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Posts posted by SgtoSunshine

  1. So the governor's proxy for who? I'm not quite sure who you're referring too for comparison. How does the austringer activate? I thought the captain only referred to guardsmen?

    edit: Also I'm pretty sure Lucius can't have the governor's proxy. Also, what if I dropped a guard for another Austringer instead?

  2. Question, does having Lady J as your Master and Lucius as your henchman kind of mess up your alpha strike? By that I mean you'd be activating Lucius first I suppose then Lady J for the whole slew of things? Is breaking up that blob of activations into two alright?

  3. So, I've decided to delve into the world of malifaux and my master/henchman of choice is Lucius. I've heard that most games are played at 35SS? Well with that in mind I tried putting a list together after reading the Tactica thread as well as some others. This is what I came up with:

    Lucius -- 3 Cache

    Drill Sergeant [3ss]

    Guild Austringer [5ss]

    Guild Guard [4ss]

    Guild Guard [4ss]

    Guild Guard [4ss]

    Guild Guard [4ss]

    Guild Guard Captain [7ss]

    Guild Hound [3ss]

    Guild Hound [3ss]

    Now, in regards to activating everything at once, or at least a good chunk of it, is it right that things would work out with Lucius activating, then the companions, then the captain ordering a guild guard and finally that guard activating his three friends? I put the dogs in...err...because it seemed like the right thing to do?

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