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Wake of Godzilla

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Posts posted by Wake of Godzilla

  1. While I hope we might get some new sculpts for the finest upstanding establishment this side of the breach, The Honeypot, I was looking to add some more Depleted to my crew to try out a few builds. 

    Can anyone suggest some alt sculpts that could be used for these repeat customers of Mr Lynch?

  2. On 07/08/2017 at 5:44 PM, Clockwork_Fish said:

    You're all forgetting the most important consideration; it's the biggest, most awkwardly posed emissary in the game and can be a pain in the neck to transport.  And there are no first edition Avatar models to use in his stead.  I've known people who've left him at home rather than lug his fat dragon butt halfway across the province.

    I use Sonia's old avatar (without Sonia) for a proxy. 

    I would have to agree that it seems like an auto-take for many lists, I've not played with Misaki or Brewmaster but all the other masters its a go to model. It's rare I build a crew without it. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Gnomezilla said:

    What do you hire instead for chipping through armor at this price bracket? That ended up being the high river monk's value in the game, hitting a target which would've only taken 1 regardless and applying burning for damage later.

    At this SS - Goryo or Rail Workers if I can take them. Otherwise, I look to something that's a little bigger to handle the armor and let the minions focus on other roles. 

  4. Wow, necro thread, Yan Lo has been busy!

    I like what InvokeChaos has suggested for a trigger but a single :tome  feels like it would be enough. Burning still feels like the weakest of the generic upgrades and requiring a further :tome would still be too difficult to line up. However, even with this, I don't think that you would see the model on the table. I ran a Shen Long crew for a while and I was finding I was getting much more reliable damage out of the Fermented Monks thank the high river style.

    As others have pointed out, why they are not taken is due to who they compete with, looking at them as beaters there are so many other stronger options in the faction, for a stone more you get an Illuminated. 
    So I have a larger step to suggest. One of the main "comments" on the TT within the UK at the moment is that they lack the activations to be competitive. With the High River supposed to be fast and hard hitting, what about dropping the card requirement for the 3rd attack and adding in a zero which allows them to discard a card for reactivate. 

  5. On 06/07/2017 at 9:27 PM, tomjoad said:

    Speculation: The new models will mostly be blah and nobody will care about them, but then in 4-6 months every will pick up on exactly one of them and begin working on proxies. The official model won't be released until June 2018. The new upgrades will be amazing, however, and new options will be fun and flavorful for all master. This will be tempered by the upgrade cards not arriving in Europe until March 2019, so all anybody will do is be angry and complain about it.

    This is the best and most accurate response to all new Wyrd book publications and should be used for all future publications. 

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