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Posts posted by Stonedog-7

  1. So a bit like my Seamus thread from last week, i just wanted to throw out some post-game thoughts about McMourning and the crew i used and get some feedback/ideas on things... and again, any further advice or interractions i should watch for or keep in mind is more than welcome

    35SS Game vs Lilith – Shared Treasure Hunt

    McMourning, Zombie Chihuahua, Sebastian, 2 Belles, 2 Necropunks, 2 Night Terrors, 1 Canine, 1 Convict Gunslinger

    Lilith, Primordial, Blackblood Shaman, Lelu, Lilitu, 2 Tots, 1 Young

    So yeah, with Shared treasure hunt I wanted the night terrors in there (damn 2 interact) but in the end neither of us got very far with the game revolving more around schemes and threatening the Treasure

    Lilith took Bodyguard & Holdout for schemes and I took Stake Claim and 2Stones (yeah, I know, I regret doing that)… game ended as a draw at 2VP each

    After my last McMourning game against Lilith I was very wary of Black Blood’s effect on canines as their small attacks try to bring down anything bigger so steered clear of them and think I will in future too… 1 for an early set of body parts was enough I found, though slightly botching the order meant I didn’t get a construct turn 1

    McMourning – Stifled slightly by a patch of rough terrain and trying not to have him bogged down but he did a solid job churning out 3 constructs (would have been 4 but I used Scalpel Slinging without thinking on lilith wasting his 0 action)… Wracked with pain from both McM & the Chihuahua kept pressure on things early and the threat of healing himself made anything short of the Mature think twice about engaging him (the mature got swamped in combat with McM claiming the kill from a cheated red joker damage flip)

    Sebastian – not as good this time round, all he really did was ferry some corpse counters back to McM and be a threat, last 2 turns of the game he did summon 2 dogs in an attempt to have the 1st pick up the treasure counter, but lilith just stepped up and slapped it down leaving a lone insignificant dog and no vps… I think I might try mortimer, a hanged or just some more little guys in future (hell, 2 dogs @ 4 stones would give me more speedy corpse-fetchers)

    The Belles - as much as I’d been hoping they wouldn’t be so awesome, I don’t think I’ll ever leave home without at least 1 again… they enabled me to manipulate Lelu, drawing him out so I could floor him in a single turn and even without Seamus’ debuff and spd boost they did great

    Necropunks – erm, yeah… 1 got chain lured from some lucky flips early, the other was an annoyance and a corpse counter for me, the 1 attack he got to make on a to the fluffed, but I don’t think 2 was enough, will try 3 next time… that said Hard to Kill and a 4th wound put them well ahead of my experiences with canines in terms of annoyance factor

    Night Terrors – Solid, extremely manoeuvrable, 1 after activating got a sprinting terror tot to the face with Hard to Kill keeping it in the game, and for some reason rather than have the other “Flock” him out and keep him alive I ploughed it in… 1 survived the game though and went to sit in my opponents deployment zone to stop him getting Holdout VP’s

    Convict Gunslinger – 6 Stones of sheer awesomeness, he didn’t live up to what he’s been doing as the one turn he would have used rapid fire I’d managed to pull a hand of no cards less than 8, but Supressing Fire kept my opponent worried and the severe terrain stopped him from trying to lure him in as he knew he wasn’t going to drag him into combat with anything

    Canine – walking body parts, all he was taken for

    So yeah, skipping a scheme to keep a maximum cache of 8 and everything I wanted was a bum move on my part as I’d have been taking Breakthrough or Kill Protégé (either of which I’d have managed)… but I guess I was a little paranoid about McM’s survivability… but he’s a great master who really can run ANYTHING and keeps a lot of pressure on, I had my opponent on the back foot the moment flesh constructs started appearing, and ok he was dealing with them at the rate of 1 per turn, but with someone ferrying counters back to McM there was always another one incoming… and being able to personally blitz something as tough as a mature is great (even though I had “Undressed” the mature to Df2 for added insurance), Rancid Implant + Precise = more corpse counters

    And yes, i know i was summoning constructs not a necromancy, not got book 2 and the model isn't out :)

    Also, is it me or with their plethora of cheap and often speedy minions do Ressers seem like they really don't mind the movement type of strategies/schemes

  2. Ah, ok... that helps clears things up a bit... but, for a large based model dropping 3 counters as an example, would they stack or be placed seperately (i know when a model carrying them drops them they stack, so i've always assumed stacked but i may as well be sure about this)... and again, who would be responsible for their placement as you could easily have them placed so that a model in base contact could automatically pick them up (or if it's the dying models choice deny you from doing so)

  3. When a model is killed and leaves corpse counters the wording of Graverobber in the RM is the dying model gets "replaced" by counters... under "replacing" in the RM it states that you place the new model (or in this case counters) in base contact and then remove the model being replaced, fine

    So when a model is killed who determines the placements of the counters, the dead models owner or the player who's done the killing?

