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Posts posted by wobbly_goggy

  1. Oohhh Christ, I am supposed to be saving! But...


    I am itching to try and collect the entire Gremlins faction (except the LaCroix)..


    And Ironsides...wow!


    And Colloddi! Cripes! That set is beautiful!


    I hope some/any/all of it makes it to the UK in time for Salute next month....

  2. Officially, it still counts as a pig.

    But if you based it on the right size base and used it as a rooster rider I really can't see anyone complaining.


    If anyone you play ever does complain, stop playing them. Now. And find a better person.

  3. I looove Slop Haulers!

    I tend to sart with a bunch of Bayou Gremlins, 'Git Yer Bro!' a couple, heal them up (apart from the one or two that will be converted into Skeeters after having a free piglet whacked at them), and then fling them over the board with my pigapult to start objective running (scheme dependant, of course)! Heal heal heal! My Sloppy also helps guard Somer/heal him/defend my corner of the table...

  4. They are amazing models even without considering their healing abilities. 5SS gets you a model with three AP, nice attacks with a tremendously good debuff, Bayou Two-card and an insane Cg stat. Add to that their healing and they really are competing with Nurse for the title of the best 5SS model in the game.

    Compare them to a Bayou Gator (forgetting about the healing ability) and it's just sad how bad the Gator looks.

    Is Perdita's Df making you sad? Throw Slop on a (friendly) model next to Perdita, hit the Trigger and lower her Df to 4.

    Oh, and as an added bonus, they are possibly the best healers in the game. In a Faction that gains bonuses by hurting themselves.



    Yeah I know all this, but this isn't a new thing, they were like this in 1st ed, but everyone seems to be acting like this is something new? Maybe I'm missing something?

    They've lost the 'Swing round real fast' or whatever it was called that pushed models away which was also incredibly useful though.

  5. Roosters are great when you remember to place them on the board, and don't remember on turn 3 that you were supposed to have one... in a tournament. oops!

    Still it worked great for Frame for Murder in my final game :)

  6. Ahh amazing, thanks.


    So would you recommend activating near the end of your crew's activation? ie keeping them out of harms way and then darting round to attack/drop scheme markers?


    I'm concerned about their squishiness, so tips on keeping them alive appreciated too. The fact that they can move so fast is an asset for scoring VPs, but could potentially act against them in terms of survivability?

  7. Anyone have any tips on/experience of  using Rooster Riders?


    I've never really used it, but it seems cool and like it could have a lot of usefulness with its Ml6 beak, and possible 14" move and interact...



    CAW CAW!


  8. I love using Lenny to toss foward skeeters, with their awesome movement and flight they can get engaged and tie up enemies at long range. Even if they don't attack, their high Df often keeps them alive, and if they do have an activation left, they can use 'quit screwin' around!' to lessen chances of them dying.


    This can help tie models/crews up, giving you more breathing space/time to be summoning more gremlins, pigs, and skeeters.



    Lenny is awesome!

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  9. Brilliant, thanks guys!
    Sounds like Guard are generally derided by everyone??
    Do they have any good points?

    Also, I've started experimenting with a Pistolero de Latigo in the middle of my crew, and with out activation, I can usually ensure they're giving positive flips to Df. Any tips or tricks around this? Or, again, advice? Especially for positioning etc as the aura doesn't include them, so how do you stop the PdL getting killed too easily?

  10. Dual Factions is a nightmare for my bank balance and lack of will.

    I started with Yan Lo and as a result now have a hefty chunk of both ressers AND Ten Thunders....

    I do like how they feed into each other. Like maybe adding the Freikorps Specialist to a Sonnia crew... may as well buy Hired Guns to do it.. it's a slippery slope.


    'FESS UP MATT! Who have you got?

  11. What a great question!

    I bought the Taxidermist as a new model 'just to paint' because I loved it, which rapidly became the Som'er box set/loads more gremlins. I then decided I definitely needed a new Master (as I was getting consistently and decisively whupped by Hamelin....), so bought Marcus. Thne  realised I needed tons more beasts (he really is the gift that keeps on giving - there are so many models for him to choose from!). And I REALLY needed Perdita (for my birthday - so it's allowed). And the Von Schill, who I bought on his own, but rapdily gathered a crew around him.


