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Posts posted by Darios

  1. Thanks. I really did enjoy painting that fella...

    really cool sculpt and i think this one might be a favorite of mine...

    Grave Spirit was actually a really fast paintjob sort of 2-3 hours of mostly drybrushing and washing... turned out quite good.

    next up will probably be some Canine Remains... though that Rouge Necromancy also stares quite intently at my paintstation...

  2. thanks the both of you... right now i'm doing several things at the same time:

    -Convict Gunslinger

    -Canine remains

    -Grave Spirit

    -Mindless Zombies

    Pictures are done using the photobackground from massivevodoo.com

    and a simple selfmade photobox... quite easy to do and really a great improvement!

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