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Posts posted by FateWeaver

  1. I have played a few games with Tara in the past few days.  I played my game, ignoring what the talk on the net has been.  I am not a tournament player, ours are more friendly games.

    But... sadly the talk is true :(

    Tara is boring.  I don't know how many turns I tried to decide who i wanted to activate next and passed up on Tara because she was not going to do anything that impacted the scenario.  Oh wait, i can swing with my sword and do 2 min damage?  whoopy.  I did ultimately win the game because I used her as a scheme runner (Turf war).  Her 5 activations and the Time Slip does mean that she can pop out of combats and interact with Strategy markers or place scheme.  But NO master should be relegated to simply running around and activating.  But she just doesn't do much else

    Aionus: I am still willing to assume that this was just my my mis-use of him, but beyond turn 1, he played almost no part in either of the games i played.  He spent turns 2 and 3 just trying to catch up to my crew and be a part of the action.  When he did get there he just threw an attack or 2 at enemies i was able to bury.  He has a lot of things on his card, but they seem situational and i was not able to create those situation.  He is one of the coolest models and there are so few in-theme options for Obliteration, but i don't see me taking him in the future.

    Everything else I took seemed to work fine (NB, void hunter(summoned), scion).  Karina did very little but throw a heal or 2 but she was a free totem and i don't expect much from her.  I miss the built in trigger on the NB :).

    Tara was my first true master, i picked her up at Gencon with the Nightmare boxed set.  I have greatly enjoyed playing her in M2e.  I love her background and I love the concept.  Her crew is interesting and has a lot of potential, even if I personally have not tapped into that potential.  But Tara herself is just boring.  Tara has almost been my favorite to play, but I dont know how often that will happen with where she stands.  Obviously with her getting 5 AP she has to be generally less powerful, but she needs actions other than a sword and a leap.  Greater minds than me have likely come up with good ideas to do so.

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  2. Are a master's "alter ego" listed on the arsenal sheet?  I am referring to LCB for the Dreamer and Ikiryo for Kirai.


    If they should be listed on the arsenal sheet, they can purchase campaign upgrades.  If not, no upgrades.


    I waffle on how to handle this.  On 1 hand, the alter ego is part of the master and should be able to get upgrades.  On the other hand, they can't be "killed" and therefore cannot be injured.


    I am leaning towards no including them on the roster and not allowing upgrades, even though it feels like they are being slightly disadvantaged.


    Thoughts?  Has anyone run the campaign and run across this?

  3. Hi, I am starting a Dreamer crew and am looking suggestions on who to take for a 50SS crew.  Currently, I am looking for the LCB style of play and not the summoning.  I understand that many people feel the summoning Dreamer is the better choice, but I already have a Resser crew and I'm looking for a different feel.


    I am actually going to be using the campaign rules with my game club to grow my crew in stages.  I am starting with the Widow Weaver as my leader as she is the only Neverborn henchman I own (except Wrath).


    thanks for your help

  4. Does anyone have any info on The Carver?  The only thing I can find is that "he can only be taken in the Night of the Carver story scenario".  I have no doubt that will, or has, changed.  Is he in the Crossroads book?  Shifting Loyalties?  I'm thinking of starting a Neverborn crew (leaning towards the Dreamer) and want to know if I can take The Carver and would he "fit".

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