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Posts posted by NBmaster

  1. I tried this list with another waldgiest instead of the bbs. It could have worked better than I played it. After playing the game though I realized that you can't use the heal flip from the desp merc to heal the other as it can only be used on a friendly model and tuco's spell says is not considered friendly to any another other model in the game so in the future I will be running this crew at 30 ss with 3 desp mercs and 7ss pool.

  2. So what do you all think abor Nekima being made a henchman? I have thought she would make a better henchman than a minion ever since I picked her up. And now with these changes I think it would be good for her to be elevated to henchman status. I think it is better for the fluff (all top neverborn hate each other especially lil and Nekima) and would allow her to be the grow list henchman and she could leave lilith to her own devises. Just my two cents what do ya'll think? Thats 7 tots and 2dmercs at 25ss sounds like an interesting crew to me.

  3. I have played the 2 Teddy crew with coppelious and with 2 stitched both games I learned a lot. I really like the idea of the 3 Teddy 35ss crew as i have 2 regular Teddies and a Nightmare Teddy (won 1st place in an achievement league), and I really want to run it against Seamus/aSeamus crew, had the chance but took Zoraida/dopp/twins crew instead and got my hat handed to me. I think the 3 Teddies def stance and any of the Thing of Nightmares bury all Teddies and 1 daydream 1st turn followed with a 2nd turn chomp alpha strike nightmare drop off of 3 Teddies and daydream behind teddies for pick up would be a really cool way to get the drop and 9 attacks on Seamus or any other non alpha striking masters for that matter. I think 3 is better than 2 because with 3 you will most likely loose 2 Teddies while killing their master but the 3rd will likely live (27 wds between the 3 of them) depending on the master you are against and then it/they can be buried and LCB and the teddy/s can spend the rest of the game eating the rest of the models 1 by 1. Kind of a 1 trick Teddy bomb kinda thing but it could work in some situations, although this is prob not the crew to take for reconnoiter or other board control strategies/schemes

    Another 2 Teddy crew I have been thinking about for going up against construct heavy crews (Hoffman/ Levi) is


    Teddy x 2

    Weaver Widow


    Smash a construct with the teddies and have the Weaver make more teddies or she can just stay in the back making counters and then dolls/Teddies. I have read in other threads that the new Teddies created would not count as nightmares so you couldn't bury them which is why it would be more fun to smash something and then make a Teddy right in the thick of the battle. She could also bring a Teddy back if one/both get smashed. This could also help with the strat/scheme problems i mentioned earlier.

  4. So I'm kinda throwing this out there as a joke, but the game is called Malifaux, and it takes place in Malifaux where the Neverborn come from. Shouldn't they have a tiny bit of home court advantage? But i guess its good everyone is getting there "Neverborn needs Cuddling" out now so they can move on to other factions as quickly as possible. I.e. Hoffman ss miner bury loop (if you havn't played against it yet watch out).

  5. Switch 2 of the tots for a stitched together have doppelganger mimic Zoraida's wp then mimic gamble your life with wp 10 your almost guaranteed to win the wp vs. wp dual against any non-master with a 3/4/7 spread that is cheatable.

  6. Also the bbs would regenerate 1 wd when nekima activates leaving the bbs at 5wds before the healing flip or 7wds if you managed 6 of masks or better on the infect blood I believe, dont have the card on me, but you might trigger with double mask on the spell making the convict nephelim, if so and you got all of the triggers at the end of this synergy you would have a convict with flight, nephelim, black blood, still left to activate, and auto trigger. Nekima with full health and 1 blood token, bbs with full health and 1 blood and 1 corpse if the convict spell had no trigger but got all other triggers the bbs would be full health and 1 corpse counter thats enough counters on the board to grow tot to a mature on the next turn thats pretty good synergy for just under 30 points then the bbs can hitch a ride on the mature to get up the board to do the whole thing again on turn three after the convict wares off at start of closing phase turn 2.


    Nekima 13ss

    Convict 7??? Maybe not sure

    Bbs 6ss

    Terror Tot 3ss

    29ss with 5ss pool

    Add on 2 more tots for a 35ss game

    Again sorry for misspelling or grammar

  7. Actually killing your own model with attacks is alot different than sacrificing said model, so yes the healing flip dose happen. The best way I see to structure this synergy would be to activate the bbs take 4 wounds to gain a blood counter turn convict into nephelim (if you have a high mask you can heal the bbs 2wds before dealing with the convict) then activate lilith after your opponent goes use companion on totem if applicable then brood mother on nekima(maybe move lilith up abit at this point) have nekima kill the desperate merc giving a blood token to nakima and a corpse counter to the bbs (which he can turn to a blood counter next turn our whenever with a high mask or an extra mask to ca instead of cb with nekima)and then healing flip on the bbs. Then give masks to cb(can also give the convict flight at this point as well) and move nekima up Then move your convict up and blast away. sorry for any misspellings our grabber paying thid from my phone.

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