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Huang Da Wei

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Everything posted by Huang Da Wei

  1. I want to put a water/unclean goop/sewage/yucky stuff type effect on some of my bases. Can anyone suggest a good way to achieve it? Was thinking of swirling some greens and brown in pva glue
  2. I want to make my own bases from resin, maybe even some extras to give to friends. Can anyone give me an idea of what is needed to cast my own bits please
  3. Thanks for the link and advice. I like the wood style bases for the girls, where can I get them? or do you just use wood cut to size?
  4. I have just managed to get the showgirls box set plus few other bits for a nice price. Can anyone advise me on a good starting crew and tactics for these lovely ladies?
  5. I am not sure about favourite character but I have to say 2 models attracted me to begin with. The hog whisperer and Kade.
  6. I have put down my resurrectionists for few days and gone back to O and her crew. Yes the lipstick is OTT Yes she has peach coloured hair And, yes I do need to get out more
  7. I always allow paint to dry for 24 hrs before applying wash. Having been brought up on Vallejo paints you have to otherwise they crack
  8. But the current 2 are not even house trained yet, mess everywhere. What sort of tactics should I think about with the doggies?
  9. I have to admit that is some very nice painting
  10. I am hoping my opponent may be distracted and let me win
  11. I am slowly getting there, 5 models painted so far. With nurses, Bete and others to come.
  12. thats ok, you can borrow my book Big Mc and Sebastian seem to be quite good, plus the models are awesome. I dont like the nurses, but not having played a game yet thats unfair I suppose. I must admit previous game systems I have played were usually determined by my like of the models even if they didnt play well. If I like them I will get around to painting quicker and stick with them when things dont go well. I like randomness, I play to win but have just as much fun losing provided I can have a laugh on the way, after all its only a game. Thats why I used to play skaven and orks in 'that' other comapanies games, just because I would often kill as much of my own as I did my opponents.
  13. Based on the models I have, what would be a good 35ss gang for example?
  14. You will have to excuse my basics but have just bought the models, books and those flat dice type things... oh yeah, cards, but havent played a game as of yet. I bought the Mcmourning box set plus maneged to aquire some other suitable models but would appreciate some advice on which would be best together and why. I have Bette, canines and necro punks, plus crooked men and samurai zombies. I see Bette only has 4 wounds while other models have much more, so is she not so good?
  15. Can anyone tell me how to get my images to show along with the text, rather than as a link
  16. Mr M is done and so is his sidekick, just 3 more and I have finished my first crew
  17. I have started with Mcmourning and i'm about half way through painting them. Have also bought Ophelia and her crew plus added the hog whisperer and taxidermist because the models are awesome.
  18. I was just wondering what people prefer. The box sets are great value and I suppose where everyone starts but are they a balanced group. I think my mind is still stuck in 40K mode, 'take this and that, plus arm them with this and they will wipe anything they come up against'
  19. Tactics, do you have any favourite tactics for you games? Are there any powerful combination of guys that you would always play with? I have just bought box set so far and havent yet played so I am asking in a broad sense.
  20. I just painted the red in a direction of a slash (watched too many tv programs like CSI), then drag/drop a little down. The models gets plenty of matt varnish but then go back over the red with gloss
  21. I havent played so far, been a bit busy. But it wont be long before I get to a table and start swearing at the cards instead of the dice
  22. Think I have done this right, attached is my first attempt for painting the models.
  23. Thanks everyone, I have to admit this forum seems more mature than others. Having read a little of the rules and story it seems lots of fun and the models themselves are great. Painting 5 or 6 seems less stressful than the 2 years it took me to paint a horde army.
  24. Hi everyone, I have just found Malifaux, drawn to it by the awesome models and easy gameplay. Have just bought Mcmourning box set plus some extras. Looking forward to playing soon and moving away from GW games and horendous pricing (am I allowed to mention their name on here?)
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