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Mister Shine

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Posts posted by Mister Shine

  1. I had assumed spanish for the ortega abilities, but starting a spanish language version of PMF is probably more of an undertaking for after we've got the english side of things done. And probably better as a second wiki, to avoid the possibility of 5 versions of each model spread through m2e/m1e version and 4 different languages.


    Also, added the mercenary list to the sidebar

  2. Mannequins are fine, but ive never really had too much trouble getting scheme markers down with all the minions I bring. I find them more useful in elite crews when you need to get the scheme markers up  further. If you wanted to run a Collodi with Illuminated and 2 coryphee style list, or a ton of henchman, Id consider them a lot more.

  3. I usually take 3 or 4. They are a very solid and cheap unit. And significant minions, so you can get a lot accomplished with them. I usually take something along the lines of this:


    Neverborn Crew - 50 - Scrap

    Collodi -- 5 Pool
    +Fated [1]
    +Strum the Threads [1]

    • Marionette X 4 [12]
    • Arcane Effigy [4]
    • Beckoner [7]
    • Brutal Effigy [4]
    • Coryphee [7]
    • Lucky Effigy [4]
    • Widow Weaver [8]

  4. Similar point if youre coming from Warmahordes: Losing you Master is not like losing your Warcaster. The game is not over. The amount of resources you have to dump into being able to take out a Master usually mean youre going to be seriously light in paying attention to Victory Points elsewhere. And if you're the person who just lost your leader, you can capitalize on this.


    Malifaux has a lot of strategy and games are often decided on the very last turn, not the first or second.


    Also SOOOOO goddamn pretty (in a creepy way). Join up with the fanboys over at "A Wyrd Place" on facebook, watch our community do cool and crazy things. Worth a look and is free.

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