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Posts posted by 011121

  1. As much as I love minion misaki I really don't like the model they have of her as a master. The goofy over the head backwards kick just looks ridiculous. I may very well play her but I'll definitely substitute another model.

    Lynch is interesting as mainly a neverborn player I'm intrigued, but..

    ..I've been branching out into arcanists slowly and the Rail crew is the one I'm most interested in. Mei looks very dynamic and bad-^%$ (whereas misaki looks dynamic and badly posed). I'm not sure all the combos she can apparently whip out will match my play style but I'm most likely going to give it a shot.

    Yan Lo interests me, I'll be curious to read how he works and maybe proxy him. Ressers is another faction I'd like to start developing. He may or may not be a good place to start.

    The guild guy holds no interest for me. No surprise, C Hoffman is the only guild master I'm interested in. Probably because he's the least guild like being essentially a transplant from arcanists.

  2. It's always better to underpromise and overperform rather than vice versa. If they had not said anything about having 70% models ready for gencon and just showed up with them people would have been blown away. They might have missed some sales opportunities because people wouldn't have budgeted but the return in terms of customer appreciation would have most likely paid for it (it's not like they couldn't unload whatever stock they had left over from Gencon).

    Frankly teasing a bunch of models that weren't going to be available to buy and not teasing most of the ones that are available seems boneheaded.

    Here's how I would have handled it- internally set a goal of 70% available at gencon. In the week ahead of time start dribbling out teasers for those models that you know are ready to go to the show along with something like the post they came out with today about the new masters. Then the day before gencon drop a quick post that you managed to get "some figures" ready early and will be on sale at the same time as the book. Don't make it sound like a big deal, keep expectations low, but point out that that's a lot better than previous books which came out well before any minis from those books. Then when the people report back from gencon about how you had x% available immediately it wildly exceeds expectations.

    Because if you say ahead of time you are going to have 70% of the minis at gencon then, whether it's fair or not, that becomes the expectation you have to hit just to break even. It always amazes me that so many game companies are so bad at managing expectations. I think they mistake expectation for enthusiasm.

    Not to say this has been a bad roll out, by most measures it's shaping up to be very successful, the tragedy is that by not better managing expectations Wyrd won't get much credit for it.

  3. I want to do a circus Marcus crew with the mauler, showgirls, and a cerberus... and Miranda. Every Marcus list should have Miranda.

    Maybe paint Miranda up as a $$$$$$$$$$ and put the top hat from the accessories sprue on marcus (or get an alt model for him).

    Edit- wow apparently the obscenity filter hates the word:






    Random. Very Random.

  4. Neverborn don't have a lot of ranged, instead they tend to be very fast moving melee attackers. Tuco (a corrupted Ortega family member with a big shotgun) and the widow weaver (who exhales fear at people) are two ranged attackers. Iggy (a flaming incarnation of teenager angst) may have a ranged attack, can't remember right now.

  5. Moles have a few nice qualities- very high Wp which can help against some crews. Sure Zoraida can still obey them but it's not an automatic thing, and they're kind of annoying for a pandora crew. Beyond that they have some nice defenses n the form of armor and the ability to get a lot more armor.

    They can make decent objective grabbers and holders. They aren't zippy like silurids (note- buy silurids!) but they may be more likely to survive getting to where they are going.

  6. Sucks to give so much and have to feel that way. Take heart that there are many of us that truly appreciate all that you do.

    "Give so much"? They're a business. They make a product and try to encourage us to buy it. There's nothing wrong with that, but it involves very little giving. Promotions are done for one reason- to boost sales. Not because they like you or me. That's simple reality. They have a job to do and hopefully they do it well. They've made a good quality product, by and large, and so I hope they succeed in marketing it. The market could use more high quality games.

    But don't pretend that they're our buddies or self sacrificing. We're customers. Period.

    If you start regarding them as a business you may be less hurt when customers give feedback (which is not to say that some feedback can't be excessively angry or unduly harsh, obviously it can be and at times has).

  7. I don't see her working with the spawn mother. Tuco has terrifying and a big cannon, so that's not bad for pandora. The widow weaver has terrifying and a ranged attack that causes a morale duel. She also draws cards when opponents nearby fail morale tests. The mysterious effigy has some generic usefulness. Actually all the effigies (except the hodgepodge) have some nice aspects. Plus Iggy as mentioned before.

    So there you go, a few models that have potential with pandora.

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