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Posts posted by JSKrush

  1. Divergent Paths League
    Where: Red Raccoon Games

                (309) 828-9196, 309 N Main St, Bloomington, IL 61701


    When: Sept 21-Nov 20

                Official League Store Times: Wednesdays 5:00pm to 9:00pm, Demo Day Saturdays (See below)

                Other times available at the store whenever tables are open and people want to meet-up


    Sign-up sheet in the store or contact: James Kroesch, Forum PM JSKrush or email james.kroesch@gmail.com

    Entry Fee
    $2 and gets you a Wyrd Guilder

    Play anytime you like against anyone you like following the rules of the Divergent Paths event.  Games can be at the store, homes, or using Vassel.

    • Section 1 – Sep 21 – Sep 25
    • Section 2 – Sep 26 – Oct 9
    • Section 3 – Oct 10 – Oct 23
    • Section 4 – Oct 24 – Nov 6
    • Section 5 – Nov 7 – Nov 20

    The winner of each game is responsible for reporting the following information to the organizer (James) or documenting on the record sheet in the store.

    Please also report the game online for the Divergent Path Event at http://www.wyrd-games.net/divergent-paths

    • Your Name (first and last)
    • Your Opponents Name (first and last)
    • VP for both players.
    • What  Section and Scenario you played.
    • Where you played your game.


    Achievement points can be earned per each game, round, and over the course of the whole league.  Each player will get an achievement sheet to track them when they play their entry fee.

    Players can trade points into Guilders or Mystery Boxes at the end of the league.  Additional spot prizes and another awards may be available based on participation numbers.


    Demo Days

    Where: Red Raccoon Games: (309) 828-9196, 309 N Main St, Bloomington, IL 61701

    When: Wednesdays during the league and the following Saturdays 10am to 1pm

    • 9/24/2016
    • 10/8/2016
    • 10/15/2016
    • 11/5/2016
    • 11/19/2016

    No previous experience, game knowledge, or materials necessary.  Everything can be provided.  Just show up and have some fun.

  2. I agree with your conclusions that something or maybe even multiple things need to be done here.  Being an Outcast player, I used the same Wretch and rat tactic in Leveticus lists with Belles to out activate and bring stuff to me to kill.  Making just one of them un-hirable could be a fix and still match faction hiring.

    I also support the idea of Killjoy popping out only against non-peon kills as it could only be the next Killjoy bomb is with another faction that gets something just as cheap and fast as rats.

  3. Week 2 - "When the man comes around"

    There is news that someone new has come to town.  You may or may not have a history with them, but don't let that stop you from running your game on the other crews looking to edge in on your turf.  Whatever is agenda is, maybe you can put it to your advantage... Or maybe not...

    If you play your games using all of the following, each player that does not Strategically Withdraw before Turn 3, gains 2 additional scrip.
        Event:  The Lonely Traveler
        Strategy:  Extraction
        Deployment:  Standard
        Schemes:  Convict Labor, Neutralize the Leader, Show of Force, Exhaust Their Forces, Search the Ruins

  4. Week 1 - "The Sins of the Masters"

    In the wake of The Event, your crew, your once loyal band, your friends, have scattered to the far reaches of Malifaux.  Your master, still recovering from the forces unleashed, has left you to fend for yourself.  The haunting sounds of mechanical hooves can still be heard on the winds whispering through the streets at night.  But your not afraid.  The soulstone power still is yours to call.  You're a leader.  Fate will be yours to shape.  Its time to start new, pick yourself up, and get back into the game... At whatever the cost...

