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Posts posted by Molja

  1. He's good support piece and wonderful against totems. Doesn't happen that much but when you get opponents totem in shooting range it's almost gone. Don't forget that his damage track is little off leading because critical strike which is "baked in". 

  2. For speed I use void wretches. Little buggers run trough everything and have decent Walk. Easy to hide and easy to run to objectives. For vonus you can try to give slow to enemy models.

    If you want something with speed and muscle then I suggest Ama no zako. Used her in a campaing and loved her. Card intensive if you want those sweet 0 actions to work out but works well without them too.

  3. I've used Ligeia couple of times. I've used her to harass opponents support model or just prevented models from cheating while defending against my hitters. 

    We are starting a slow grow league in our area and thought starting with Jackie boy. I'll tell what happens and how Ligeia and Montressor performed after that.

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  4. G'day!

    I'll organize demo-games in our  regular place, at Poromagia on Tuesday evenings after 16:00. If you're interested and Tuesday doesn't fit in your schedule just PM me and we can find another place. 

    Poromagia is located in Opastinsilta 7B, Helsinki (Pasila)

    This month I'll be available 17.11. for demo-game!

  5. That body looks like it has been under water some time or has just some extra fluids in it looking at the thighs. I like it!


    @Jeremy: You can play Jack Daw and field the drowned. That way you don't have to start ressers. If you want more of their playthings, then no one can help you.

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