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Posts posted by RotatingPanda

  1. So, I just spent a half hour searching the forums and only found contradictory conversations and no straight answers. Maybe my Search Fu is weak but I did put in the effort to no avail.

    1. Can Lilith's Transposition be used on herself? On friendly models?

    2. I have read that in an opposed duel, you can automatically choose to tie a duel. Is this true? Is there a page reference in the ruling manual for it?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Oh wise Wyrd forums! Having a discussion with a friend (another one of those "we don't get the tricks" discussions).

    How would you go about killing Kirai with a Perdita/Family crew? Someone said it isn't really hard for her but other than activating everyone and shooting a lot and hoping for the best, we don't have any theories...

  3. I dont think the Ortegas have many problems with Kirai as is.

    That's what everyone says but our local Perdita player has a helluva time. Perhaps he's just not used to fighting Kirai and hasn't figured out her tricks.

    Except for SS, bringing 2 for redundancy means less of the models he boosts.

    True, for sure, but I run a very thematic Lady J crew (a very Death Marshal heavy crew) so, for me at least, two Exorcists is fine. They'll mostly just be boosting Lady J so she can wreck face anyway.

    But yes, Kirai does represent a significant threat on the table. I'm far more scared of facing her than many, many other Masters. Hence why I started this thread :D

  4. I get it with the Exorcist though? Think about Kirai if Perdita and her entire family got magical weapons? I don't see the spirit crew lasting more than two turns...

    And there's no reason you can't take two exorcists. I may pick up a second one if it ever gets an alternate sculpt (I'm kind of hoping every model gets alts eventually.)

  5. The OP is one of my best friends and we have been chatting about this IRL and this is the logic I followed.

    Hoffman has "Arcanist Ties: Crews containing this model MAY hire Arcanist Constructs..."

    Rules manual, p. 7: "When the rules on two models directly contradict each other, a rule that says CAN overrides MAY, and a rule that says CANNOT will override CAN."

    Special Forces, p. 10: "A Crew CANNOT contain models from more than one Special Forces group."

    So, Hoffman MAY hire Arcanist Constructs but CANNOT contain more than one Special Forces group. Because CANNOT overrides CAN which, in turn, overrides CAN, he CANNOT have more than one Special Forces group.

  6. See, we aren't the best at wrapping our heads around the rules and figuring out "tricks" and the like so I usually come here to get the communities feedback (thanks, as always!). I kept insisting that blasts would work but they weren't buying it. Although it's good to know, flat-out, that melee is not an ideal situation.

    As for SS Miner and Ryle, I dunno? I'll have to look into that for him, although the way it sounds, yes, it should be illegal?

  7. Hmmm. See, the concern we have is 5 Seishin + Lost Love = several turns committed to just dealing with her. Now, I know the mantra on here is "play your strategy" and that's reasonable but when you get Claim Jump, Contain Power, or Slaughter, it becomes a completely negative play experience.

    Now, as I said, we play thematic lists and we don't play faction to faction (as the game is balanced, I get that) so maybe there's just no real solution here. Our Hoffman player frequently runs Hoffman, Watcher, SS Miner, Ryle and a Steampunk Arachnid Swarm; he is utterly powerless against Kirai. I suppose the hard truth is that's just the way it's going to be.

  8. So, my local club is not particularly competitive and we mostly play thematic lists so we've been wracking our brains about the Kirai issue. With all of her Seishin shenanigans, our Hoffman player and Perdita player feel utterly defenesless against her, especially when she takes bodyguard for 2 easy VP.

    Thoughts and suggestions? How do non-casting crews with little to no access to magic weapons deal with her? Especially Hoffman, Perdita, Lady J, and Seamus?

  9. Q'iq'el is totally right. These tables were never meant to compare models stat-to-stat as that is far from the real picture. If you were to rely on the numbers alone, Collodi would be the slowest model in the game...

    While you can compare the numbers, do it for curiosity's sake, nothing more.

  10. Man, I love your Ophelia! So many people put her in earthen tones and the like and I just love that you put her in pink. Absolutely great!

    As for her base, it's good but not exceptional? I'd say that one's all personal taste.

    Really looking forward to the end result of your Lilu. Until then, you're just teasing us.

  11. Dustcrusher: Lucius has no ranged attack, arguably, because of his Hidden Sniper spell; Molly has no attacks listed at all, just spells; Collodi, like many Neverborn, has no way of inflicting damage at range. But with his speed, why would he need it?

    Lucidicide, Patchwork: Made the changes you suggested.

  12. letsallchant: The only abilities or talents factored in were Gunfighter. If were to start talking movement tricks, damage tricks, triggers, etc., this would have been impossible. According to the numbers, LCB, Collodi and Colette aren't all that fast but we know that simply isn't true. Again, its' just the numbers.

    Yes and no, Fetid Strumpet. For the "average" model at the very bottom, it averaged every model but for each category, I did only the totems, only the henchmen, only the minions, and only the masters. So, in the "Wounds" category, the average wounds for minion is only minions, but for the average model, it's everything.

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