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Posts posted by Hoyled

  1. My thoughts

    Brewmaster... there better then most of his old upgrades I guess. Also having a pocket Wesley is nice. Don't think there very impactful.

    Mah, Manifest Destiny is a big quality of life upgrade for both Mah and bushwackers. Be nice to just have that built into mahs card. Reserving opinion on pitfall trap. mandatory fix upgrade on a upgrade hungry master is sad times

    Ophelia, potentially interesting stuff, seems to be undertuned, not enough oomph to make upgrade shenanigans a strat.

    Somer: Insectophile makes me just want to spam out mosquitoes and fart at people, which is cute but not better then normal somer stuff. Higher proof seems like a nice upgrade to pick against low wound higher defense schemers.

    Ulix: Throw your voice: meh. Pig Midwife: Yeeeeessssss

    Wong: Ill take behold just for the off chance of 4 plus shots. The other one I'm still considering but its interesting

    Zipp: Dread Pirate Zip: I like it, it adds an interesting change to Zipps play, I think its the best upgrade we got design wise. Supply drop is a no. The emissary upgrade is actually good, its plays up to the speedy hard hitting in your face  nature the model wants.

    Zoriada Powerful Control: Yes always Poisoned Fate: Depends on build

  2. I'm in the its very underwhelming pile. It doesn't hit spectacularly well or hard for a ten point melee model, and roosters can do ricochet charges for less points. slow gun is meh. Its kinda tanky, but we cant heal it with our most efficient healers. upgrades are okay but not enough to carry the model out of mediocrity. just all around disappointing considering how good some of the other emissary's are


  3. I haven't played brewy in a while but my two cents.

    1) He hates condition removal, super badly. Johans a merc, and a lot of factions have it sprinkled around to the point that it might be in their list even without your opponent soul reading that brewmasters coming.

    2) Killing is still the best crowd control and we do that pretty well.

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  4. Fat and elite is my first guess, minimum models, maximum power. Mancha and Gracie, Burts hard to take down, Trixie as well. Give your opponent the hard choice on what to make the fake parent. Gonna be hard to do schemes, unless they come up murderfest fun fest or similar.

  5. another new session is up. Kids gremlin path is kinda amusing, pig mounted brat with a pet murder teddy. Otherwise kinda boring stuff. Guild trial is kinda interesting on the scenario front, the rest are a bit bland this week.

    Another session of probably sweeping Neverborn and Resser wins, with a less then surprising Guild uprising for the man. Let it never be said the more boring shooty faction doesn't appreciate a good joke now and then.

  6. I'm a big advocate of First Mate with Hovering Airship. Hes got a free movement so you can leap 7 focus and drop the piano. You can also soulstone for the positive damage flip or movement triggers. Ill take Where the Captian cant See just as an anti scheme safety valve. Doubleing up on treasure map just feels like wasting slots on a potential pay off you cant guarantee.

  7. It feels like it should be a good match up. Zipp gets to her easy enough, but its sealing the deal that's the issue. He doesn't do enough damage to chew threw her health pool quickly and shes fast enough and has a teleport to ignore placement shenanigans and smoke walls with minimal ap loss so she can continue to lob min damage three nukes at whatever she wants. She can also just try to eat Zipp if she wants though its probably more likely she'll just ignore him and murder things that are trying to earn points.

    I'm very aware bacon bombs a may. I was deliberately detonating my stuffed piglets to deny detonate the charges.



  8. Played the tricksters encounter yesterday. So far the least amount of fun ive had during the campaign Played against ressers, so they got bonus corpse markers as easy as regular scheme markers. Also played against Reva who in two games has reached the top of my "Masters I Don't Want to Play Against " list. He also had a Carrion Emissary, which kinda just automatically annoys me. Min three damage non projectile cast with blasts and a free shot trigger plus shards of "fair and balanced" (sarcasm quotes) as a zero that makes a free activation at the end of turn. Yet the lucky emissary did to much melee damage. Sure.....

    Obviously lost. zipp tried to pester Reva but she just soulstoned the damage away and ate the rest of my crew with the carrion and shieldbearers help (min threes or positive damage flips blehh). About the only fun moment was when Reva corpseported into the center to turn mindless zombies into scheme markers for detonate the charges, only to have all the stuffed piglets nearby blow themselves up, killing all my models nearby and Reva herself.  

  9. Did the Rampage scenario tonight. Most fun ive had with the event so far. Went south quick when Lillith swapped the first Mate for a teddy then almost killed the poor fish.  However apparently this Teddy was sowed together with soft fluffy pillow claws and cracked button eyes after he failed to kill anything but old cranky. Lot of maneuvering trying to pull the werewolf away from each others scheme piles without getting important models eaten, and up to turn 4 the only thing that was really hurt by the gentlewolf was a terror tot. Then turn 5 hit and the full moon came out. Lillith and the doppelganger were eaten and teddy was munched down to his last two wounds. Sadly still lost by one point.

    • Like 2
  10. I'm kinda hoping at least one character makes the full five faction swap around. Just to see how Wyrd makes a cohesive character out of something that confused. Preferably the more pronounced paths, not the found x iconic faction weapon off a corpse paths. Bonus points if the model winner is a faction that always came in second but never won a path.

    • Like 3
  11. Mildly disappointing that the kid ended up with the inferior option. Not surprised that three of the original factions took the wins. Ill be pleasantly surprised if Ten Thunders or Gremlins score a win, let alone earn a model.

    The trickster stands out for me this session. A better taxidermist is really appealing. The man is second because Wong is in the fluff.

    • Like 2
  12. Another great game won for the Gremlins tonight. Panicked Flight won for the green team. Also my first game verses Collodi.

    Felt like stepping off the Zipp wagon for a day, but I brought the First Mate along on the trip. Along with an airship loaded with glowy magic pianos to drop on unsuspecting puppets courtesy of Wong. Quick murdered Lazarus fairly early with a red jokered piano into some Wong blast damage, then crushed Widowweaver next turn.  For those who miss oh glowy pigapults, try oh glowy First Mate pianos.

    Alas the child was snatched from the hands of the Neverborn by the last witchling stalker that "slipped" past Wong (and then promptly rescued off camera by a rooster rider to keep things on track for the Gremlin path story). Also Sammy was struck by a freak lightning bolt which was totally not Wong preventing Take Prisoner.

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  13. 9 hours ago, Bazlord_Prime said:

    I was thinking I might go the Wong Way on this scenario if I play it - the randomisation shouldn't hurt his crew as much as say Brewmaster's or Som'er's (my other two Masters), and he can get killy-widdit pretty much from the get-go.  Although, it strikes me that the more melee-focused models probably have the edge on this one, right?  Might be starting right on top of one another's crews...

    I went melee heavy. Both Mancha and Burt were deployed next to soon to be dead scheme runners. Solid independent models seem to be the key here.

  14. Just did the Trickster scenario Chaos Unleashed. I went kill heavy and my opponent went for a more schemey Neverborn loadout. My alphas took him off Convict Labor for the game, but he got to control the center till my crew finished murdering things. Turn 4 I collapsed in scoring scenario and sealing my lead.  

    Random deployments a fun little mind game.

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