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Everything posted by Alfndrate

  1. I will not be getting a second Santana. I originally pledged 225 because I wanted the books, the minis and the fate deck. And since I could only get those at the 225 I pledged there until we got that stretch goal. I dropped it down to 125 since it'd be easier on my wallet...
  2. I'll get 1 from the kickstarter, I got 1 for working GenCon, and got 2 for two separate purchases over 100 dollars... Though if I bought them all at once, I'd have a third from purchases, since both were closer to 175 each... I will be able to switch out all my male death marshals for my Lady J Demo Crew... just need a female Judge...
  3. I'm gonna have 4 miss terious models as well D:
  4. Do it lest people miss out on Santanas! You want people to get Santanas don't you? That's apparently the only thing people want out of this campaign is Santanas! GIVE THEM SANTANAS!
  5. I wouldn't want to include canon characters, but the lead writer at On the Lamb Games and I were working on nation fluff and it kind of sparked an idea, but if it's Malifaux I'll either have to find a new one, or tweak it to fit somewhere in Malifaux
  6. I used to play SSB Melee all the time, still have it to be honest, but I've played maybe 6 games of Brawl before Monday night? It just felt like I had no chance against the other three players... I might does it have to be related to Malifaux? I've got some Endless Fantasy Fluff ideas that would probably fit some of the requirements of the contest.
  7. We played some super smash brothers brawl, but several of us were so out of practice it wasn't very fun. And then near the end of the night we played a couple of games of Phase 10, which is like competitive Rummy... screw that game lol.
  8. Going well, didn't get to play malifaux on new years eve, but it was still a great time had by all
  9. Get some of the Armorcast muzzle effects? I was thinking of picking up the doves as is. Though having muzzle flash popping out of a dove's butt might be funny
  10. Colette DuBois - Cassandra, Magician's Apprentice [9ss] Coryphée [7ss] - Executioner Coryphée [7ss] - Executioner Performer & Mannequin [6ss] - Performer & Mannequin [6ss] - Now I have to figure out the rest lol
  11. Fair enough, can we hammer this into a list? I know that the game is VERY dependent on the strategy when it comes to crew hiring, but most of my lists are made before the game and I make the best with my list. I would probably never use this in a tournament simply because they wouldn't be regular showgirl models.
  12. Well, I don't even know what goes into a Colette list, so I'm thinking of doing something like this: Colette - Probably a Convict Gunslinger, sans guns (or some other shirtless model on a small base) Coryphee - Executioner (gonna paint him with a bow tie ala Chris Farley Chip n Dale sketch) Duet - Executioner + some small based model (again Chris Farley, this time with a Pat Swayze) I'm not sure what else goes into a colette list lol, so once I can settle on a standard 35ss list, I'll be able to get things started.
  13. This is true D: My mom bought an app on her smart phone and I had to run down to her purse and grab her credit card because she doesn't know her details... I know mine... this is a bad idea lol. It's funny when my card acts up and they have to input it by hand, and I rattle everything off without a second thought. Edit: Do you guys have any idea on what I could do to make an All Male Review show"girls" crew? using malifaux models... that's going to be my "main" project for 2013
  14. The obvious answer to this is to hide your wallet on your persons that is uncomfortable to remove so that you really gotta be willing to remove it from said place to buy something.
  15. Much like the game store on the way from the bank, it's kind of in my way when I want to saunter on down to the henchman forums lol
  16. Enough of the peer pressure! Why did I ever drunkenly stumble into here?!
  17. Hrm... Sculpting challenge or Iron Quill... I can't sculpt, nor can I write... but one doesn't require me to find my sculpting tools.
  18. I read that... still confused >_< Oh well... I don't think I have a story brewing in my head... at least a cohesive one lol.
  19. So is there like rounds of judging? What happens if I get the boot? Do I just stop writing?
  20. Ah, I should probably avoid... I'm a terrible writer, and even worse at letting people see my works. It was a struggle in my creative writing classes.
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