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Posts posted by Darios

  1. Well...

    Malifaux is on the "next to play list" but with no other players around that will be quite tricky ^^

    MALIFAUX: Neverborn & Outcasts

    WH40k: Demons mostly ^^, some GK and still have armies for DA and TAU

    WHFB: Lots of old stuff out there... once every 5-6 months a game with my skaven.

    BFG: Grey Knights/Space marine fleet

    Inquisitor: lots of warbands (about 30 Minis ^^)

    Played some Confrontation before all went wahoonie shaped ^^ got a serious amount of Wolfen and Drunes in some dusty shelf.

  2. which eyes do you mean? *g*

    actually it's quite easy... i use a 10/0 brush and paint first some very bright coulour (Scorpion Green with pandy, Warlock Purple with Cady and Liche Purple with kade and then i do black eyes inside the colourspot, then white inside the Black and then another sliver of black in the white...

    next will be the 3 Sorrows...

  3. well, I'll get him never the less and will definitly field him in my Vic crew.

    why: i don't own any Freikorps up to date ^^ and Malifaux for me is not: making it hell-o-killy 100% maximum effectiveness lists.

    It's more about playing with great models and if he's only half the artwork i'll be a damn happy litte fella when he hits shelfs...

  4. Hello to all out there.

    As i'm new to the wonderful world of Malifaux i'll use this post as a means of introducing myself ^^

    I'm Darios over in good old Europe, more exactly Germany.

    I play tabletops and RPGs for the better half of my life now (as im 26 atm this means 13 years *g*) mostly GW systems (40k/WHFB/BFG/=][=) but i have also a nice collection of the old Rackham minis before they all went "seppuku".

    Malifaux first came to my attention via a german tabletopmagazine ("Tabletopinsider") for which i at that Time wrote a battlereport featuring my 40k Daemons.

    I loved the Idea of a really strange skirmisher with no dice and the minis so far were just stunning.

    But nevertheless focus shifted and Malifaux got somewhat pushed aside (silly me!)

    Some time later i stumbled again across the minis via net and this time i really intended to get seriosly into it.

    That was in march this Year. So what did hold me back?

    Well the finances for a start (having all these geek hobbys and a girlfriend is much to expensive for a poor student like me....) and the serious lack of Malifaux gamers in Germany (Jup. There is nigh on nobody around here as it seems...) was another one.

    but finally i managed to get a good deal of some second hand stuff namely the old core rulebook, a violet fatedeck and my first Wyrd mini... Pandora in Avatarstate.

    That was nearly 2 weeks ago. Now i'm sold. i devoured the Rulebook and everything available via pdf and painted Pandora anew... and i did order the small manual and 2 Crews for starters... Pandora, whose playstyle quite fascinates me and who will be my main Master for the beginning, and the Vics along with some Ronin, Taelor and a Convict Gunslinger (to have something to get others to play the game and spread the infection ^^)

    so now i await the delivery of these minis and hope i manage to get somee of my LGG iinto it.

    So much for the introductional bubbling... now the pics...


    C&C welcome!

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