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Posts posted by longshanks

  1. It's a hard call. Remember in Malifaux you don't pick your list until after you know what faction your opponent is playing and after you know your strategy. The situation might determine whether or not you need the third Gamin. Rasputina does burn through a lot of soul stones, so I think in most cases you will be better off without the third Gamin.

    For what it's worth, I would also consider picking up the Sabertooth Cerebus. I would use him in place of the Ice Golem to bring a little bit more speed to your list. So it would look like this:


    Essence of Power (2 SS)

    Silent One (6 SS)

    Silent One (6 SS)

    Ice Gamin (4 SS)

    Ice Gamin (4 SS)

    Ice Gamin (4 SS)

    Sabertooth Cerebus (8 SS)

    5 SS Pool

    But then again, I would use the Blessed of December in place of the Cerebus, once the Blessed comes out.

    Hope it helps!

    (Edited for clarity.)

  2. Rats generate off of anything...anything...that is killed within 6" of Hamelin or a Rat catcher. They also generate off of your Stolen when they are killed OR sacrificed (which you do quite often with Hamelin) regardless of where they are.

    Hamelin's Avatar can (0) to summon up to 3.

    OFC there's also the option of starting with lots of rats as well.

    Last 35ss game I played I started with 5, and ended the game with 15-17.

    Normally starting with lots of rats isn't advised, but I was trying his Avatar, and he seems to do best with a huge rat swarm.

    Thanks for the reply. I bought 18 rats. Hopefully, that will be enough to get started with him.

  3. I do not need a play by play, but where do all these rats come from? What percentage would you say come from your models vs opponents? I have only played Hamlelin once, and this number seems much higher then I would have expected.

    I would love to see an answer to this, too. I am getting ready to play Hamelin and reading the description of his units, it's hard for me to see how he ends up with so many rats.

  4. You could always use December's Touch to armor the kitty up and give him Frozen Heart. And I can't see the Blessed spending that much time within 6" of Rasputina to be useful for Ice Mirror(that being said there are the Silent One's too)

    Good point and something I often do with the Cerberus. I guess that I like that I don't have to activate Rasputina first and spend one of her APs to give the Blessed Frozen Heart and make her more durable. I try as much as possible to use Ice Mirror through the Silent Ones, but I like as many options as I can get for Ice Mirror in the event the Silent Ones die or are not placed right for who I want to target. Also, Frozen Heart comes in handy with SnowStorm's December Command spell. I don't always want to activate Rasputina first to give my models Frozen Heart or she might not even be in the right area of the board to do so. Again, I think you make a good point, but I still prefer the Blessed.

  5. I used to always use a Sabertooth Cerberus with Rasputina. I liked the mobility it added to an otherwise slow Crew. SnowStorm has given a lot more mobility options to the Cult of December, but it is too expensive for lower Soulstone games.

    As soon as the Blessed of December becomes available I will be using her instead of the Cerebus. The problem with the Cerebus was that he was always a bit of a glass hammer. I am willing to sacrifice an inch of Charge for greater durability. Besides, I like that the Blessed has Frozen Heart (so she can be used with Ice Mirror) and fits better thematically with the Cult of December.

    Just my two cents. :)

  6. I bought SnowStorm and am very happy with it. The was a strong mold line running through Storm's mane that needed to be fixed, but the same thing could have happened with a metal model. In fact, the resin was probably easier to work with than metal.

  7. Normally Proxies are not allowed.

    Now, if they are playing someone like Nicoderm and have a stack of zombies from other games, to create variety, I would not have an issue with it. But if they are using D&D models glued to 30mm bases and they have to keep saying "oh this model is really so and so" then I do have an issue with it.

    You said "some" as long as the models are released and it is very, very clear about what they are, so the opponents are not asking each turn what something is, then I am fine with it.

    I am going to say at least 66.6% of his crew must be Malifaux models, and he can only proxie what is released (so no proxing FLGS unreleased models).

    Thanks! I will pass the info along to him.

    See you Saturday!

  8. I'm planning to do something similar with my game of All Flesh Must Be Eaten game ;)

    Actually, our first game is a week from today. The theme of the game is how civilized people have to change in order to order to survive in a brutal and harsh world. It's all about character development. Will the housewife, doctor, cabbie, and accountant ditch the waitress when she breaks a leg and they are swarmed by zombies or will they stop to help her? When they find a little girl who is not a zombie and later discover that she has been bitten, will they send her away? Kill her? Watch over her until she turns? There are no right or wrong answers, but how the player characters deal with questions like these will define who they are. The goal is that they end the campaign with some very different (and more interesting) characters than what they started the campaign with.

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