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Posts posted by RotatingPanda

  1. So, I want to collect a very thematic Seamus crew: Seamus (and aSeamus), Sybelle, Rotten Belles, Dead Doxies, Copycat Killer, Bete Noire (She's undead and female. Works for me) and maybe some of Molly's Horrors.

    So, from everything I've read on the forums, should I just get used to not winning? I would rather have a fluffy list over a competitive one and I'm okay with losing but I just want to double-check my odds. My local meta includes Dreamer, Kirai, Perdita w/Von Schill, Zoraida, Hoffman, and Leveticus.

  2. Bring back Wyrd Chronicles!

    My group was actually discussing the story developments last night and one of the things we touched on was how, even though the fluff is evolving and the story and characters changing and growing, it never invalidates any Masters or changes how they play. In fact, all it's done for us so far is make some of the players want to do really fluffy team games (Marcus and McMourning, Leveticus and Zoraida, etc.).

    Knowing where you were coming from and why you made the decisions you did makes Twisting Fates so much better in retrospect. Thanks again for the insights, Nerdelemental!

  3. I just got my hands on Twisting Fates and have started to read the (so far amazing) fluff but I'm a little fuzzy, having read the first two books a long time ago now.

    Does anyone know any sites (or is there a thread maybe? I searched "Fluff" and "Story" to no avail) that summarize the story so far, the details on the events, the Tyrant Entities, etc.? It would be great to read a summary of Rising Powers without having to re-read the whole thing. Plus a wiki would be just be great anyway.

  4. Thanks for the prompt reply, Nathan!

    I live in a small, small town in the Great White North and could not get to Gen-Con and I have no local gaming store so all my Malifaux goodness has to come from the online store.

    As for missing it in store, I was busy that weekend and asked a friend to do it for me. He's probably just lazy.

  5. Everyone Who Plays Ramos: Just to clarify, the general consensus is that you need 6 magnetized SPA bases for a total of 18 of the little dudes?

    Sliver Chocobo: Do you really think a Nico player needs one of everything...? If you say 'yes', I'll trust you...it just seems a bit extreme.

  6. Serigala: Would you consider the Ronin to be -must- haves?

    Sliver Chocobo: Are Nephilim kind of Lilith's thing...? Do you use Terror Tots and go from there, do you just buy her a Mature Nephilim or do you not use Nephilim with her at all? (Sorry for the Spanish Inquisition*, but just trying to figure out for the sake of the "Master List")

    * Which, naturally, no one ever suspects.

  7. Not sure if this has been done before but it if hasn't been, I think it could be a valuable resource.

    Basically, a lot of people ask "How many x critters do I need with y Master?". So, why not consolidate those into one thread?

    Granted, I'm no pro at this and I've only collected a few from general consensus around the forums but hopefully all you good people can help me add to it and I can just edit it as needed!

    EDIT: So, someone suggested I explain by what I mean on this and to clarify what is "Needed" so I will do that and edit the list accordingly.

    By need, I mean the models you can't really play without (or shouldn't). Hamelin needs The Stolen and Malifaux Rats. Nicodem needs some Mindless Zombies. McMourning needs Canine Remains. Kirai needs Seishin. Personally, I think any Master than can summon something needs some of that thing.

    However, Marcus does not need Silurid or Molemen. That is personal taste.

    EDIT 2: Assume all numbers are for a 35 soulstone game.

    EDIT 3: Definition of Need: "Models that a player will use consistently all the time as a basic part of the force. (2-3 Belles for Seamus, 2 Waifs for Leveticus, etc)" (Thanks to CRC for the concise definition)


    Lady Justice

    Death Marshalls - 3 to 5


    Sonia Criid

    Witchling Stalkers - 3

    C. Hoffman


    Guild Guard - 3


    Dr. McMourning

    Canine Remains - 3 to 6

    Flesh Constructs - 2


    Mindless Zombies - 3 to 8


    Rotten Bells - 3 to 6


    Seishin - 5

    Gaki - 2 to 4

    Shikome - 1

    Lost Love - 1



    Steampunk Arachnid - SPA= 1 spider, Swarm = 3 Spiders; Magnetized: 6 spiders are Min, 9 is recommended. Total of 27 SS; Unmagnetized: 6 SPA + 2 Swarm. Total of 36 SS

    Electrical Creation - 1

    Brass Arachnid - 1 (replace with Mobile Toolkit when it comes out)



    Ice Gamin - 3 to 6 (3 will be enough for most players)

    Essence of Power or Wendigo - 1

    Ice Pillars (built) - 8


    Doves - 3

    Coryphée - 2 (1 if you are good with magnets and conversions)



    Young Nephilim - 2


    Sorrows - 3 (or 1 Doppelganger)


    Voodoo Doll - 1

    The Dreamer

    Alps - ???

    Daydreams - 3



    Steampunk Abominations - 4 to 8

    Desolation Engine - 1

    Hollow Waifs - 2


    Ronin - 3

    Som'er Teeth Jones

    Bayou Gremlins - 8

    Mosquitoes - 2 to 4

    Piglets - 6


    Malifaux Rats - 12 to 15

    The Stolen - 5 to 6

    Ratcatcher - 1

    Thanks To:

    Edonil, Acefisher1, Q'ig'el, Rush3r, karn987, lamwyrd, CRC, Nick, cerealkiller195, Mike3838, Bucket Monkey, Ratty (I know, I know, I'm as surprised as you are that Ratty responded on a thread ;) ), osoi, Eisenhorn, CannonFodder, Vaff, CRC, Storm's Eye, Aka Hazard, Durek

  8. sorry i made some assuptions, but i have i only agree with that if it would be like that, because the avatar is not as big and special as others. sorry i offended you :)

    and what is the special rule from justice?? death marshal ;)

    death marshal are actually part undead and ressers ;) so fluff wise, yess the avatar is normal ;)

    ...now I feel dumb. I -totally- forgot about the death marshalls. You win. I'm totally cool with Lady J again :D

  9. well to start, why would it be cliché? second, i think it's only normal that this is her avatar, it's the same as sonnia, sonnia has the power and avatar of an arcanist and she hunts them, this is the same with justice,

    i think you don't like the avatar because the smiley is not as dramatic and big, as the rest of them, and because its "only" headless justice with her sword. i think if justice would have great wings as the shikome and great claws as a great eagle AND resser powers, you wouldn't mind at all.

    It would be cliche because of the tired old trope of "becoming the thing you hate". However, as Silver Chocobo said, if she already is/was, that would be easier to swallow.

    And please don't make assumptions about why I do or do not like things. The avatar and subsequent model don't bother me at all; it's the story and idea behind it. Also, I'll miss ol' Lady J, what with her being dead and all :'(

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