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Posts posted by Dreygan

  1. this is kind of a random idea and may not really be fitting but what if you organize like a Malifaux Boot Camp group. People that are more experienced or want to improve their game would meet up and play, discuss tactics etc. Would be a way for some of the newer players to come in expecting somebody more experienced where they might be able to up their game and create the more veteran group.

  2. i havent played in anything where it mattered with Malifaux but with Magic, they do what they are going to do, i tell them that it doesnt work. and if they want to take it back and declare something different then generally thats fine but if they keep it as what they declared then i let them do that too.

    On the other side of that, if i mess up and do the same type of thing i usually stick myself with the correct way, cause losing that action or whatever is a lot more memorable and helps to keep you more aware of what your doing.

  3. So I understand on the henchman app it asks that you have 2 painted crews for demos and 2 fate decks.

    First off, is the puppet deck acceptable or only faction decks?

    As for crews, 3 of my 4 crews are probably not the best for demos (dreamer, hamlin, Leveticus), so if my fiance who has Lady J and Rasputina is ok with them being used can that be considered having crews for demos?

  4. I played in a team tournament a few months back and if i remember right they didnt restrict what masters you could play, but each part of the team only got one strat. so i as dreamer could take kidnap or reclaim malifaux or my crummy master one, and my lady J teammate could take whatever she wanted, but we couldnt as a team take both kidnap and reclaim malifaux

  5. It also just feels weird thematically that taking Ryle (his brother) somehow locks out the extra constructs he's supposed to be able to take?

    Taking ryle, does not prevent you from taking steamborg executioner or steampunk arachnids or any other archanist construct without a special forces tag that fits within that rule.

    Just as Zoraida has the ability Enthrall: Crews containing this model may hire any living model with WP 4 or less. This ability gives me the ability to hire quite a few different options for her crew. However, if i have a doll in my crew regardless of faction, i cannot hire any other special forces, as that aspect is not overwritten by the rule.

  6. at the top of this page, if you hit the forum link which brings you to the list of different areas, the rules discussion is where your topic is currently showing, two down from that is faction discussion. If you go into faction discussion there is one for guild, though this question seems to me better here in rules, thats usually more for tactics and stuff like that...

  7. I think they need to fill in masters for some of the minion themes that dont have them. Such as they need an outcast master for the Thunder Brothers and Misaki. And we need some kind of master thats more themed with the silurids for neverborn. Though if they brought them as henchmen i dont think that would be an issue either. Not so sure what would be good for the other factions as much though i know ive had ideas so ill be sure to bring them here when i get them.

    *edit* I remember the other thing i thought was missing. I think guild needs a "cowboy" or sheriff, I know Lady Justice is kinda in this spot but, i think being able to run sue, and the pale rider and the death marshalls would be sweet with a leader that seemed to fit the look more.

    As for the off topic topic. Maybe what would be helpful is periodically releasing condensed sourcebooks. They released the condenced rulebook. If they were to release a book with all the current cards with their updates that would be really helpful. Then in another year if there hasnt been enough changes to warrant one or the other maybe put out a fluff compendium... kinda rotate that way. I am still trying to figure out a way to get my 2 guardian cards without spending $10 on shipping so i can actually play the ones i converted for levi from necropunks.

  8. Pretty sure not (although I'm not sure why you're even picking up counters with Leveticus except possibly by accident).

    I thought you could walk over counters without picking them up and had to choose to pick them up? How would you pick them up on accident?

  9. Constructs arent immune to obey, only to morale duels. Immune to influence is what hurts her. Anything with high willpower also hurts. If you take a convict gunslinger dont let her get a clear line of sight to it regardless of range

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