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Iron Heel

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Posts posted by Iron Heel

  1. Doh!

    Been busy at work and completely missed the boat on ordering this year!

    If you have one of these, I've got lots to trade including:

    Miss ery (Nightmare teddy)

    Original metal Nightmare Teddy

    Nightmare Herald of Obliteration Tara boxed set

    Dark Debts box with a converted Miss Terious stand in for Jacob Lynch

    More M2E and lots of malifaux metals.

    Lots of stuff from various manufacturers going back to the 80s.

    If you have any of the items in the title, drop me a PM and I can get you a list and links to picks. Most items are unassembled.

  2. Looking at the Miss Ery model, ot makes sense that it was done by another company.

    I'd love to see model Ht mean "standing figure height," although I fear what this would mean for the Gremlin aesthic. If the new Ophelia was scaled down to the height of the old one then the figure would be nigh unplayable because her arms would be merely microns in diameter!

  3. When I started this post, I hoped that we'd see a wider assortment of folks with actual experiences.  Hopefully, this will expand given a little time...and these players will add their thoughts to this thread.


    Life conspires to keep me off the tabletop at the moment, but when I get a little freedom, I'll have some Ulix booty-shoot'n to report on here too.


    I've not gotten a huge amount of Malifaux games under my belt, but I've played many other systems and rulesets.  Sometimes a model/rule looks uber on paper but translates more reasonably onto the table...I am not dead set on a n3rf being needed, but anytime a see a "you keep it going until you fail" rule in a game where activations and actions are king, it gives me great pause.

  4. Alexifer,

    I am a recent CA transplant too. I am in Bothell in the north. Looks like the burgeoning Mali community at G&G is starting to focus on Tuesday nights.

    I will try to get down there with some bacon this Tuesday. PM me your email address and I will loop you into a thread with the other Mali players. Seems like there are several folks here who played long ago, got vexed with OP models after the first book, stopped, and are now coming back around with M2E. With PP HQ in the region, there sure is a lot of WM/H around, but I am hopeful to get some semblance of ongoing Mali play (despite the fact that I may only get down there intermitently).

  5. I noted my experience on The Sow Page. In 1AP of Ulix he caused the Sow to charge turn 1, which killed one full healed Illuminated, charged and killed a second, charged and killed a Black Blood Shaman. So 1AP led to 21 points gone.

    As I said there though, it was entertaining as hell to watch, but I felt the bonus charges were not balanced for the game.


    I like that Ulix has some powerful tools, but I think that they should come with a cost.  Even if he had to discard a card to keep it going...at least that would be something.

    I am really interested to play Ulix and will probably do so for the first time next week.  I was going to give the bow a whirl and see it in action for myself.

  6. I put in 3 orders during gencon. I got order confirmation for all 3, and shipping confirmation on Sat for 2 of them. Oddly, the middle order (#19916) is the one I've not heard of.

    I am wondering if there was a run on some of the items in that order. Here is the list:

    WYR20403 The Swamp Hag Set

    WYR20609 Slop Haulers

    WYR20610 Warpig

    WYR20413 Waldgeist

    Anyone else with multple orders have this happen?

  7. In a topic on The Sow, it has been noted that Ulix Shot in the Rear ability from the his Huntin' Bow could lead to NPEs.

    I really like Ulix's concept, but have not played or faced him and want to hear from those who have.


    It would seem to me that the fact you have to still hit and damage would lead to a natural end to the sore-booty-rampage inspired by this ability...what has been your experience?  (Note: this is distinguished from your inference.)


  8. There is another thread on QC generally so I will try not to create a totally paralell post here, but I have a specific question on how figures are made now and I think it raises to the level of having its own topic (in the MM forum no less).

    My inference of how this generally works at Wyrd is as follows...

    1. A 2D artist does up an image of a figure dreamed up by the design team.

    (Top-notch artists BTW, I am loving their work.)

    2. A 3D render is made to bring that image to life on the TT.

    3. That render is sent to the caster who 3D prints it and uses this as a master for mold making.

    4. The mold is made and figures are cast from it.

    Now there is probably more back and forth play between these 4 essential steps and perhaps someone other than the caster does the master print, but I figure it goes something like that.

    So in this process, how do scale issues occur?

    Can't that be seen in ratios/measurements on the screen in the 3D rendering program where you could just scale up or down?

    Do wyrd make a master and put it next to established figures in the line?

    I really like Malifaux and the current aesthetic the Wyrd chose, but scale mismatches REALLY bother me.

    I'd really like to better understand this.

  9. Just put in my orders! 


    I was pleased to see the Warpig up there!

    I did not find the scheme/strat deck though....


    Shipping sure takes a bite.  I'd love it if we had a cheaper shipping option but I guess they have to go with what works for their own volume.


    I opted not to get the mix-n-match guys but I do like the concept.  I recall seeing prelim renders for them LONG LONG ago.


  10. Do we have a M2E or even plastic example of this? Thus far, every plastic model I can think of has been a dead ringer for the artwork (or as close as possible).

    Additionally - boo to new Colette. If you can't make her look like Zatanna Zatara without conversion, then you've failed at making a Colette model.

    Somer is quite different in pose and mildly different in clothing.

  11. I would think that lighting would be the big issues.

    Once you are past spue removal and cleaning, you are going to want to be at a table.

    As I understand, glue and furniture do not mix in ways that are beneficial to your mental or relational health. It is best to glue with steady hands too; elbows on a table help.

  12. Was anyone else geared up thinking that Wyrd would release info this past Monday (8/4) on who are the Miss and NM models for Gencon?

    I read that they are being tight lipped b/c they don't want to over-promise the offerings, but I figured that we'd a least know what LEs would be availible.

    At least some hints to drive us nuts would be nice. ;-)

  13. Personally, I'd prefer linked scenarios over a campaign with advancement.

    I played a fair share or Mordheim and Necromunda in my day and FS's concerns are certainly well-founded.

    That said, I did have a good deal of fun with each.

    One big difference I see is that Malifaux is a game of big characters with widely divergent abilities from the get go. Most campaign-oriented minis games start very vanilla and add flavor as the characters develop.

    For me, the current upgrade system (and later avatars) will provide plenty of variation of character's I like to keep me interested.

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