    If you play your games using all of the following, each player that does not Strategically Withdraw before Turn 3, gains 2 additional scrip.
        Event:  A Sinners Prayer (Modified: Players may cheat flips while resolving the Encounter event.)
        Strategy:  Reconnoiter
        Deployment:  Flank
        Schemes:  Convict Labor, Show of Force, Leave Your Mark, Detonate the Charges, Frame for Murder

  5. Welcome to the next chapter in the Red Raccoon Games Malifaux M2E campaigns!

    This campaign will be a casual, fun event for both new and experience Malifaux players over multiple weeks. Players will start with a small crew lead by a Henchman looking to make it big in Malifaux and growing to be the best crew with the swankiest Hideout this side of the Bayou and Malifaux City!

    Players will be able to continue the tales of fortune and fate from our last campaign or start anew with all new crews and adventures.

    The campaign will last for 6 weeks and over that time your models will gain injuries, curses, find unique weapons and learn new skills. Campaign games are played using the same rules as normal Malifaux, but after the game is finished, you will determine what happened to your injured crew members and try to find new upgrades for the survivors in the way of Skills and Equipment. These changes to your crew will carry over from game to game until the Campaign is completed. In addition to this, there will sometimes be Campaign events which affect the game, such as special terrain, scenarios, or other fun challenges.

    Games are not required to be played at the store but the usual Wednesday night (5:30pm to Close) and Saturday morning (10am to 1pm) times will be available for people to show up for pick-up games or arrange plans in advance. A Player must have their campaign sheet initialed by their opponent for their points to count.

    Location: Red Raccoon Games, Bloomington, IL


    This campaign will be free to play.


    Campaign Duration and Schedule

    The campaign will run for 6 weeks, starting on March 2nd and completing April 6th. Each Wednesday night will be the weekly event night and signify the start of a new week and a new event will be announced.


    Campaign Rules

    Starting Crew Requirements

    The first Wednesday (March 2nd) each player will declare a single faction for the campaign and hire their models. The players’ starting arsenal will consist of up to 45 Soulstones of models including a single Henchman as your declared Leader (using the cost of the henchman) and a maximum 2 non-campaign upgrade which can be assigned to a model in your arsenal. Masters may not be hired at this time. They can be earned in later weeks according to the campaign rules.

    As part of the starting crew, a player which played in the previous "Shifting Loyalties" campaign may include a single non-master model from their previous crew in their starting crew purchases.  They may also include one non-rare 1 upgrade which was associated with that model.  (all previous injuries they may have suffered are removed)

    Each crew may also start with a single bounty selected for free.

    Hide Outs

    At the start of the campaign each player chooses a specific type of Hide Out they will be building. This choice is permanent for the crew and can be expanded upon over the course of the campaign.

    Rare 1 models & Drafting

    Each model with the characteristic of ‘Rare 1’ will only be hirable by the first player to acquire them in their arsenal throughout the campaign on a first come, first serve basis. During the first week of the campaign we will run a draft to hire the players starting crews. Players will be assigned a number at random and will draft their models into their crew in a 1,2,3,4,5,6,6,5,4,3,2,1,1,2,etc. format until all players have their starting crews selected.

    New Hires

    The start of each week is the only time players may hire new models for their arsenal. The player with the lowest combined arsenal may choose first, followed by the next lowest, and so on drafting models like the first week.

    The first model a crew hires each week costs 5 script less than it normally would. Every player must hire a minimum of one new model. Non-campaign upgrades are also purchasable at this time for double their normal soulstone cost.


    During week 3 and after, during the New Hires phase of the week, any crew which has completed at least one Bounty may pay 10 script to purchase a Master for their arsenal.

    For the Love of Money

    A player may ‘loan out’ one or more models in their arsenal to other players that may legally hire them for a negotiated value of script less than or equal to the models’ normal soulstone cost. If a player does this, the owning player may not hire loaned out models during any of their games that week. The models become unavailable to the player they were loaned to and available to the owning player at the start of the next week. Any campaign upgrades, skills, or injuries a model has/acquires or loses while loaned remain as such when a model is loaned out or returned.

    Stay Dead

    If a Rare 1 model or Master is annihilated from a player’s crew, the model become unavailable for all players and remaining games of the campaign.

