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Posts posted by ChefsDad

  1. Can you hire more than 2 Kin models? As they're special forces?

    Edit: ignore me, you took Ophelia.

    Is Francois not killing in melee?

    Waldegeists could be an option depending on terrain, or kade?

    Hooded rider could add some extra threat too, and he's cheaper than mature and juju...?

  2. Hanger can't copy Ca as far as I know.

    I think it's doable but you'll need to be flipping 10+ for all models except Z, as they're all Ca 4. Looks brutal on paper but I think it would be less likely to work in reality.

    Let us know how it works out for you though :)

  3. I would pretty much put it to you this way:

    Lelu does more dmg then Teddy.

    Lelu is faster than Teddy. (has Melee expert vs. Flurry)

    Lelu is 2 SS cheaper than Teddy.

    I hear you, but...

    Lelu kinda has to be taken with lilitu, so you could argue that the pair are 5 stones more.

    If 2 sided does work as suspected, teddy may be faster with the Dreamer, as he can dump teddy in range to attack.

    Teddy is more resilient (not taking into account same malignant force, of course).

    If Teddy dies, he doesn't by default kill another model.

  4. Primordial Magic is ugly. Daydreams are sexy. That's my argument.

    On a serious note, I like the daydreams. Love the flexibility. The ability to put different elements of the Crew in different places is awesome IMO.

    If you take the PM you gain a card but lose the flexibility of DD. If you take the DD you gain flexibility but don't actually lose anything vs other crews (except with Daw, rasputina, or a librarian).

  5. Looks tasty.

    I don't know what the ins and outs of her crew hiring restrictions are, but for pure shooty:


    Von Schill



    Papa Loco

    Brutal effigy

    Not sure if the effigy compromises the special forces rule, or if her doll rule overrules that?

  6. Im not getting into a healthcare debate...as long as I can keep my job ;-)

    It does indeed suck, but I really cant complain. Even with the shipping costs (reasonable for the distance), I feel like Wyrd still looks after its customers. The opportunity to get the gencon exclusives AND prereleased models has been fantastic.

    That said...i want a puppet teddy :-(

  7. Im not getting into a healthcare debate...as long as I can keep my job ;-)

    It does indeed suck, but I really cant complain. Even with the shipping costs (reasonable for the distance), I feel like Wyrd still looks after its customers. The opportunity to get the gencon exclusives AND prereleased models has been fantastic.

    That said...i want a puppet teddy :-(

  8. I love the idea of Zorida, Colodi, Doppelganger with a ton of wicked dolls.

    Turn 1

    Zorida activates summons voodoo doll

    Voodoo doll activates

    Marionette A activates

    Marionette B activates

    Marionette C activates

    Marionette D activates

    Collodi activates

    By now most of you opponent has activated most of his force, while you stay back

    Doppleganger activates Copies Zorida crow spell and Puppet master ability. Double moves 20 inches to Flanking location

    Wicked doll activate: Uses (0) to get pushed next to puppet master Doppleganger. and either Charges, or double attack.

    Repeat with each wicked doll.

    Turn 2

    you should start because of Doppleganger ability

    Doppleganger activates, copies Wicked Dolls (0) to push to Zorida or puppet master, and a nice weapon off an opponent. Charges a target, then (0) to safety.

    Wicked doll activates: does a charge, then (0) back to Zorida or Collodi

    Repeat until all wicked dolls activate.

    Zorida & Collidi follow up and strike after most of oppopents has activated, ready fro turn 3 first strike

    Basically is allows for a good first strike potential, with minimal return fire. You should lose 2 maybe 3 wicket dolls on turn 2. Dealing a considerable amount of damage.

    How would the doppleganger do that, out of interest? The crow ability is a (0) action so wouldnt it take one to copy and one to perform it? Thus not being able to copy the puppet master ability?

  9. Hey.

    From whfb tournament experiences i found that the competetive gamers werent necessarily out to steamroll everyone purely for rankings. I played some very good players who did decimate me, but i still enjoyed the gane. There was a mix of competetive and non-competetive players, but i think the majority of the players were there for the social aspect.

    As has been said, regardless of rankings there will be some douchebags at tournies. I dont think rankings add to that enough to be that big an issue. If youre going to a ranking tournament and want to win, great. If you want to go with a soft list and just have fun, great. Theres likely others in the same mindset.

    The game should be about fun, regardless of power level. If youre going to a tourney and not expecting some competetive players...well...frankly its a bit daft.

    I think its where soft scores like painting, sportmanship, best in crew etc come in to play.

    Ultimately, you go to a tourney, you should expect competition. If you really have an issue with that, then dont go to them.

  10. Bought Bad Juju from an independent retailer on the UK, and his card says "Hard to Wound" as opposed to "Hard to Wound 2".

    Anyone know how to get a replacement? Dont really want to fork out shipment fees to get a correct card, as theyre only sold individually from Wyrd themselves.

  11. Let me say this Antigonos, this is BY FAR the BEST up and coming game out there. I have been gaming with minis off and on for the past 20 years of my life and it VERY refreshing to see a company as big as Malifaux but yet still small enough to listen to its customers. The support and attention they give is without measure. Yes all the big companies have great product replacement procedures, but the steps that Wyrd takes to keep the game going is outstanding! What company do you know makes their rules available for FREE???!!! or produce a VERY cost effective rulebook for you to purchase without having to purchase the larger rulebooks with all the fluff????

    You will find the game mechanic original and very interesting. I really do hope you demo a game soon, and I will see you on the other side of the breach!

    The first two rulebooks have AWESOME fluff and info on the models. Sone of the rules for the models have been updated via new stat cards (wjich you can download for free) to blance and clarify rules. The rulebooks have also been errata'd to clarify and tweak rules fora fairer and more fluid game.

    Instead of releasing just an errata, they released the rules manual which has all the updated rules in it. You can buy it (the cost effective rulebook

    Cubert mentioned), which is of brilliant quality, or you can downliad it free. The cards are fantastic too, but you can opt to use normal playing cards so its cheaper.

    In addition, if there is a rules query that needs clarification, there are rules marshals on the forum who can give you a definitive answer in good time.

    Basically, Wyrd looks after its community. Malifaux, as a game, and as a story, far outdoes whfb and whormachine (for me), and 40k gamewise and is on par fluffwise. Its also got great models and great prices (in comparison at the very least).

    The gameplay can move very quickly when you get the gist of your crew and rules, and is very tactical, as you have your main strategy and then schemes which can be kept secret if you wish. This gives you around 6 objectives to think about - completing youre own and preventing your opponent from completing theirs/guessing their schemes. Each player takes turns to use one model at a time which can either go for objectives, charge, shoot, move to protect themselves or more important models, get in the way, or set up combos. This creates a game where forward thinking is king (think chess, in a sense). As ratty said you have a hand which you can use to improve on the cards you flip for attacks/spells etc., but you have a limited amount. This means you have resource management to think about. Masters can use soulstones, which generally makes them more powerful than other models, but is another resource to use wisely.

    This game is Fried Gold, and is pretty easy to pick up after a couple of games. Its not all kill, in fact you can lose every model and win, and is characterful and different. I dont think you will be disappointed with this game.

    ...ill stop brown-nosing now :$

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