    If I'd been more sensible I would have checked what masters would fit in easily with each other/share models. But I didn't. Whoops.


    The introductions of Dual Faction is a work of genius!!!

  12. Sounds card intensive and only the first model gets a push from McCabe (and possibly another from the weasel). If the wastrels spend 2 ap throwing upgrades around and 1 nimble ap walking, how is their mobility boosted exactly compared to just walking 2 times?


    What you can do is move someone further up your lines (using McCabe's push/whatever - Sidir can be good for this to get in to position), use an Austringer to make that model push 2" and interact to drop a scheme marker. A wastrel can discard a low crow/cheat to crow on his (2) Cast-offs to be placed next to a friendly scheme marker within 12". Place! No worries about models in the way, LoS, anything!

    Cast-offs is at first glance pants, but it's actually really useful. It only costs 6 of anything to cost, and as it targets a friendly model within 6", you don't have to worry too much about success. The triggers for each, with the ability to guarantee whichever you want (control hand permitting), means they're pretty nifty.

    Jumping around 12" (don't forget that's further than his two walks), and getting pushed 4" when Lucas attaches an upgrade, means that Wastrels can jump around all over then place.

  13. Greetings all! I have been signed up to the forum for a few years but without really using it... until now! Work becoming more quiet means I have plenty of time to use up perusing the internet, checking out people's minis, learning tactics etc etc.


    About me? Well, seeing as you're so curious, I'll tell you. I'm 32, been playing toys for 20 years, and like many started with Warhammer, before adding 40k, Necromunda, Blood Bowl and Mordheim to the mix (and a dash of WHFRP). Yeah, I was a real GW fan boy! Three or four years ago I was introduced to Malifaux.. 'WOW, lush minis!' I thought, but also 'Hmm, not sure about this non-dice, non-GW thing... scary!'. I purhcased the model that appealed to me most, initially just to paint, but with a view to expanding into gaming if I felt like it. This was the Gremlin Taxidermist (I still really love that mini, it's awesome!), quickly followed by Hog Whisperer, the Som'er Teeth box set and a Warpig. And piglets. And Slop Haulers. Yep, the addiction took over!


    A few years down the line (via a foray into Infinity, which I struggled to get my head around... and still do with the new ed.) and I am a Maliholic. Or  Malifaholic. Or whatever. Basically, I love the game! I started to get a bit fed up with the drubbings I recieved in 1st ed (especially Som'er vs Hamelin...), but M2E is just unbelievable fantastic! Hurray for Malifaux!


    I currently run:


    -Lucas Mccabe

    -Som'er Teeth




    -Von Schill



    At least half of my crews are almost fully painted. I love playing, and love playing with fully painted minis even more. I am utterly baffled by people who buy tons of crews but don't paint them at all. Obviously it's up to them but I feel they're missing out!


    When not painting or playing with toys my other main hobby is drawing cartoons (yep, I've never grown up). Should you be so inclined, you can check them out by checking out the links in my signature (I hope!) or googling 'Wobbly Goggy' and 'Wobbly Bloggy'.


  14. Glad this subject is getting some serious discussion!
    As criticism has been largely covered, I'd like to point out that what irks me (most of this has been covered already) is that  a stream of 'WOW! Awesome'! could potentially be as unhelpful as comments which could be considered too critical. I think that if you have something encouraging(/negative) to say, explain why (the negative part has been covered at length...). A stream of exclamations at how wonderful a mini is are great up to a point, but start to look a bit disingenous, if not mildly condescending. If you think it's great... why? What part? Do you like what they did  with the colours there? Great OSL? Essentially I think feedback should be constructive whether positive or negative. You wouldn't just say 'Shit!', as it's completely unhelpful, and to some extent 'Great!' is equally unhelpful. Of course, one should always try to take into account the intention in posting minis in the first place, as discussed already at length.

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