    Cut ‘Em Up for Parts

    In between games, any crew may annihilate any crew members it wishes to gain an amount of Script equal to half of the model’s soulstone cost rounded up. The if the model was a Rare 1 model see the “Stay Dead” rule above.

    Games per Week

    Each player may play a maximum of two games against other players in the campaign per week. Any others games played above two will be strickly for fun and will not have an Aftermath phase for either player.

    Each week a Campaign event will be announced as well as a recommended 2016 Gaining Grounds Strategy / Deployment / Scheme Pool.  Playing the specified combination will result in extra bonuses for completing the games.

    Re-hire / Late Start

    If a player wishes to stop playing with their current arsenal, they may choose to restart with a new arsenal at 35 soulstones for that week. All models / upgrades they previously had are removed from their arsenal and all Rare 1 models are made available again to be hired by others. The player restarting may not rehire any of their old Rare 1 models during their initial re-hiring.

    A player joining for the first time during a running campaign may do so at any time. They will start a new arsenal as normal following the above restrictions and Rare 1 model availability.

    A player then playing with a re-hired arsenal or joining the campaign for the first time may play up to three games that week to attempt to catchup with the other players in the league.


    Fully painted is encouraged but not required. An additional 2 script will be awarded to a player each week if they have a fully painted arsenal at the start of the weekly Wednesday gaming session.


    Proxies are allowed at the discretion of the event organizer. Any model which can be used to logically distinguish to a reasonable level to the official Malifaux model / art should be allowed.


    End of the Campaign

    Three winners will be determined at the end of the campaign

    • Mastery – Player with the best record of Campaign Points / Diff / Victory Points over the 5 weeks. A player may count a maximum of two games per week. (If a player starts late or re-hires their arsenal they may count three games for their initial week with the crew)
    • Best Hide Out – Player with the most fortifications on their Hide Out. In the case of a tie on number of fortifications, then the player with the most flair is the winner. If still tied, play the best of three rock-paper-scissors for winner takes all!
    • Best Painted – Player with the best crew of at least 45 soulstones comprising of only models which are part of their campaign arsenal.


    If you have any questions, please feel free to post here, PM JSKrush on the forums, or email james.kroesch@gmail.com

  6. 'Frozen Plains' 2016

    On Saturday, February 27th, 2016 Red Raccoon Games will be hosting a 50ss Modified Gaining Grounds 2016 Malifaux Tournament.


    TO/Contact: James Kroesch (JSKrush on Forums or james.kroesch@gmail.com)

    Location: Red Raccoon Games, 309 N Main St, Bloomington, IL 61701

    Event Sign-up:  https://www.facebook.com/events/211853505830070/

    Players: 16 maximum (respond to post, PM, or email to reserve spots)

    Number of Rounds: 3

    Round Time Limit: 105 Minutes

    • With a 15 minute break between rounds

    Strategy Selection: 

    • Round 1 – Interference, Standard Deployment
    • Lunch Break - 45 min
    • Round 2 – Squatter's Rights, Corner Deployment
    • Round 3 – Headhunter, Standard Deployment

    Scheme Selection: TBA before each round

              *All Schemes can be found in Gaining Grounds 2016

    Game Size: 50 Soulstones

    Crew Construction: Single Faction OR Single Fixed, Dual Faction Master

       At the start of the Tournament, the player will sign up with a specific faction and follows the Hiring restrictions for that faction as normal in each round.


       At the start of the Tournament, the player will sign up with a specific master which may follow the Hiring restrictions allowed by their dual faction status.  Each round the player will declare to their opponent which Master they are playing and are allowed to hire a crew according to one of their allowed faction Hiring restrictions.

    PROXIES: Proxies for yet to be released models are allowed at the discretion of the event organizer.

           Any model which can be used to logically distinguish to a reasonable level to the official Malifaux model / art should be allowed.  If you have a question, email or PM per the contact information above.

