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Posts posted by 011121

  1. Why should it? I mean, if my range is 1 and the other is 3 I'm also in a dead zone unless I move, gunfighters already get a very nice 2" range, don't see why they have to get a better deal out of it and not be able to be screwed by combat ranges like everybody else.

    because it doesn't make any sense to say "you can use your gun when not in melee, and you can use your gun in melee, but when you're sort of in between the two? No totally can't use your gun." It's obviously an unintended rules artifact.

  2. I know what you mean about taking models just to die, but for me it depends on whether it fits the fluff. Ressers manipulating desperate mercs and then killing them to have as useful corpses. That I can totally see. Mercs working with lilith? That I have a lot more trouble justifying.

  3. I think there may be some confusion with how "Companion" chains work.


    Collodi and his marionettes don't actually companion, he has a different ability that lets any marionettes within 6" activate at the end of his turn, plus he can also (0) to let one friendly doll activate after him.

  4. It sort of sounds like you aren't using enough terrain. Specifically it sounds like you have huge fire corridors. With Collodi's maneuverability there should be no problem jumping from one area of cover to another... unless you just don;t have much of any cover.

    As I said Perdita is one of the hardest targets for collodi because ranged attacks and high Df are two things that make his life hard. There are bad match ups in the game. When I first started I had Ophelia vs my son's dreamer. That's a match that is getting really close to unwinnable. The dreamers strengths match up really well with the gremlin's weaknesses and lead to a very one sided un-fun game.

    That said you say a couple other things that make me wonder. I never, and I mean NEVER assume I'll get anything but minimum damage on an attack (1) but that hardly ever matters because I usually get 15 of them. I've torn apart teddy's in one turn (with ease, it wasn't even close) and a teddy is WAY harder a target than any ortega except perdita herself. This makes me wonder if you are buffing your dolls up before the attack. Assuming you use 2 marionettes to move you should till get 10 or so attacks off on the enemy before the wicked dolls come in.

    You may also want to consider running Zoraida with Collodi as the henchman. If nothing else it means Papa Loco won't hit the table (unless perdita has a death wish).

  5. *sigh*

    why are the pretty ones always so complicated...

    ---------- Post added at 10:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 AM ----------

    So you're telling me she moves like collodi, hits like Lady Justice, dodges like Perdita, whirlwinds better than LCB(!), and fuels her green lantern ring almost as well as Zoraida?

    This is not helping my game balance apprehensions.

  6. Perdita is one of the hardest targets for collodi to tackle. Kaeris is another bad one. That said it's not impossible. If he's brought papa loco that should be your target for the stitched, as his WP sucks. You say something about hitting for 3 damage on 2 targets, why are you attacking 2 different targets? Hit one enemy until they're dead as this game has no system for reducing effectiveness due to wounds.

    You can also try using an arcane effigy which has some decent ranged firepower of it's own.

    Against perdita I'd be more inclined to spend the first couple turns filling more dolls with stones (be that the effigy, stitched, collodi himself, or just the marionettes). Also make sure to have wicked dolls, they're awesome for the cost.

  7. So I just got the Kaeris box set plus Joss and I'm looking at the latter's card and I can't help but notice it doesn't have unique, or even rare 1. Is it an old version of the card or can I really have a force of the amazing Joss triplets?

  8. Probably works best with something like a Slate Ridge Mauler, and no other options. Something interesting, useful and easy to get into.

    I'd go with the razorspine rattler myself. It's fun, nasty, has some tricks to get into once you get a little more comfortable with the game. That said I wouldn't recommend Marcus in general.

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