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Everything posted by Alfndrate

  1. I'm doing well, I managed to snag an original Pandora (Avatar) model, and put her on a 30mm base... Looked at some of the armatures available to me for the sculptor's challenge.. Question: if I get "wings" for the model (like Hasslefree has some) can I use those? Or would I have to sculpt the wings on to the model?
  2. Probably won't have any painting update tonight, but I got this today in the mail after 2 weeks of waiting lol. She's on a 30mm base rather than the 40mm that she was provided with, simply so I could use her as regular Pandora
  3. I enjoy the commercialism of Christmas, but I enjoy the day off of work more
  4. State: Ohio City: Massillon/Canton Username: Alfndrate Store: Wings, Wheels, And Waves (http://wingswheelswaves.com/) Usual Play Time: Fridays 5:30pm to 10:00pm I guess also if you want a secondary listing for me you could do the following: State: Ohio City: Cleveland/Lakewood Store: Gamer's Haven, home Usual Play Time: Evenings, give a week's notice? The second one doesn't have to be official in any sense.
  5. Will keep you up to date on this Best of luck with your Malifaux nights
  6. Yeah, I'm slowly getting older players to start buying and assemble, gotta work on getting those kids hooked . We're thinking of doing a 1 day achievement league after the holidays, do you think you and your players might be interested? The guy who owns the store I play at has a second one in Alliance, Ohio with more table space... Might be the perfect place to run a little 1 day Saturday event.
  7. I thought so, I don't have my book 1 on me, but looking at his pic on Pullmyfinger it doesn't have the line
  8. But would Nino (with the accent over the second n) be correct in saying little boy? My two years of spanish classes say yes?
  9. Honestly? I wouldn't look at a large paint set :-\ I would come up with a color palette, and then depending on how detailed you want to get look at your middle color, and go 2 colors lighter and darker (if you want to get decently detailed with your shading and blending). Then I would shop around to see what company hits you right with price and colors... I make most of my paint choices on the fly, so I buy what my flgs has, which means GW stores, so I put together their paint by numbers system of base color, shade (wash), layer 1, dry brush, glaze... but if you're putting 5 colors on a mini, that can get expensive... The alternative, if you want simple colors, look at the premade paint sets for Warmachine and Hordes, they have a couple of different colors including flesh and metallic paints. You could easily pick up washes or inks if you wanted it (and most people would recommend that lol).
  10. I tried the suggestion about contrasting colors for washes. Used my Baal red over the base green . I like it... or my reaction when the paint had dried:
  11. Got a little more painting done, finishing up my Viks crew. I've 3 more outcasts to paint, but at least this crew is painted and based I know that Johan's base is "simple", but it's fine. He already doesn't match the crew base wise :-\
  12. Hey Noir, what's your local scene look like up in Kent? If you've got any events, I might be able to convince some of my local guys to head up there
  13. Me too lol, though I told my store owner that if if this worked, he'd be out 3.70 every few weeks because I wouldn't come to him for Agrax Earthsade or Badab Black lol :-D
  14. They are a little glossy from what I saw (it is floor wax after all), but like I said, a little dullcoate or matte varnish and they'll be fine (saw some pre-dullcoated and post-dullcoated) last night.
  15. Thanks! No one has ever said that about my painting skills. If you look at Kade's base, my yellow skills are still decently lacking. My "yellow" is simply a paint by numbers scheme using GW's colors. Take their yellow base color, let that dry and apply their yellow shade (looks orange in the pot), and once all of that is dry take Yriel Yellow (they have 2 yellow layer colors), and pick out the high points of the hair with that. That's all there is too it. You'll probably get better definition if you use something like a Sepia wash, but I find the yellow wash evens out the base color nicely (instead of darkening the recesses. Also for those that might be interested, I found out a really awesome way to make washes that I'm going to have to try out. You take floor wax, put it in a small jar (about GW paint pot size), add 10 drops of a color of ink you want, shake, and use. My flgs owner showed me that last night while his flames of war guys were setting up. The added benefit is that it acts as a coating as well as a wash, so you get protection on the models, but you will have to dullcoate the model. Yeah, I had Streets of Malifaux, and couldn't really do much with it, picked up two of the dungeon sets at GenCon, and I just need to put all of them together, and I might be able to make a 3x3 board out of the base 6 inch square pieces.
  16. Those are barrels lol, but it's the beginning of my "Trollbloods Village" It'll serve as my general Warmachine and Hordes table here at home, I can always remove pieces of the scenery and drop it to Malifaux table size, but I'd rather see if I can build something out of the three packs of terraclips I have.
  17. The earlier models are terribly painted, I make no excuses for that. They were painted a year ago, and haven't been repainted, I don't even have the Tina crew anymore :'(. Thanks for the comments guys. I didn't get any painting done because I was busy putting this up in my office: Over the next few days, I'll probably sort out my terraclips and build a board with them now that I have dedicated space.
  18. Contest entries are in my email, I'm resizing some of them, they'll be up on dakka by the end of the week. I'll post a link here for you guys
  19. A santa hat and a christmas gift lol... Some of these entries are awesome!
  20. No :-/ I tried to sculpt it, and connect a polar bear to it... it failed miserably lol...
  21. I can't wait until the Dakka Painting Challenge is over, so I can post my contest entry... the blue came out well imo
  22. I'll toy with it, but I do like the IRL effect that I get with the Yellow wash.
  23. I refuse purple! My high school AND college colors were purple and gold... lol :-P The yellow wash doesn't darken it, but it does fill in the cracks nicely lol
  24. It goes I started a P&M Blog in the Miniature Showcase, and the first post (not including SteamHammer who saw my stuff previously in here) said I needed washes, I can't win lol. And I tentatively threw my hat into the sculpting contest.
  25. A quick forum search could have saved you the trouble http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?21503-quot-Another-One-quot-Summon-resolution&highlight=Weapon+Selection They're individually unique, so you can only have 1 of each in play at a time.
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