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Posts posted by RotatingPanda

  1. Simple fix? Take them to the local print shop and have them laminated. It costs like a dollar (or shilling? Euro? Piece of eight? A farthing? Pounds?)

    Guild scrip, man, Guild scrip.

    The card issue has been flogged to death so I won't touch on it. There has been some talk of a fluff wiki so that could potentially solve that problem. As for carrying "Twisting Fates" around for the Avatar rules, when you purchase an avatar, you get a second card with all the manifesting rules on it so that eliminates the need for the book. Additionally, most of us geeks memorize this stuff anyway :D

  2. You're ridiculous. Truly ridiculous.

    I adore your Kirai! The face make-up and the subtle markings on her kimono are just fantastic. I mean, the Ikiryo is good but the Kirai is a 10!

    The robes on the Onryo are just gorgeous.

    The Datsue-Ba is good but I'm not personally a fan of the model so you did a great job with...well...with that.

    The Gaki may be my favorites of your collection (so far).

    Your Lady J is awesome but it leads me to ask how you did her white hair? I have a whole Rapsy crew coming up (likely in white) and I'm looking for any white painting tips I can get. I mean, it won't come anywhere near yours but a man can dream...

    And the scultping is just sick. I hope you're a really bad player because no one deserves to be this good at painting, sculpting and playing ;)

    I don't know what the internet equivalent to a standing ovation is but you deserve it, sir. At length.

  3. The Lilith is amazing. Particular elements I like are the makeup and eyes, her left hand and the whole color scheme (gold, purple, blue). The base just brings it all together. Honestly, I'm not crazy about her her hair, but I've always preferred my redheads to be "redder" for lack of a better term. That's just personal preference though.

    The Mature Neph is also fantastic, especially the skin and eyes. Very engaging and bright piece, sure to catch the eye of passers by. Same with the Young Neph. All in all, the set stands out very nicely and would/will look great on a table top.

    Your Seamus is very well done but I think different colored pants would have contrasted a little better. As it stands, that's a whole lot of green. Still, excellent piece and better than I'll ever do :)

    Your Madame Sybelle is just awesome. Just pure awesome. I love, love, love what you did with her eyes and will likely shamelessly (seamussly?) rip it off for my own.

    I also love your Belles, especially the skin tone!

    I almost with I didn't play and happened by your local store just so I could see your demo crews ;)

  4. Your Pandora is great. I really love her eyes.

    Your Terror Tot is disgusting, but in a good way.

    Your Copellius is fantastic and I think the dragged body is so perfect for his pose.

    Is your Desp Merc supposed to look like Elektra? She totally is, right?

    Your Weaver Widow is freakin' sweet and all of your counters are amazing. Your counters may actually be my favorite part of a very good collection.

  5. Alright, a little background is necessary so you know where I'm coming from: I hate painting. I just loathe it. I'm terrible at it and fiddly little things like that get me frustrated and make my back and neck sore and it just irritates me to no end. However, I absolutely adore Malifaux and I have three crews with 40-60 SS each and I hate playing with unpainted minis so I needed to address this issue.

    After browsing the internets looking for tips, I found some Warhammer 40K armies painted with only washes. That was it. No highlighting, no drybrushing, no overbrushing, no detail work. Just prime, base coat and wash. Sometimes the base coat was even skipped and just a wash was done. I thought "Hey! That looks like something I can do!".

    So far, I've done three death marshalls, an ice gamin and an ice golem and I'm pretty pleased with the result. These won't win me awards and they're certainly not even a fraction as good as the other models people post in the showcase. But hopefully, they can serve as inspiration to other people out there who may be like me and want some quick, simple paint jobs to get your models on the table and get back to playing!



    I'm most pleased with my death marshals so far. Instead of going with black coats, I went for a little Devil May Cry inspiration (which is funny because I never actually played any of those games, just saw pictures and trailers).






  6. I am a terrible painter. Truly terrible. But I have discovered a quick and easy way, it seems, to get "table top" quality painting done without having to stress out. The only thing I'm using is washes over a white primer coat.

    No highlighting, no dry brushing, no over brushing, no detail work. Nothing. Just washes.

    But I've run into a problem. I've begun work on my Raspy crew and the gamins and golem were easy (just blue washes) but now I want to make some things white. Does anyone have any idea how you would do that using only washes?

  7. We'd love to have you, man! We only play Malifaux and 40K, with a pretty even split (although the emphasis is on Malifaux right now).

    Lots of variety in the club: Perdita, Hoffman, Lady Justice, Nicodem, Seamus, Kirai, Rasputina, Ramos, Lilith, Dreamer, Zoraida, Ophelia, Von Schill, and Leveticus. We also have some people showing interest in the Viks, Colette, Sonia and Pandora. So, a good mix!

    Next time you have a weekend free (excluding this coming one...), send me a PM and we'll get you over to twist some fate :D

  8. There's actually a growing community in the Comox Valley! Last count, there were 11 of us with a few more looking to join. We've had a local gaming club ("Nerdtopia"; we have shirts. Seriously.) that's been around for over 3 years now and plays Warhammer 40K and has recently gotten really gung-ho into Malifaux.

    We play every Saturday and are always welcoming new players. We're even having a convention and tournament this summer!

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