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Posts posted by Hoyled

  1. Man this reminds me of a guy who argued with me that protection from creatures protected a creature from a spell that did x damage where x is my biggest creature. Just because the spell said creature. Thankfully I pawned that argument off on a tier 2 judge walking by after running through the guys logic loop twice.

    Anyway I'm not really seeing the language issue here. "Due to" seems to cover both the obey and embalmed rules intents perfectly fine.

  2. My friend/only other Malifaux player and I stopped playing around when Avatars got released in the old edition. I'm greatly interested in seeing what they've done with the concept. My buddy can barely wait considering he's got a lovingly painted pair of Avatars that never got to see table time.

  3. Its been a long time since I've wandered the streets of Malifaux. You can measure it in eons, or editions, okay just one edition. I've moved back into my old stomping grounds after two years and low and behold there's a Malifaux player base now. And its not just me and my good buddy/excuse to buy new games enabler. So after realizing that my outcast army had been cut into two factions, and that getting mark 2 cards for my Levi crew was gonna be a pain, it was time to break out the bayou brigade from there long slumber and let them enjoy being their own faction.

    Map: Western town, decent spread of building along a diagonal road, lot of fencing creating courtyards between buildings, some trees and such to break up Los in the courtyards. One edge has a open area with a gallows.

    Deployment: standard

    Strategy: New strategy from 2015 document, Tombstones ( probably the wrong name) ie, kill stuff and it leaves markers you collect for points

    My list

    Some Teeth Jones : Dirty Cheater, Family Tree, Stilts

    Taxidermist: Dirty Cheater

    War Pig


    3 x stuffed piglets

    2x bayou gremlins

    2x Skeeter's

    Schemes: Deliver a revealed, Distract

    His List

    Jacob Lynch: Returning Huggy

    Hungering Darkness (Huggy )

    Mr Graves

    Mr. Tannen


    2x Illuminated


    Missing a few points of upgrades I believe

    Schemes: Deliver a Message revealed, Assassinate

    Deployment: He deploys first, spreading his models out around the gallows with huggy in the far left corner. I choose a courtyard in the bottom right, plop down the pult and put everything but the taxidermist and war pig around it. Those two go behind a building at the bottom of the street.

    Turn 1: Iniatize Somer

    I move a skeeter into the street and defensive stance. An illuminated comes forward, checks for a shot, is short and moves a bit. Second skeeter follows firsts lead. Second illuminated moves to a building corner and defensive stances. Somer Gets Ur Bro twice ( putting all four bayou gremlins I own on the table) and moves up a bit. Beckoner moves up the road some and pulls graves into a better spot. Slop hauler heals my gremlins. Doppelganger mimics Beckoner, pulls Huggy towards the center. War pig moves forward, then charges a skeeter from me misremembering set ur off. Misses. Tannen walks up the street by the Beckoner. Pigapult sacs a stuffed piglet, recklesses, and blows up Tannen and the Beckoner. First tombstones of the game. Graves heads for the street. Taxidermist walks up some. Huggy just reaches my war pig on a charge. Dead pig. Gremlin walks to a decent shooting spot. Lynch grabbed a tombstone then drops into defensive stance. Rest of the gremlins walk toward the action. O-1

    Turn 2 Lynch ( Doppelganger Cheat)

    Graves pushes up the first illuminated then walks. Pigapult splats Doppelganger splashing the second illuminated, then hits huggy for a bit. Lynch grabs another tombstone and walks forward. Taxidermist makes a piglet and walks toward a middle courtyard. Second illuminated heals to full, charges and splats a taxidermist. New stuffed piglet walks toward second illuminated. First illuminated charges and kills a gremlin and ties up a second. Somer walks up, Do It Like Dis for Rams, then thinkin luck boomer shots put down the hungering darkness and sphlash the second illuminated and the piglet. Bacon Bomb from the piglet adds a bit of damage. Gremlin vaporizes himself and the second illuminated with a red joker damage dumb luck shot. Another gremlin runs up the street from a side road. Last gremlin distracts illuminated. Skeeter's reach grave and lynch and defensive stance. Slop Hauler grabs a tombstone. 1-2

    Turn 3 Somer

    I distract two models and grab a tombstone. He kills a gremlin with his illuminated, and flails at skeeters for the rest of the turn. 3-2

    Turn 4

    Good use of graves push frees up the illuminated, threatening Somer,who backs off to prevent message delivering. Everything else is tied in melee. No points scored.

    Turn 5 lynch

    Red joker let's graves push a skeeter. This let's lynch score a tombstone and kills my last gremlin, bringing back huggy. Somer fails to handle illuminated and backs up.

    . Huggy flails at Skeeters 3-3.

    Turn 6

    Skeeter's kept him locked down, but Somer couldn't get anything accomplished by himself this turn. Game ends 3-3

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  4. Downloaded the 2.0 quickstart rules. Looks interesting as a rough dsraft. Some interesting mechanis to be sure. Summoning requiring a terrian feature is pretty cool. Constitution checks feel like a lot of random paper work. The one odd thing is that the version I downloaded doesn't tell you how to get the mana to cast cards.

  5. What Ratty said is pretty much my experience. If the board is barren the Ortega gunline is close to unbeatable. Its how my first experiences with the game went and nearly ruined it for me. So break things up as much as possible.

    After you've got enough Terrain use it. Toroswap misaki forward then ninjas dive your opponents models through the wall. Smoke bombs can help cut down on the few remaining fields of fire.

    The key to killing Perdita is judging when your opponents hand is weakest and hammer her. Preferably with Misaki herself. Try to hit the decapitate trigger as much as possible and remember to Your mine Perdita for the positive flip.

  6. Very nice write up. Finally got to pull my Misaki box out and give it a few test runs. Misaki is amazingly killy and the Torekage are fantastic utility models/ back up fighters. Ototo got focused down in a few games, but he did crush Ortega skulls wonderfully.

    The ten thunders brothers and ronin are on the list of future ninjas purchases.

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