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Everything posted by knoerzer

  1. Awesome thanks you guys, so while I have your attention, how and what should I play with Lucius?
  2. okay thank you, so lucius says he is soulstone cost 10, but on his card it says henchmen 4?? what is that?
  3. Hey guys, I have never used a henchmen before, and I will be buying Lucius tonight and playing a 50 point game Saturday night. I was just wondering how hiring the henchmen works, I read the rule book but am still confused. If it helps I will be using Sonnia as my Master. Just wanting to know everything before I learn it all wrong thanks guys!
  4. okay i am looking at dead doxy in book 3 and she looks okay, but no lady J
  5. okay thank you, so how does she work with the resers?
  6. Well the title says it all. I was wondering if anyone knew the stats for dead justice before I buy it. Or if anyone could point me in the direction of finding a picture of the card that would help to! Thanks guys!
  7. Look awesome man! Really liking the KillJoy!
  8. Yes I was able to pull of the Violation of Magic against my father! Sonnia is a bad@$$!!!!
  9. That is great! o dad better watch out now! Thank you all!
  10. awesome! thank you nobody told me that at all! that changes alot!
  11. how do you get the stalker???
  12. thanks guys, i like sonnia because of her spells and her abilities to use a sword when needed, so this is the crew i mostly run, tell me what you think Sonnia Samael purifying flame executioner (or Nino sometimes) witchling x 2 guild austringer AND when i get it, a watcher, the 3 point guy. thanks guys
  13. Ok guys, I have been playing alot of games now with my father, and I have played a tourny, and found that I like Sonnia better than Lady J when fighting everything but the undead. Now I ask the masters of this game.... Who is really better against what, and who would you play them against?
  14. Thanks all, finished my sonnia box so hope to have pics of that up soon, i was trying to keep the same color scheme going on will have those up soon!
  15. I think they came out well, they are under the miniature showcase labeled knoerzers crew (under the right thread)
  16. Very nicely done! Hats are AWESOME!
  17. Really good work, way better than my crew!
  18. Some of you guys may have seen this already I posted it in the wrong thread sorry! Hey guys, finally finished my crew. I know I am not the best painter but I took my time on these guys, so I think I did a better job than I normally do. But please do give me your thoughts! I would like to become a better painter so whatever you guys see wrong from the picture please tell me! Thanks guys! __________________
  19. Awesome, I can't wait till Saturday! I get off work at 4 so I should be there around 5 or so and will stay as late as I can so I can get in a game or two!
  20. Hey guys, finally finished my crew. I know I am not the best painter but I took my time on these guys, so I think I did a better job than I normally do. But please do give me your thoughts! I would like to become a better painter so whatever you guys see wrong from the picture please tell me! Thanks guys!
  21. Ok thanks guys, I was just wondering for tourny reasons.
  22. Hey guys, I am almost done with painting my crew, and I have noticed that a lot of people have painted their crews like the pictures on the cards. My question is, does it matter what they look like for tourny's or do they have to be like the box pic to play legally?? I know stupid, but I don't want to finish my crew completely and then find out I can't use them in a tourny due paint color.. Anyway thanks guys! soon to have pictures up!
  23. Welcome Tim! Thank you guys for all the hello's and greeting's! Glad to be apart of another great group! Lobostele : I will be down June 4th to play and hopefully will have my entire crew painted and ready to play a few demos! Looking forward to playing the game and meeting anyone that comes to the Art of War June 4th!
  24. Thank you guys so much, once I find out the stat cards of the peacekeeper, and guardian, I will consider buying them, but I would like to run this squad first, since it is the only one I own....for now
  25. Yes I will be running Lady Justice and some other pieces, I have been reading some threads about her and have ton of new idea's on what to run with her, already the people on here have been a huge help!
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