    SCORING: Domination Format [TP/Diff/VP]

    ENTRY FEE: $5 per person (Will go to prize support as store credit)

    AWARDS: Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and Best Painted.  Prize box raffle prizes available as well.


    • 9:50am - 10:25am - Setup & Registration
    • 10:30am - 12:15pm - Round 1
    • 12:15pm - 1:00pm - Lunch
    • 1:00pm - 2:45pm - Round 2
    • 3:00pm - 4:45pm - Round 3
    • 5:00pm - 5:30pm - Wrap-up and Awards
  7. I can't say enough about how great all the attendees were.  Talk about making an event easy to run and as a TO I had a blast just watching the fun happen. :)

    Thanks to everyone that made the trip out and we are definitely going to be at Flatcon next year, looking to be even bigger and better.  I'd like to think this could be a really great continuing end of the year event for the Midwest region before the weather really turns and we all start focusing on something like Michigan Open or Adepticon for the next year.

    Personal challenge: Fully painted terrain on every table next year ;)

    PICS for everyone: https://twitter.com/JSKrush/status/657946356921815040

    Link to Warscore Details for the event: http://www.warscore.net/event/203/view.html

    • Like 1
  8. Here's the preview of the prize pool options as promised for the Gaining Grounds event.

    In our group, we always do a choice from a prize box.  Picture attached is what's currently in there.


    The Best in Faction 30mm markers from Bendyboards.co.uk for highest racked faction player

    Bad Things Happen 30mm marker & Breaching the Faux Deck for player with the Worst Fate

    First Place Overall will get their pick of limited edition model or other available model/minion 3-pack.

    Based on attendance:

        TTB Multi-pose Character Kit & Reaper Paint set - Best Painted Crew

        2nd place pick of Limited Edition model.

        More Breaching the Faux Decks added somewhere for prizes.

    Flatcon Malifaux Prizes.JPG

    • Like 1

    Week 4 - "The Hatter's bullet"


    With Nythera rising, the shards of Kythera will not be forgotten are calling to those seeking power.  Revenge is on the wind and the stakes are high this week.  Can you kill your mark and strike it big?  Or draw the suffering and murder out on the underlings?  Your fate is yours.  Or is it...

    If you play your games using all of the following, each player that does not Strategically Withdraw before Turn 3, gains 2 additional scrip.
        Event:  A Bullet with Your Name @ Kythera
        Strategy:  Stake a Claim
        Deployment:  Standard
        Schemes:  LitS, Protect Territory, Bodyguard, Make them Suffer, Murder Protege


    Note: IF both players are registered for the Nythera Campaign, an encounter for this week may follow the Nythera rules instead for Event/Strongholds and gain the same 2 additional script bonus if it is submitted online per the Wyrd campaign.

  10. Apologies.  Weds are our fixed play nights were we are all definitely there.  Some Saturday mornings some guys do meet up but it's hit or miss based on schedules with people usually planning games in advance.  Next to time you think you can make it on a Saturday, shoot me a PM or email and I'll be sure to let you know if people are making it.

    • Like 1
  11. Week 3 - "Working on the Chain Gang"


    The Guild is building a new road from Malifaux City out to the badlands.  They've got some of your good friends, best of enemies, and others which owe you a few scrip working on the line.  I'm sure someone is going to raise some commotion so this is the perfect opportunity to achieve your schemes on those working on the Chain gang or targeting their own marks.

    If you play your games using all of the following, each player that does not Strategically Withdraw before Turn 3, gains 2 additional scrip.
        Event:  Chain Gang
        Strategy:  Extraction
        Deployment:  Close
        Schemes:  LitS, Assassinate, Bodyguard, Deliver the Message, Plant Explosive


    Note: IF both players are registered for the Nythera Campaign, an encounter for this week may follow the Nythera rules instead for Event/Strongholds and gain the same 2 additional script bonus if it is submitted online per the Wyrd campaign.

