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Posts posted by wobbly_goggy

  1. 3 hours ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    You are correct.

    I think that they are meant to be shooters. And they aren't half bad at it when they Focus. Their range is also very respectable. In fact, the only thing making them non-shooters is their weak damage of 1, basically.

    I get that... personally I'm not that big a fan of Focus. I'd rather have multiple goes and help deplete my opponent's hand (if nothing else) rather than go for one big shot, and possibly fail with that (and opponent possibly only wastes one decent card whilst I use the same two).



  2. I for one am super excited about getting my hands on Manifest Destiny and giving it a whirl! I love Mah (as I love underdogs in general, and I am aware she doesn't have the best rep), and I think pinging Bushwhackers forward 8" a turn (that's.... quite a lot! That's a Walk Walk of numerous models) may make them great scheme runners.

    As far as I can recall, 'get off my land' only states that they can't interact on the first turn if they use it. If I am correct in this, they may make excellent scheme runners, or at least good at guarding your back lines FROM scheme runners.

    I tend not to play super aggressively, so for me the triggers on the frying pan and the decent Df/WP are more important than their shooting attack (which IMO is much worse- they aren't shooters)

    • Like 1
  3. I feel that if a team is very large, then they should expect they may be paired against each other. 

    A team size limit (say, 10) would help, OR in the cases of very large existing teams, they could enter as a 'tier 1' and 'tier 2'/ group 1 and group 2, and not have the people from each team (of up to 10) play each other. Effectively a team would enter as two or three teams of 'max team size' for the purposes of the tournament.

    I am not sure how if you are in a large team you can say you 'regularly' play your team mates. Regularly playing 20-odd people between tournaments? Call me cynical but this seems unlike.y Assuming you have a job/life/kids/friends/family/paint your toys/buy your toys/build your toys I just don't see where you'd get the time. And if a team is scattered over various cities it makes it even MORE unlikely.

    I am part of a small team, which we started specifically for the purpose of not playing each other. However, due to the various links within the group, a couple of us I have very rarely played.

    If you're flooding a tournament with players, there's a good chance you'll end up playing team mates anyway, so so what if you take a hit on the first round? Would you complain if you faced a team mate in the final? Unlikely. 

    All of this applies to BIG teams, of course. The points about the Scottish chaps travelling so far I completely agree with. But if they rocked up with 20 people at a 60 person event I'd be less smpathetic. 

    It also occurs to me that if a team put on a tournament flooded with their players this would discourage other people from playing if the team were all separated in round one (even if they made up at least half the tournament) as it would be seen as setting it up solely for the team to climb the rankings. I for one would avoid such a  tournament even if just up the road from me.


    Background to my opinions - as mentioned I am from a small team of disparate people in different cities, only a couple of whom I play regularly, and I am an irregular tournament player (due to travelling costs from Bristol to where all of the tournaments are, ie nowhere near here)
    I have nothing against large teams - but I want to go to a tournament for fun and meet new people, not go to a tournament and play 'oh another person from team x' :)

  4. Agree with all comments and suggestions made by mr psientologist above.

    It was a really fun and good natured tournament, I played three cracking (and very close!) games against three great, sporting, fun players.

    with a few tweaks to terrain and table numbers it would have been perfect!


    ps sorry for being late ?

    • Like 1
  5. Sorry this is a late comment, but I wanted to say thank you for a really fun and well run tournament - you deserve recognition for your efforts!
    Great atmosphere, great opponents, and three rounds was really good.

    Thank you!

    And sorry for being late!

    • Like 1
  6. Well, after going in to work (knackered) only to find my request to have it off had been approved after all (yay!), I would like to jump on the thank you bandwagon!
    I'm not much of a tournament gamer (40/40 at Bitefaux too is testament to that!), but I had a thoroughly lovely time. My brief foray upstairs confirmed what people have said about noise and heat....would fans have made a difference? As the final prizes etc were announced from downstairs corner, would that have been a better location throughout? 
    All things considered, the event was fantastically well run from a lowly peon point of view - so thank you Mike and all the other organisers!

    And a huge shout out to Callum, Graeme, Luca, Sander, Peter, Jimmy (sorry for the roosters!) and Martin from Sweden (Zipp vs Zoraida was so much fun!) for 7 great games of Malifaux..

    What I really loved was that in all my games, when the luck went horribly in favour of my opponent or myself, we both had a good laugh about it.


    When can we buy tickets for next year? :)

    (I'm andres btw)

  7. 1 hour ago, SurreyLee said:

    Hi, tourney is scheduled to finish (with prizes etc) at approximately 7.15. It's a 15 minute walk to the station for a train back to London although the train is likely to be at 7.40 so a nice leisurely walk. The train should get into London Waterloo circa 8.20. From there, i don't know your movements so can't suggest further. Are you already on the list or looking to be added to the reserves?

    Bloody hell, that's far more detailed an helpful than I hoped for, thank you!

    I'm on the list! Andres Gonzalez (hi!)

