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Posts posted by CalmPlains

  1. Model gets reactivate and uses them both. He then gets buryed and comes back out the next turn is it able to reactivate 2 x in that turn as well as reactivate did not were off as it was not in play at the end of turn.

    I think what you are asking is:

    #1 Do models who gain "re-activate" ability retain this ability if they are buried during the closing phase.


    #2 Do they get to reactivate twice (2x) ?


  2. i feel like im being a jerkoff on nearly everything book 3 related. But am i the only person who is curious about the decisions here?

    The terraclips products, created specifically by wyrd, with at least some thought of malifaux in mind, involved sewers, streets, and buildings. No forests. Most boards i've played on have a forest, maybe in a generous board two or three moderate ones.

    I dont get why lilith's is all about forests now. She could create an illusionary forest, thats the only link. The nephelim never seemed like fairies or pixies, i always saw them as more demonic. She's the mother of monsters, not the mother of trees.

    Other then the somewhat odd change in direction to being a dryad, her "avatar up" requirements are a bit of a concern to me. I imagine i will need to read the book and see all of the avatars, but sonnia needs to cast inferno twice and do 10 damage with spells. Lilith needs to cast illusionary forest twice (which, assuming you want to use avatar form, is kind of a must every turn anyhow), and do 10 damage to models standing next to woods? Let me guess, rasputina needs to cast ice pillars twice and do 10 damage to a models through an ice mirror. Which one of those does not belong.

    I love the sculpt, and im not opposed to dryad lilith. I just dont get it.


  3. I kinda like the 13... but you may be right. Maybe I could drop it.

    I quite like the standard king, but I'd be open to alternatives. Find me some! They need to be vector based, or very large! I have some french ones, maybe I will try a mock up with those and get some feedback.


    Thoughts on this design?

    Thanks for all the feedback everyone, it's very useful!

    I like this king design a lot, way better than standard. I miss the #13 tho!

    Also, the blood drops for W/M/S is great!

    Also Also, if you have a pic of the king, is the K necessary, or couldnt you just have the 13, like french decks or whatever.

  4. I have got to admit, the sculpt looks a lot better than the demo model.

    That being said, the stance is just a very awkward pose that really no girl would have any reason to strike, short of squatting behind a tree to unload...

    With a sailor-moon-esque paint job and some clever terrain basing & leg bending, this model could look pretty sharp, maybe.

    Thanks for the additional photos.

  5. The paper bag was hilarious. I literally had to contain myself before posting a reply. Thank you for that, it made my morning!

    Why would Wyrd make a big production of the fact that Candy was growing up, only to drop the ball so badly on the miniature?

    +1 That there will be MANY alternative sculpts.

    +1 Worst model ever seen.

    +1 To school girl idea, give her a lollipop or bubble gum bubble = win.

    And the cog coming with her, is prettier than she is. Keep the cog, melt her down.

  6. I actually wonder if the model was actually finished, it looks like it's half way through painting. Remember when Pandy originally went up she wasn't there, but was added when people said they wanted to know what she looked like. If you look at the clothes they are just different shades of grey, the face has no definition. The hair looks like mine does before I've added the final highlight and toned it down.

    I agree that the paint job is lacking, which doesn't help matters.

    This is an extremely bad picture. For all we know, she may be a stunning beauty under this pixeloza.

    No candy for Candy? And the stance blows chunks no matter how you slice it.

    I know that Wyrd's quality can vary quite a bit in the range....but that doesn't even look like a Wyrd model....that looks like a model from a VERY amateur company trying to make it into the hobby. Pixelation aside...it just looks uninspired, has no dynamic quality, and is just plain boring.


    The model isn't as bad as the camera phone picture thru the glass makes it appear. Also she isn't hunched over as much as she appears, it is an awkward camera angle due to the depth Candy was in the case. I'll see if I can get a up close and personnal photo of her tomorrow.

    That pic is from the store. Glad to hear the picture being bad might also be a contributor. I look forward to more favourable photos...

  7. Im a bit confused by here. The pic isn't the most detailed but it looks as if she's hunched over and wearing head gear...wtf?

    You will also note a complete lack of candy...

    I totally agree..............HORRIBLE model. The stance....what is up with that!!!????

    Poo poo on the potty time.. sans potty.

  8. CANDY.



    She should have stayed a kid forever.



    Comments welcome. Damn, just threw up in my mouth a little... looking at her.

  9. Pros:

    unlike most minis games actions go back and forth causing for their to be very little waiting for your turn. Less waiting.

    Unique Story and style. Most minis games are Fantasy, sci-fi, or accurate historical. The setting\style is very different Western\Victorian\horror\fantasy.

    Each master has a unique play style.

    Relatively cheap to start. One crew plus Rules manual cost 100-120$ on average.

    Game is not elimination based, its based around scoring VPs (strategies & Schemes). You can technically win after being eliminated (rare but possible).

    All rules have been consolidated into a single Rules manual (15$).


    Some master are not equipped to do all strategies & schemes easily.

    - So if you are in the mood to play a certain master and get a bad strategy you either need to play with a disadvantage, or play a different master.

    - Recommend getting 2 master with different skill sets. Not a huge con considering a crew is not too expensive.

    Each master has a unique learning curve in order to play him properly.

    Rules in book 1 & 2 (30$ each) are out of date, use rules manual(15$) for rules, but it does not have Fluff or model list. Book 3 due out at GenCon, new rules for avatars(&more??) set not in rules manual.

    No Single FAQ for consolidated viewing, requires searching rules forum for clarity.

    Not sure if Pro or Con

    Malifaux is Crack in minis format.


    I am new to Malifaux as well, and just played my first game recently.

    The game's biggest drawback is for people like me who want to know all the rules up front. The rules are disorganized, incomplete, and without a consolidated FAQ and Errata that is up to date. I see a lot of posts about rules that are flat out missing from rule books. I think fresh eyes (read: contract this out) are needed for the next attempt at a complete rule book. In my opinions, you really do need all 3 books plus forums to get a complete picture of the game and rules.

    All that being said, the game is HELLA FUN, and this makes up for any and all shortcomings it would seem. There is a strong online community here on the Wyrd forums, and where the rules lack, the veterans can fill in the gaps for you. The model line is quite good for a newer company (and they have great painters). The models look great on the tabletop, and the small play surface 3'x3' combined with the use of tons of terrain and cards instead of dice, all come together for a very fresh experience that I am really digging and think you will too!

    The game has its own sense of balance: not all masters can be all things, BUT each faction has a good selection of masters for the many scenarios. So balance is achieved through the randomness of encounters, and the availability of choices of masters (chosen AFTER strategies are drawn). In a straight up kill the other team game, with no terrain on the board, the balance will be way off, but if you stick to the randomized strategies for victory, and have plenty of terrain on the board, you'll be far better off.

    Have fun at Gencon, wish I could be there as well :D



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