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Posts posted by Moondog

  1. Hello, I'm painting my first crew, and I have found with my painting if I have to put down details of what has been done it seems much easier to keep my progress up. I am a terribly slow painter and often short of time, so I am hoping by putting details on this thread it will speed me up!

    I have posted this before (just before it was finished) so sorry if you have seen it before, but it's a good start to the thread and might spur me on to paint faster to complete this crew. So here we are Perdita Ortega.

    By the way if you want a cactus these are Pegasus Hobbies small (#2) Cacti. They are a little bit expensive (at least in the UK) and a strange plastic but great detail on them. Starting on the rest of the crew soon.


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  2. I love the look of this crew I really want to paint it!!

    BTW, why does everybody start with the wrong crews? But in your wishlist you finally got it!

    Haha I nearly ended up with this as my first crew, but I saw the Perdita model and had to have that because I loved the sculpt. I understand that crew isn't that hard to learn with. I didn't choose the crew for that though I just picked what I wanted to paint more!

  3. Those are cool and you've painted them well. That is going to be an amazing battlefield when done!

    Edit: I originally wanted to ask - how did you do all your little plants are they brass etchings? I like em.

  4. Thanks very much all! Seems a friendly and easy going forum which is cool.

    Absolution Black or LonelyPath or anyone if you are planning a game in Welshpool Frontline Games then give me a shout if you want. I can't guarantee I'll have learnt the rules fully by then but I am trying! I don't tend to have much free time especially on the weekends which is a major barrier to my gaming but I am going to see what I can do. I am off to paint cacti. Have fun.

  5. @ Moondog - do you play at Frontline Games in Welshpool at all? A few of friends of mine (Dave, Andrew, Gareth, Phil, etc) along with other people I know play there. I don't head up often but keep meaning to.

    I haven't really played yet, but I know the place, Is Dave the owner? I think I have spoken to Dave and Gareth. Seems a cool place.

  6. And to to repeat Clousseau, what part of Wales are you from? I'm in Powys, as are a few others that play Malifaux.

    I'm in Powys, near the border with England and close to Newtown, Welshpool, and Shrewsbury at the moment but I could be moving to South Wales in a while.

    Thanks for the welcome and invite to see the Cardiff tournament. Oh just saw it's this weekend. Can't make it unfortunately but was a cool idea.

  7. Hello all,

    I used to play miniature games a bit having played quite a few Games Workshop games probably over about 6 or 7 years ago. I was quite into painting then too but had a big break where I didn't do any gaming or painting. So after a 6+ year gap I picked up one of my old models and started painting again and liked it.

    I used to hang around www.coolminiornot.com quite a lot. Browsing the galleries again I randomly saw a version of Perdita painted by Wren and thought it was a very cool model (Wyrd do have some really cool models). Around about the same time a little game store opened in my town (this is real novelty as my town is pretty small!) and I wandered in and sitting on the shelves was a boxed set with Perdita in.

    The store manager said you only needed a boxed set to play a complete "army" and the games usually lasted no more than 1 hour depending on size. Well one thing I am short on is time (you wouldn't think so with the amount of rambling on in this post though!) and I am a really slow painter so I thought this game looked ideal. I had an extremely quick demo game another day and it seemed really fun so I bought the Perdita box set and the rules.

    I don't get much free time and travel on the weekends so haven't had a chance to play another game and although I read the rules it's not really a substitute for learning by doing. I did find a youtube video which introduced the rules and was quite good but I only found that one. Is there anything else like that about?

    If I have any really newbie questions where is the best place to post them? For example activation and alternating activation between you and your opponent is very new to me as I am used to whole turn games like Warhammer. I am not 100% sure about activations and triggers either.

    I have started painting my crew though and almost finished one model, although I am pretty slow. It's fun.


    I have probably typed far too much, thanks for reading!

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