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Everything posted by Mehter

  1. And you, Ausplosions, will say 2.0 is the best thing to happen to minis regardless of what is posted. Which i'm hoping/guessing will be pretty neato.
  2. I just think Star Wars tries to do too much with a limited card pool. In a year or so I imagine it'll be good. For example, I went to a regional tournament a month or so ago, with 20+ people there. All but 18 had the same Light/Dark deck down to the card, which means the tournie pretty much just came down to who drew what when. (Light Side was Han with jedi attachments, and Dark was just Sith spam) I was the only one trying to make Boba Fett work, heh.
  3. That backing change in l5r happened ages ago. The past few arcs have been pretty fantastic. The current one is a bit power heavy, but they're slowing the game down a bit at the end of the year.
  4. I'd be down for some dwarves. Elves can die in any number of fires, in any and all universes and time continuums.
  5. https://twitter.com/ericjgames/status/340326628330729472 I don't know if he means the 1st, or in half a day.
  6. I never could get into Netrunner. Something about it just irks me, although I can't place what it is. I played their Star Wars game for a bit, but its trying to be too many other games rolled in to one confused card game. Legend of the Five Rings is still the best card game out there.
  7. Its like that face is both pleased and angry at me. I'm really hoping it is out Friday. I'm planning on playing it all weekend.
  8. I'm just hoping it actually releases Friday.
  9. Well then I guess you've never played a good one. Which isn't surprising, most resser players I've met and talked to are pretty bad. I guess it's the curse of the faction.
  10. While I'd like to see any Resser, I voted Perdita. I kind of want to pick up her box for when Doug goes dual faction, but I need to see the preview before I pick up the current one.
  11. Sort of, ya. She can overextend her beasts, then call them back at the end of their activation. It's good, but only if you do it right.
  12. I'll like them a lot more when they get rid of the werewolves' silly hats.
  13. The game is balanced, it's just a strange sort of balance. I also like both games, although Malifaux is the better game overall. However: If you want the best skirmish game with a handful of models, Malifaux is the best choice. If you want a mid-range game that is neither an army game (Warhammer) nor a skirmish game (Malifaux/Infinity), then Warmachine is a good choice. It is possible to like both.
  14. Haha, Retribution. That says all I need to know about you. You like anime in world full of steampunk and monsters? For shaaaaaaame. Play Trolls or Khador, at least. (Cryx and pirates are also acceptable.)
  15. That heavy object/door thing happened to me once with a neighbor in an apartment. Then the same woman at a later time wanted me to kill a spider because "eeek its a spider!" I shouldn't generalize feminism based on just her, but its really hard not to. As for relevance, I got nothin'
  16. I'm not really sure what this thread is trying to accomplish.
  17. Looks good. Might I ask where you got those bamboo sticks?
  18. True, but Toshiro lets you use fewer corpse counters. I was playing against Colette, and was just making punks through him which freed up Nicodem to paralyze everything.
  19. Maybe in 2.0 they will make all Masters gender neutral.
  20. Ya, Toshiro is a solid support model that can hold his own. I haven't really used Yin yet. Ashigaru have been pretty amazing for Nicodem, though. And once they finally die it's a corpse counter.
  21. Also, Yan Lo's beard. That thing needs to be labeled. I almost threw it out as i thought it was flash on the sprue.
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