    It came up yesterday in a game as it was going to make a hell of a difference between almost auto-gaining the counters as the kill was made in melee and having to spend AP to move up and collect them... in the end we flipped for it as we couldn't find an answer in the books... and i'd assume this would go for scrap counters too

  4. OK, i've seen Von Schill pop up occasionally in non-outcasts lists as a henchman and it always surprises me as i personally am always forgetting about him

    So here i am, now flat out asking for peoples experiences on using him as a henchman in non-Outcast crews

    - is he worth the fairly hefty SS cost and special forces limits that then apply to the crew?

    - are there particular crews/masters that he would shine with?

    - which masters should avoid him from being too selfish with their stones or just want more synergy than he would give?

    - How good/useful are the rest of the Friekorps in other factions or is it normally going to be just Von Schill himself getting hired in?


  5. LonelyPath - again, same thing, if it's in stock with maelstrom i can find little to no fault with them... just have to watch the stock levels... their sales are pretty nice though :)

    BleedingThrough - i think i might take a look at Firestorm, been keeping half an ear out for a new shop to buy through

  6. OK, take what i say with a pinch of salt as i'm still learning McMourning too, but i'll throw an opinion in the ring

    - McMourning himself, fragile to accurate hitters if they generate enough damage to drop him, definitely will be awnting those soulstones for defence, but if they don't kill him in an activation then they'll have to go through it all again from the top, love his self-healing

    - Dogs, not been all that impressed with them, so fragile at only 3w (though it likely doesn't help i was against Lilith & Nephilim, damn black blood), but can understand why you wouldn't want necropunks (for the same reasons i personally love the little monstrosities)

    - What Calmdown said about not necessarily needing many dogs to get an impressive amount of body parts early on, i ran 4 canines in my test game and only had cause to butcher one myself, in future i'll likely try 1-2 max

    - Sebastian, true he's slow, but i found him really very survivable and very hard hitting, proved to be a real thorn in my opponents side

    That's about all i can comment on but needless to say i'll be watching this thread to get advice myself

  7. After a series of stock and order issues with Maelstrom i now go by the simple rule of thumb that is if it's not in stock i'll go somewhere else... their service on re-stocking and pre-ordering for PP & malifaux seems to be absolutely shocking

    That said within the local club people have had similar issues with Wayland too with stuff showing in stock until after they ordered it and taking a month or more to be re-stocked and shipped

  8. Well i think that certainly while the points are at 25-30ss i'll be sticking with 3 Belles (i'm not sure i'd want fewer), the convict gunslinger and one other hard hitter (Punk Zombie/Hanged) if the scenario is going to need a kill and Terrors if it'll need more movement

    Molly's double-negatives are sounding very nice though, will look forward to trying that out in high SS games and once the box is released

  9. I'm with Absolution Black on this, Wheel of time i really enjoyed until it hit a really dull patch about book 10, but Sanderson has really breathed new life into the series... just not enough for me to EVER read it from the begining again, but enough to finish it off

    And Eddings, that's a love/hate one for me, really enjoyed the Sparhawk trilogy, but the second one was pretty much copy/paste... found the same with the Belgariad, first set of five (iirc) books, fine not too bad not great, second set was almost identical... refuse to even try more as everything i've heard from the friends who have tried it is it's the same stuff being recycled AGAIN

    As for books truly annoying me, i'll echo the comments about the Gor books and pretty much everything that goes over the top like the book Nathan started this thread on, but otherwise there's not much i won't give a shot and persevere through

  10. @ Murphy'sLawyer - Oddly enough i do also have a McMourning crew that i'm working on, though with that i'm trying to shy away from the use of too many dogs so maybe i'm just trying to get slightly different approaches to each master than normal *shrug*... the avatar is something i definitely want to get, but don't want to jump in on, i'd rather learn the basic caster first and see what strengths/weaknesses there are

    And i'll definitely look at Molly, just we've been playing 25 & 30ss games at the moment locally so it leaves things a bit tight to add a henchman

