheaper, and easier to position.

    We call Von Schill Von Schill, or Hulk Hogan in rocket boots.

    I don't see the option for his rocket boots to malfunction and kill himself, his flame-thrower, or his ability to tether something and kill himself either, so we wouldn't go with Von Fett.

  8. Sardonic, it would be agreed by most anyone that Zoraida and Collodi give you the ability to contend in every strategy and scheme, with better expansion options because you could take Ophelia and Rami LaCroix, or Von Schill if you ever needed heavy hitters. There is no competition here on effectiveness, and having more mechanics and tricks to toy with.

    McMourning is, however, the best of the normal resser crew. You should play whichever you like the look of, as you will likely end up with both anyway. In casual play it makes no difference, in tournaments the only question is are you there to win, or play what you like. Zoraida lets you do both, McMourning makes it more likely you will only get the second.

  9. Fetid Strumpet: Rather like Undisclosed said?

    I do not own the dreamer, I am just aware that he has a target restriction of some sort; thank you for the citation.

    Equally I have no evidence to the statement provided, nor has it come up yet in a game played since it was suggested. Such is why I bring it up and why it was phrased as "changed", as the rules manual does not support it being a targeted action.

  10. suits? suits only required for the spirit effect, which only resolves after the hit anyway so is too late to be of note. Df7 + bubble is the only reason to take them for covering objectives inside your side of the map.

    It really is the only thing I can see them having any use for; nice that you can trade out the low health one

    Edit: for clarity; the too late comment is regarding the fact that they are being targeted. Given weak damage is likely to be 1 or 3, it ends up being like paying a suit for armor 1, and the spirit removes itself afterwards.

    3.5 or 4" mist would make them very nice.

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