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About Biadetic

  • Birthday 12/06/1988

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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. Hey sorry for posting so shortly after last time. Just currently playing a game, involving sonia. Couple questions. Does her explosive trigger the one that referneces placing the blasyts 2" away, does this mean she can put 2" between each blast? Which is something of a potential 10 or 12" reach? or is it simply that the initial blast can be placed 2" from target but subsequent blasts are to be base to base? Also, her ability that allows to ignore LoS, does this nullify cover? Thanks
  2. Just a quick question. Does bite of winter stack?
  3. Thanks for the reply. Regarding the range icon, you mention - flips for cover, is that when casting or for damage? Cheers =]
  4. Hey, so a few games in yet again and another query. If a damage source does 2 or 3 blasts, how many times can a single model be damaged? Example, if the damage is 2 blasts, and the blasts are set beside each other and each blast is touching the same model, will he take damage from both or just one? Oh, also, just while I remember. If a spell has the ranged gun icon, it says it follows rules for normal ranged attacks. But what does this mean? Is it just the picking out a character in melee, or if they are in cover is there a negative twist to casting , or damage, or is it solely targeting the melee, (which is only thing me and friends could think of). Thanks,
  5. HAd a Kirai box set missing a Seishin, so promptly emailed, got a reply from Nathan asking for address and a picture. So I sent both. But that was near over 2-3 weeks and I havnt heard anything since, should I re-email or is this the norm? Cheers.
  6. Hey, feel silly having this, but I just want to confirm. Casting stuff. Is this correct. Example, I have to cast a spell which requires a Resist: WP. Do I: Attempt to cast, flip for starting total, then have the option to either Cheat and/or Soulstone. If successful, the target has to make a WP resist beating my total casting? Example 2: If my model says that this model and target model make a Wp -> WP duel, do I: We both flip for starting totals, current loser has option to cheat and /or soulstone, followed by the other player with the same options. I only ask because we got alittle confused during a game in which someone attemptd a spell with a resist, and as he was casting, we done the resist at the same time taking it in turns to cheat / SS. Thanks guys.
  7. Hey man. Yeah price check would be sweet, got my eyes on: Waldgeists- new not in blister Silurids- new not in blister Zoraida the hag alt- nib Zoriada crew box- new not in box Voodoo doll- new not in blister Lelu- new not in blister Lilitu- new not in blister Nightmare teddy Cheers dude (Im in UK)
  8. Ah thanks buddy I tried to do new lines but I'm at a friends and using my phone, sorry for the hassle. Appreciate the quick response though
  9. Hey everyone. I find myself with loads of questions after some games. And I really didn't want to litter the rules discussion forum with multiple posts so I thought I'd put my thoughts and questions here collectively, if that's not ok please let me know todays musings, I'd like to know if; can you use soulstones to stop yourself taking wounds from a self inflicted spell? Example, Kirais 'summon ikiryo' suffer 4 wd. Can I soulstone against these? Also, triggers, are triggers always declared and activated during the attack flips ? Or can triggers go off during the damage flip? Such as Rasputina's overpower. When does the trigger trigger? I'm quite new so I read it as after I damage, if I include a mask, it triggers. Or is it during the attack flips? Sorry if I'm being a pain, appreciate any feedback Cheers guys, Ryan.
  10. As in the title. Is it anything that's not a basic melee/ranged attack? Playing against some kirai with rasputina, will shatter hit them for full damage for example? Thanks dudes.
  11. I can't seem to find anything on it but I just don't understand, are woes living? Being woes, I'd assume they are not living ye know? Thanks.
  12. Hey man, my friend would like to get the Witch Hunter set off you, how can he pay?
  13. Hey there dude Got any special offers going for Lady Justice and her Death Marshal crew? Cheers.
  14. Hey hey, thanks everybody I'll try and keep updates such as pictures etc as I go Oh and Mergoth, sounds good mate, any details you can throw my way to see if I can drum up some interest? My housemate already wants to go so we've a start
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