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Posts posted by Stonedog-7

  1. I'd dispute this.

    Even though it's been ruled on? Can't see that working out too well

    Librarians definitely have their place, you just have to work around placing them where Von Schill is likely to end his turn... but being the most expensive model in the crew definitely is a pain for being the Kill Protege target if nothing else

    Also despite Slow to Die healing to keep it in the game you have to be very careful of kill/sacrifice effects removing it without slow to die kicking in

    However, being able to heal up just about everything really easily is an awesome ability, it just comes with some serious drawbacks

    For your strictly Freikorps list i'd definitely say drop the 2nd Librarian and the Student in favour of a Freikorpsman & a 2nd Trapper

    Also, for strategies where the 2nd wave punch of the speciailist isn't going to shine i'd suggest dropping the Student, 2nd Librarian and the specialist in favour of 2x Freikorpsmen & the 2nd Trapper

    That said i'd also heartily recommend Taelor, Ronin and even a Desperate merc as excellent pieces for a Von Schill led crew

  2. Wasn't it also covered that if you'd used Overdrive & gained Reactivate then after the first activation you'd lose the Melee Master & 2w

    Regardless of that though, really interested to see how this diary pans out... we have a local Levi player who's no doubt going to be reading this for some tips

  3. Very interesting... Neverborn were certainly very present, but not dominating more than any other faction in the top 5 based on the numbers present

    Quick list of numbers

    Faction / Number in Top 5 / Number present overall

    Neverborn / 4 / 19

    Arcanists / 4 / 8

    Outcasts / 2 / 8

    Resserectionists / 4 / 6

    Guild / 1 / 7

    So Guild and Outcasts were less present in the top 5, but Guild & Rezzers were least represented overall (despite Rezzers matching Neverborn & Arcanists for numbers in the top 5)... And Kirai being the most common list in the top 5 (3) with Dreamer, Hamelin and Marcus close seconds (2)

    Not sure how useful that set of numbers is but i found it quite interesting

  4. Cool, she did seem pretty straightforward, a nice solid and most of all fast construct for Ramos :)

    And a little something different for Marcus too whilst keeping the speed up

    011121, that's quite an image, Hoffman magnetting himself to the back end of a horse to get around :)

  5. So my Mechanical Rider came through this morning and i'm finally looking over the rules seriously (only really glanced over them in the book) and she seems pretty solid for an 8ss model with the added bonus for Ramos of being a large based construct if she does happen to die

    The Power Cycle on her looks pretty good with mobility, damage and survivability on offer but i thought i'd ask on here to find out just how good she is and if there's any nasty tricks people recommend when using her with Ramos or Marcus


  6. 3x spiders over swarm was for activation control and to stop it being a kill protege target (only without Alyce)... but then there advantages to hiring it as a swarm too, i have chopped and changed to fit between hiring each

    Otherwise it's because i like starting with more than just 2 spiders... i like their mechanics, but they tend to be what gets picked off so i prefer to bring quite a few and summon even more

    Only reason I'd not included the Mech Rider is because i didn't have one... but earlier today I've just won one on eBay so I have something else to try instead of the Gunsmith (as i don't have a gunsmith yet) so i'll likely be trying this instead

    Ramos + Avatar + 5ss cache


    Large Arachnid

    SS Miner

    2x Spiders

    Mech Rider

    with the choice to swap out the miner if i want to run 4x starting spiders dependent on strategy (or 3 with an 8 stone cache)

  7. Our local Marcus player is a big fan of Silurids and yeah, for good reason... even played less hit & run and more agressive (leap into combat, feeding frenzy, 2 attacks) a pack of 3 Silurids can be a pain to deal with... with Zoraida for Repulsive early and obeys (not ideal obey targets but if you need to it's there) they should easily shine just as much for when you need fast minions

    The only reason i'm looking to not use them that often is because he's a big fan of running them and i'm aiming to try something different

    *edit* and with regards your list the other stuff i regularly see get recommended or have had my eye on for Zoraida

    Convict Gunslinger - just solid and obey makes it even better

    Mature Neph - diving charge = awesome and it's a big beatstick that can be obeyed, i know twins are on your list already and lelu is a solid beatstick, but 10s for a mature rather than 14 for both twins might be useful sometimes

    Papa Loco/Pere Ravage - mass obeys with explosions, just rude and quite fun

    Von Schill - if you're not running Collodi then he's worth considering

    Freikorps Specialist - if not considering Papa/Pere or dolls then he's solid for dealing with groups

  8. I laboured over whether to do the tall base. I wanted the Ram's skull featured somewhere and there was something fitting about an Angel standing at the side of an opened grave. The base size helps to balance the aesthetics of the wings.

    Definitely balances out the wings nicely, and it works... just not quite to my personal taste :)

    I thought about using the Dead J model myself for the Avatar form. I couldn't figure out quite how to make it work. Having her standing on a pile of bones/corpses or walking over ground with zombies rising from it may have worked.

    That sounds pretty cool, I've opted to cop out slightly and just get the standard Lady J avatar and paint it up as a spirit to represent that it's Dead J that's avatared up

  9. Interesting thread, got Avatar Ramos on his way

    Had a couple of games with Ramos bringing both the Toolkit & Alyce, which was nice but probably a bit of overkill on the cards/suits

    Think i'll try something like this for 35ss as i definitely think that Alyce has to go to balance out wanting more stones and bringing the Avatar... of course it won't stop me trying her at some point

    Ramos + Avatar +6ss cache total


    Large Arachnid

    SS Miner

    3x Spiders


  10. First wargaming fig would probably have been a 2nd ed 40k gretchin... lost in the mists of time... first fig full stop, pass, was painting airfix and plaster cast stuff from quite young

    First Malifaux fig painted... Completed, probably McMourning which i've since traded off and got another one to have a crack at :) and alongside him 3 Necropunks and a Flesh Construct all painted at much the same time

    First malifaux fig i put brush to would likely be my sorrows for pandora, but i haven't actually finished them yet...

