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Everything posted by CapnJen

  1. I liked the UK version. The Australia version borders on garbage and can be very infuriating to watch (this doesn't stop me from channel surfing onto it regularly ). The judges will state their marking criteria and then just plain ignore it, which makes it seem like they play favourites or have already pre-determined who they want to win.
  2. This thread is absolutely hilarious! On a serious note, when I was first looking at the various starter boxes...the hideousness of her mini deterred me.
  3. I suspect once Puppet Wars launches, many a female board gamer will jump on board with more delightful crafts if boardgamegeek is anything to go by. Anywho, this one's for my Malifaux bag.
  4. Nicguy - Sydney ;p If you click on the pics, they link out to slightly larger ones . Hmm, 15+ rats hey? Is Instant-Mold allowed to be whispered in these here parts? I've already bought 3 packs!
  5. I painted these guys up last week. I'm struggling to find the willpower to paint the rat catchers though...they're so ugly (and their muscles look wrong?)! I'm also twitching uncontrollably because I haven't been able to locate anyone in Australia selling Dullcote since my last can was emptied. How many rats do I need anyway? >.>
  6. After GENCON stops raping my wallet, this is the next project I want to undertake. Thanks for the inspiration <3.
  7. Bunch of old codgers . In 2003 I started painting a few GW minis for fun. I could never afford to field an entire fantasy army (and with the ridiculous things happening with GW prices in Australia today, I never will). I spent most of this time catching up on all the fantastic games GW had made in the past, buying all sorts of old things off Ebay. I particularly enjoyed Space Hulk. I then started dabbling with Reaper's Warlord but by this point in time I had solidly become a euro board gamer...and then I was introduced to Warmachine, which I was immediately drawn to. Later on, I scored an awesome job at a LGS and the discounts meant that I went nuts buying minis (mostly Warmachine, Reaper and Confrontation) and board games. This was probably the time when I was able to play the most. After this I became addicted to WoW so all my minis sat on my desk gathering inches of dust though the collector in me would still occasionally buy minis. After I quit WoW I started painting Uncharted Seas ships. This was refreshing because there was a lot of just...inking and drybrushing involved and the game as I understand it just involves moving forwards and shooting things to death. Just over a month ago a friend at the LGS said that he needed (sane ) people to play Malifaux with and so I went out and went nuts buying everything ...and lamenting at all the limited edition minis I had missed. And there's my long winded story.
  8. Fantastic board! I had a momentary flash back to one of those Warcraft dungeons...Lost City of Tol'Vir...who's with me? >.<
  9. Ophelia beats the boys with their own boomsticks if they don't conform ! But actually it's funny that you should mention that. I had a lot of slow moments during gaming where I confused Raphael's card with Rami's because of how I had painted their clothes. Deadpool - I'll take a close up of her after I clear up my overloaded workspace (currently adoring Hamelin and all his stinky ratties)!
  10. A friend at the LGS talked my partner and I into playing Malifaux with him so we rushed out and bought some boxes. I was immediately drawn to the cuteness of the gremlins. My partner is very pedantic about playing with unpainted minis so I had to have them ready within the week...which means that I had to put my usual psychotic-ness regarding highlighting and shading aside. Thank you to Wyrd Miniatures for creating such a great range of minis . I'm proud to say that one of my little Bayou gremlins (who unceremoniously asploded in my first game) was the hero of my second game, saving Ophelia from that fat grave digger, dirt flinging goon and gathering the loots.
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