    As for a "smashy" crew, not necessarily after that, but with the lures i do want to be able to target something, reel it in and remove it fairly quickly and reliably, maybe even 2 targets a turn and it just seemed tricky to do if i considered upping the number of basic belles as opposed to getting some more hitting power in there

    @ FetidStrumpet - I will get round to looking at Molly, but without Rising Powers that'll probably wait until i pick up her box for the rogue necromancy :)

    Sebastian is another good thought, i love him with McMourning, just don't yet think of him working with the other masters, i've still got to get used to how flexible the list construction can be in this game

  11. Thanks Calmdown, not quite sure about running a list with Von Schill and only 4ss spare as Seamus & him will be clamouring for them, but it's certainly something else to think on as i always forget that Von Schill is there as a Henchman option outside of Outcasts

    From seeing them in action i'm definitely thinking 3 Belles is about right, 6 Lures, even with most being resisted were getting a lot of work done, particularly when my opponent pulled a bad control hand and couldn't stop them reeling a marshall in

    But i'm definitely looking more at damage minions than more support pieces for exactly the reason you stated, the seamus "standard" setup drags people down a bit too slowly so i was aready eyeing up Hanged or maybe a Flesh Construct from what i have already or something like the Punk zombies or Dead Rider you suggested in terms of picking up something new, a lone PZ with grave spirit attached appeals as a cheap beatstick... and figuring the Night Terrors over Necropunks for movement strategies too as Seamus doesn't need the corpse counters

  12. Thanks for the advice, will be passing it all on and seeing if the boxes get more use, though i'm mostly seeing it as an emergency button if something like Teddy or a Mature Neph wades into combat against one

  13. So my first game with Seamus last night (no avatar) and i found myself almost tripping over some of his abilities a bit thanks to guild high WP and high weak damage

    On the one hand i wanted Seamus activating early for the WP debuff (damn Death Marshalls and their Fear not Death +2WP) but on the other hand i wanted him activating later to take better advantage of being able to heal himself with Live for Pain and position for his flintlock/charging with slit jugular

    And on top of that i almost found the Flintlock too powerful as i cheated myself out of my own scheme (Grudge) trying to weaken the death marshall i was going after and instead flipping moderate damage despite a :-fate:-fate for damage... that said as Hard to Kill saved him from an onslaughting Lady J a turn later i was also insanely happy about how tough he is despite having to burn stones like mad for defence

    Finally his cache of 2 makes things really awkward including everything you want in a list, i was hoping to squeeze in a Night Terror or two but really couldn't justify it, instead i ran - Seamus (6SS), Copycat, Sybelle, 3x Rotten Belles, Convict Gunslinger @30stones

    The Belles performed exceptionally considering the issues of WP8 Death Marshalls and weak damage shots of 3 thanks to crit strike (getting bored of that ability fast)... though Sybelle didn't really do much besides finishing off a belle so Seamus could heal, will be giving her another few more games before i drop her

    And finally the Convict Gunslinger... first time we've seen him in action locally and i'm really impressed... weak damage 2 isn't much but putting out SO many accurate shots with 4 one turn and 5 the next, he even finished off Lady J... can see him turning up in alot of my rezzers builds to lend some reliable firepower

    Any extra advice for a budding Seamus player? Lists, tricks, anything i should definitely try or avoid?

  14. So with 1 regular and 1 semi-regular Lady J opponent a question came up the other day that i didn't have any answer for as an opponent

    - What good uses are there for Pine Box?

    In particular as i've been playing Kirai i couldn't come up with solid uses as the ruling that Ikiryo got about being able to summon it back even though it's been boxed

    So Guild players... astound me, what good solid uses are there for this ability or is it incredibly situational?

  15. Like most, too many systems really :)


    Malifaux - Neverborn & Ressers

    Warmachine - Cryx, Retribution, Cygnar, Rhulic

    Hordes - Skorne

    D&D - couple of groups


    Largely fallen out of being played but still have minis

    Warhammer Fantasy - High Elves & Wood Elves

    40k - Salamanders

    Necromunda - Delaque, Goliath, Escher

  16. Got no store particularly local here so there's 4-5 of us who get together each Sunday to game at a mates... between wargaming and D&D each of us normally gets in 1-2 games each week split between Malifaux and WarmaHordes (with Malifaux games currently getting precedence even though we're running a league of WM/H)

    That said our games are all laid back and take longer than they probably should due to still wrapping our heads around everything and a fair bit of conversation cross tables :)

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