  11. Right, camera is behaving again so time to treat those who are reading to some pics

    Dead J crew based - Definitely need to carve up the watchers wings a little to make them look damaged... bases are a couple of sewer base inserts from Wyrd and some of the awesome sewer bases from Dark Templar's Malcontent range



    Completed Crooked Men - bases aren't tidied up, as i mentioned last post i'm going to be re-basing my rezzers soon so just left them as is


    Ramos & Zoraida - an odd couple :happypuppet1 but hey, they're finished


    And the GW scummer that's going in to my Freikorps crew as a convict gunslinger... always loved this model so glad to have a good reason to paint it up and use it



    And WiP's

    Ronin - slow going thanks to Christmas, but here's the progress


    Large Arachnid - again it's taken longer than expected, but it should be complete soon


  12. (2) Summon Nearly Abandoned Thread -

    So although being at work and having had some camera problems i don't have much of an update i figured i'd drag this thread back from the depths already

    Christmas was alot more hectic than i'd expected, but it has bought me a slew of bare metal to get to work on... but, progress -

    I've now based up and will be painting my Dead Justice crew in the near future - sewer bases, currently the box +2 watchers as Ryle & Witchlings are still being stripped down

    Prepped and ready to undercoat a Lilith box set the moment the resin bases i've ordered come through

    Received pretty much all of the other Neverborn that i want including enough to run a Dreamner crew... just got todecide on the basing for it and make up more "creepy forest" for the stuff i'll be adding specifically to the Pandora and Zoraida themes

    Still yet to decide how to base my Collodi stuff... just no idea on that one

    Decided to re-base my Rezzers from the mechanica style bases they're on currently to ruined city/sewer types to tie in the Dead J setup with them

    My 2 Ronin & stand-in desperate merc for my freikorps are about half complete while the stand-in Convict Gunslinger is complete

    Finished up Zoraida, Ramos, Candy & Kade... pics will be up here & in the "Tale of" thread as soon as my camera starts behaving again

    So yeah... been a busy one :D

  13. Had Dead Justice move in on Rasputina but with only a couple of wounds left at the end of one turn, lost initiative and she got charged by an angry Ice Golem and then thanks to Riposte and a red joker on the damage i managed to 1-shot the Golem into oblivion, spent my last soulstone on damage prevention for the resulting explosion, keeping J on 1w to then activate and carve Rasputina up

    Was all in all an incredibly close game but that moment stuck in my mind

  14. Well i've had a month of finishing up almost complete minis purely because 1) time was tight around Christmas 2) i've been completely bogged down with assembly/model prep and 3) i've been stuck trying to improve my skills painting up Aenur Sword of Twilight to use as a DnD character :)

    I'll throw pics up tonight of the finished stuff - Candy, Kade, Zoraida, an alt Gunslinger and 2 crooked men... 6 minis is about what i was hoping for, but last month i did that all start to finish, this month has been finishing touches instead so slightly disappointed

  15. Quite the breath of fresh air to see this aimed at Pandora again... Dreamer & Hamelin have been hogging the limelight :D

    Pandora is definitely tricky to deal with and can be killer to learn against if the Pandora player has read up on how to use her and the opponent hasn't read up on how to play against her (yeah, i was the pandora player and gave some people those rough opening games until people started learning to weather the storm)... though i'd say her ability to lock key pieces out of the game with Dementia & the Mental Anguish trigger is the tougher thing to cope with than her pacify/incite chaining movement

    The thing to do with regards to her movement is to try to break that chain when she's sat where you want her, or just right at the start... if she fails a single pacify then she can't recast it... models with Stubborn and a cheated 13 can suddenly bring her to a halt particularly if she had to cheat first

    Otherwise definitely keep your schemes and strategies in mind and try not to let her start chaining or position models so if she does start moving she'll run out of targets fast

    The started box for her is also incredibly well built and self contained compared to some of the others... you don't NEED to add anything at all to have a very effective list at 25ss

  16. I've got that same mini and use it as a Lilitu... check my thread for the mini i use as a Lelu, pretty sure it also came in the Hell Dorado Demons box (i got them in a trade ages ago), that said i've also just picked up a Lelu & Lilitu as from seeing a Lelu in person he really isn't quite as goofy as he first looks... also using some other HD minis as Silurids, will be using a Damned of Greed as Killjoy and the Damned of Anger as LCB (all of which i have or am getting originals for too, i just love the HD minis i got too much not to get them on the table in some way)


  17. Bought and used 2... love the little flying buggers... snagged a 3rd and am seriously considering picking up another pack for numbers 4 & 5 to try with marcus for a laugh or for when i really want to go all out speed

    McMourning and Seamus both love them and don't really need the corpse tokens... Kirai i've only added them once and it's nice to have some independant speed, and if you can kick in their range-shortening aura without exposing them it can really help Kirai stay safe

    Not sure i'd include them with Nicodem as not benefitting from Bolster or Decay is bad... but then i don't have or run Nico so it's a moot point personally

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