    Current Hired Rare1 Models:


        Old Major (Jeff W)
        Trixiebelle (Jeff W)
        Francois (Jarrett K)
        Remi (Jarrett K)
        Lenny (Jarrett K)
        Burt (Jarrett K)
        Merris (Jarrett K)

        Ulix (Jeff W)


        Cassandra (Jeff K)

        Ironsides (Jeff K)


        Hannah (Aaron W)
        Sue (Aaron W)
        Hodgepodge Effigy (Aaron W)
        Montressor (James K)
        Bishop (James K)
        Pride (James K)

        Big Jake (James K)

        Strongarm Suit (Aaron W)



        Valedictorian (Adam B )
        Dead Rider (Adam B )
        Sebastian (Nate L)
        Rafkin (Nate L)
        Carrion Effigy (Nate L)
        Forgotten Marshel (Nate L)

        McMorning (Nate L)


        Francisco (Jordan K)
        Santiago (Jordan K)
        Brutal Effigy (Jordan K)


        Angel Eyes (Allen)
        Doppelganger (Allen)
        Scion of the Black Blood (Allen)

        Tuco (Allen)

    Annihilated Rare1 Models:


    News from the 'Vox:

    The injuries are starting to mount, tensions are escalating, and the stakes are getting higher!  This week was especially bloody on all fronts.

    All out war has erupted in the streets of Malifaux with the Neverborn and Ressers duking (and ducking) it out as our fair citizen workers try to make this city more civilized.  These are truly terrifying sights to behold!

    Even our fairest (yet blood thirsty) lady Performers have hired in some muscle to iron out the competition against the Academic escapades of the honorable, and always for hire, Freikcorps.  You'd think those dancers are trying to run the show around here or something.

    Out in the lesser 'settled' parts of Malifaux's graveyards, wastelands, and bayous, the Undead and the Doctors continue to look to continue to draw up their army.

    While we thought we could see the ultimate Gremlin Hoot'i'nany, tis not to be this week.  Another feller with a bow is out to shape the mangy heard of pigs into a lean, mean, bacon machine.   Mmmmm Bacon...

    And finally in what can only be described as an all out war at the edge of Nythera, the Band of Tormented clashed with the Kin.  People were branded, where pigs punched, things let ablaze and at the end no one left unscathed but a single Tall man wandering in the middle of the wastelands.  The band quickly regrouped though with them and the Performers fighting to a draw again at Nythera.

    Now the winds have shifted.  The noose swings.  And bad music can be heard on the horizon.

  12. Week 2 - "...An offer you can't refuse"


    The dust has cleared, alliances have formed, vendettas have been settled, and a few have come come out better, or worse.  Each new crew has established their base of operations and started building their little empires.  Now is the time for them to reach out and start expanding their territory and accepting new jobs to pay the bills.  Time to get to work.

    If you play your games using all of the following, each player that does not Strategically Withdraw before Turn 3, gains 2 additional scrip.
        Event:  A Lucrative Offer
        Strategy:  Interference
        Deployment:  Flank
        Schemes:  LitS, Assassinate, Protect Territory, Outflank, Entourage


    Note: IF both players are registered for the Nythera Campaign, an encounter for this week may follow the Nythera rules instead for Event/Strongholds and gain the same 2 additional script bonus if it is submitted online per the Wyrd campaign.

    Current Hired Rare1 Models:


        Old Major (Jeff W)
        Trixiebelle (Jeff W)
        Francois (Jarrett K)
        Remi (Jarrett K)
        Lenny (Jarrett K)
        Burt (Jarrett K)
        Merris (Jarrett K)


        Cassandra (Jeff K)


        Hannah (Aaron W)
        Sue (Aaron W)
        Hodgepodge Effigy (Aaron W)
        Montressor (James K)
        Bishop (James K)
        Pride (James K)


        Valedictorian (Adam B )
        Dead Rider (Adam B )
        Sebastian (Nate L)
        Rafkin (Nate L)
        Carrion Effigy (Nate L)
        Forgotten Marshel (Nate L)


        Francisco (Jordan K)
        Santiago (Jordan K)
        Brutal Effigy (Jordan K)


        Angel Eyes (Allen)
        Doppelganger (Allen)
        Scion of the Black Blood (Allen)

    Annihilated Rare1 Models:


    News from the 'Vox:

    Things are really getting hot this week.