    • Like 1
  8. Hi everyone, sorry if this has been asked a million times...

    I was testing Zoraida (in Gremlin faction, admittedly) the other day, and came up against a possible issue (or not):

    Voodoo Doll cast Hem on a Terror Tot.

    Voodoo Doll charged Terror Tot, inflicted a wound.

    This caused Black Blood from Terror Tot.

    This in turn inflicted a wound on the Voodoo Doll.

    ...We stopped here...

    Should we have continued? Further wound causes wound via Hem which causes Black Blood etc etc etc?


    (EDIT: just realised there is a separate rules discussion area (was that there before?), please can this be deleted/moved there?)


    • Like 1
  9. Why can't they be competitive AND fun?
    They can be super difficult to use correctly, so as a beginner you can expect to get trounced occasionally. 
    They also have tons and tons of options - they're not a crew you can always look at and say - 'they're shooty' or 'they're attacky' - which makes can make them more difficult to learn, and to anticipate (again for newer players using and facing Gremlins).


    Definitely fun!
    Highlights for me:
    -the look on your opponents face when you start dropping gremlins all over the table (hiding, engaging, whatever you need) for Reconnoiter.
    -BAYOU TWO CARD! Literally the best rule in the game. Bayou Gremlin about to die? Crap Hand/don't want to waste it on a lowly minion? Bayou Two card! It's often win/win - the gremlin dies (big whoop) or he bangs out some insane save, forcing your opponent to chose to waste decent cards on a 3 SS model.... awesome. If you have no idea what I am on about, drop everything and go and read up on it!
    -pigs! Going nuts! Everywhere!
    -dumb luck! 
    -Somer forcing his opponent to discard their hand then drawing back up when gremlins die near him
    -Ridiculous amount of Ulix summoning and healing 

    Basically they're great for frustrating and annoying people. 

    DOWNSIDE! - Cost. No fixed game style + tons of options = you'll need tons of models. Like... loads.

    • Like 4
  10. I tend to use just one Sloppy, and often use Take a Swig for healing
    Less of an issue with Ulix as he can take damage to heal 2 on all pigs in a pulse, and then just heal him (and Old Major/large pig you've summoned off) with the slop hauler.

    If you position correctly, Old Major can the the Slopper with him with Saddle, and Ulix can push into contact with his ability

  11. 9 minutes ago, Omenbringer said:

    The blue you used above should work well enough though I might go with a brownish grey to better match your color palette.

    The Ulix picture is a much better result, might want to creep a bit closer to really pull in those edges. Ideally the model should nearly touch each edge of the frame, that will help the camera with focusing and metering consistently. Great work on the whites (the beard in particular) and the stone.


    Thanks! Amazing what you can achieve with a microfibre towel and an old iPhone:lol:
    Also, its supposed to be a tree stump. Ah well!


  12. 8 hours ago, Omenbringer said:

    May I recommend a few things for any future photos:

    1) use a different background, the white seems to be washing out your colors.

    2) narrow your focus so there isn't so much background visible to confuse the light meter.

    What you have there looks good but I dont think your photo is doing it justice. Would love to see the Boars and Warpig a bit closer.

    Cool, thanks! Any recommendations for background colour?
    I didn't use a camera, it's just on an old iphone, but I'll have a bash.
    The warpig might come out shiny, as my old metal models have rather a lot of varnish on them, as I am clumsy and tend to drop them a lot...


  13. 5 hours ago, wolpertinger_press said:

    Looks great! I also recently began playing with Ulix. Changes everything, since I'm used to Ophelia and her kooky cousins. Do you like the different style of play?

    It's taking some getting used to! I've switched from 'summon as many gremlins as possible' to 'summon as many pigs as possible', but Ulix has so many tricks and subtleties.
    My main problems at the moment are:
    - constructs/armour (I always seem to get Reckoning against Ramos...)
    -Finding a use for Pig Sling (apart from against Marcus)

    You have any fun tricks or tips?
    And show us your toys! (in case you haven't already, I suck at forums)

  14. I have recently been experimenting with Ulix+Pigapult+Old Major+ McTavish ... it's points heavy, but if you can summon in some piggies, there are nice options for interacts.
    McTavish can do a kind of obey with Wrangle Critter which can make them do (1) actions. You also get some movement shenanigans with Penelope pushing pigs around.
    Add in Corn Husks for (0) and you've got pigs all over the place interacting and such.

    I should note that I have had mixed success with this, mainly due to my inability to flip anything higher than a 4. Or draw it into my hand. Even after SS use. But that's just me...

    • Like 1
  15. So after a number of years playing Gremlins with Somer Teeth, I dipped my toe into the muddy waters of piggy-gremlin fun, and this is the result. 
    It's missing my lovely old-version Pigapult because it's back in the UK and I am currently not.
    Am I a pro painter? No. 
    But I am pretty pleased that I've finally completed another crew, hurrah! (and I can nudge my 'gremlins' section on my painting tracker up a bit...


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