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About Doompup

  • Birthday 11/27/1978

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  1. Thanks for the reply and advice. I use primer I got from Wal-mart (the name escapes me at this moment), but I haven't had any trouble with it before. I definitely will wash the rest of the crew before priming now.
  2. I've recently started into Malifaux (although I've been painting for several years) and just finished my first mini, Lady Justice. I'm pretty pleased with how her hair turned out (thankfully, because it is featured so prominently on the mini), but every tiny bump on the parts that stick out the most seems to leave a sliver spot where the metal shows through. I did prime the mini before painting and after she was done, coated her with 2 coats of matte finish. This usually protects my minis quite well. I didn't want to go hog-wild with the lacquer as it eventually builds up and leaves a white residue. Has anyone else run into this problem with the same figure? And if so, how did you solve it? Thanks
  3. Amazing miniatures. I love the fluff as well. I'm pretty new and have yet to actually play a game, so i can't comment about the rules yet. I do like how a version of the rulebook is available for download.
  4. Thanks for the helpful advice everyone. It looks like the manual is the way to go. I love the fluff (the setting is one of the draws of Malifaux). I agree that a fluff release would be awesome, maybe even as a monthly periodical? Glad I didn't spring for the more expensive rulebook.
  5. Hello. I'm new to Malifaux and was considering getting one of the rulebooks to try out the game. I've bought some figures (because they look great; I'm primarily a painter as opposed to a gamer), but as I looked at the info on the forums and site have become interested in the game. i looked at the downloadable rule summary, but it has been somewhat censored (understandable; from everything I've seen so far, Wyrd seems to be a very player-friendly company, as well as producing some awesome figures). I gather that twisting Fates is an expansion, so to get started which rulebook would be best? The shorter abbreviated one, the full one, etc.? Is there any fluff in the manual? Are abilities covered (I didn't see them in there, perhaps in the blacked out index; some of the cards I've seen don't have everything spelled out)? Thanks in advance
  6. Great work with the white. Difficult color to shade. I have a Lady J crew that I'm going to be starting in the next week, and I hope they turn out at least half as good as yours. Well done!
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