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Posts posted by Molja

  1. Of course you can mimic riflemen directly. But when you mimic Childs "just like you" and use it to "issue command" you can get all kind of bonus from that. For example critical strike -trigger and their ability "firing line". Hurts a lot when you're in the receiving end. Negative side on this is that it is very card dependent when you are doing "just like you" twice a turn.

    • Like 1
  2. I don't play with Lucius but played against him. Couple riflemen, dashel, malifaux chlid and adoppelganger does wonders. Doppelganger mimicing chlids "just like you" and you have "free shots" from riflemen. He did have some guild hounds for running schemes.

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  3. G'day to all!


    In the end of July it's again time to gather in Dipoli, Espoo to play with little miniatures and cards. This time we're organizing demoplays of Malifaux and on sunday we're playing a tournament


    first round

    time: 9.00 - 9.45
    pool: 20SS
    Strategy: Turf War
    Schemes: Assassinate
    Deployment: Close deployment
    points: 1point from win 

    special: Hardcore; 4 models, no summoning

    second round

    time: 10.00 - 11.45
    pool: 40SS
    Strategy: Squatter's Rights
    Schemes: A Line in the Sand, Assassinate, Bodyguard, Cursed Object, Make Them Suffer
    Deployment: Standard deployment
    points: 3 points from win, 1 point from draw
    special: -

    third round

    time: 12.00 - 13.55
    pool: 50SS
    Strategy: Reckoning
    Schemes: A Line in the Sand, Protect Territory, Distract, Plant Evidence, Plant Explosives
    Deployment: Flank deployment
    points: 3 points from win, 1 point from draw
    special: -

    Winner is called at 14:00


    Info also in finnish https://www.sotavasara.net/keskustelu/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=108703

  4. G'day to everyone!


    We're arranging a demoplay in Helsinki 30 of june in Fantasiapelit Helsinki. By we I mean zFiend and I and we're about to start at clock 15ish. So come and join us to witness how bad things happen in Malifaux!



    • Like 2
  5. Progress has been made and here are the proofs. The emblem has been painted and some white has been added





    Beside Lazarus and SoC I have whole team of freikorps waiting for me. First one to have colous on them is trapper. Going for a brown theme for this guy because in my mind they are still those loners who survive weeks in badlands






    Probably will add flock or mosh to the cape for some camouflage. Other freikorps will be painted black with bright green visors Splinter cell -style.Von Schill though will have inspiration from other so called stealth game. :)

  6. Thanks Math for pointing the mounts eye problem for me. Didn't know what was bothering me with it until you said it. Zfiend might have guessed my inspiration or remembered when I said it to him :) 


    And I have been painting some more of  Lazarus




    Lazarus isn't the only one I've been painting


    Student of Conflict.


    While taking these photos I see that I have to use more thinner and try to make much smoother surfaces or the minis look like rocky road. :unsure: Other option is to use my cellphones camera instead of my Nikon.

    I have already painted Viks, Taelor, Sue and two Ronins. All metal ones. Might take a group shot during Easter.

  7. So I've been recently painted couple miniatures that have been waiting painting a year or two. When inhaling paintfumes one tends to come up with brilliant ideas like posting pictures of those minis to the internets. My recent creation:




    I think the similatity with one well known skullhead is obvious. Almost considered buying a saberthoot cerberos and mounted the rider on that.


    And here's a WIP Lazarus. A real pain because of my choice of paintstyle.




  8. I wouldn't mind if there will be more Horrors. When compared to other Henchmen she (Molly) has too few minions.

    But I wish for campaign rules! Then you really should think which minions are worth sacrifice and which you would want to gain exp. Possibly even gaining an upgrade to be the next Henchman before your opponents slay it...

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