    The mad doctors pulled out a close win from the performers but in the aftermath Cassandra uncovered a powerful relic. Now she's mad with power, while the Carrion Effigy found a sword that was greater than he as shown later it has given him a little bit of an ego.  Maybe it's time for Sebastian to call in the good doctor to put the little effigy back in his place.

    On the Academic front they ran into the wild herd of pigs but came away unscathed.  Well except for a missing corpsman named Bob.  He wasn't in his bunk this morning.  No one knows where he's at but a bloke named Joe showed up. He's the new trapper and he brought jerky. Who wants some jerky?

    In the shadow of the storm raising over Nythera, the Guild Latigo posse came up against the Band of Tormented in the town of Debtor's Delve.  Later the Tormented tried for a rematch on the Performers but it only came away with Montressor losing a few fingers to Miss Cassandra.

    In the marshes outside of town, the Nephlim continue to grow their forces while the Kin have setup a pig farm. I hear they are going out to try to wrangle in that unwieldy the heard in next week.

    Wait... Does that gremlin have a rocket pack!? And a barbed whip!?! Quick RUN!......

    • Like 2
  13. Week 1 - "Something is not right"

    A creepy wind is blowing through the world of Malifaux.  The winds of magic are fickle, the masters are scheming on their own, and now is the perfect time for those looking to move up the power ladder to gain recognition… and scrip!  The henchmen are on the prowl to grab what stashes of riches have been left behind before others can so they can build their own hideouts.  Some have old vendettas to settle, some are looking to distract or trap the competition, and others completely running for the hills while they can.  Find your friends, followers, or the scroungers you can afford and set to building your own fate.  Just remember… Bad things happen….

    If you play your games using all of the following, each player that does not Strategically Withdraw before Turn 3, gains 2 additional scrip.
        Event:  Dead Zone
        Strategy:  Guard the Stash
        Deployment:  Standard
        Schemes:  LitS, Breakthrough, Distract, Spring the Trap, Vendetta

    Current Hired Rare1 Models:


    • Old Major (Jeff W)
    • Francois (Jarrett K)
    • Remi (Jarrett K)
    • Lenny (Jarrett K)
    • Burt (Jarrett K)


    • Cassandra (Jeff K)


    • Hannah (Aaron W)
    • Sue (Aaron W)
    • Hodgepodge Effigy (Aaron W)
    • Montressor (James K)
    • Bishop (James K)
    • Pride (James K)


    • Valedictorian (Adam B )
    • Dead Rider (Adam B )
    • Sebastian (Nate L)
    • Rafkin (Nate L)
    • Carrion Effigy (Nate L)


    • Francisco (Jordan K)
    • Santiago (Jordan K)


    • Angel Eyes (Allen)
    • Doppelganger (Allen)

    Annihilated Models:


    News from the 'Vox:

    A heard of pigs ran into some Performers out on a smuggling run.  The girls got away unscathed though.

    The mad doctors faced of against the academics.  While the docs came out on top, there was definate hidden skills unlocked from a little librarian.

    A raiding party of gremlins and a wandering band of undead constructs passed each other like ships in the night.

    The Guild law men tried to wrangle up some Neverborn outlaws but they were able to stage a clean get away with only one Silurid suffering some PTSD side effects.

    In the dead of night, a rag-tag band of Outcasts has arrived late to the party only to be out maneuvered by the Performers returning with their spoils.

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