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Mister Shine

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Posts posted by Mister Shine

  1. Basically, do you want a controller that can do single target buffs on anyone and turn into a big monster to beat on enemies or do you want a controller that buffs everyone (as long as they are a minion or puppet) and makes the enemy beat on itself


    I'm a bigger fan of Collodi myself. I like my opponents fearing 3SS piles of sticks more than they do Nekima.

  2. Lil creepy dolls is an excellent list to run!


    Ideally you'll want to grab 2-3 effigies (as I've said before I like Brutal, Lucky and Arcane) if you plan on running Fated, which I do in most cases. If going Props the effigies arent as necessary but still nice.


    A beckoner is a super solid investment as well, you'll want to be able to draw your targets to you, making it harder to get counter attacked. You can outrange your opponents and keep pulling her strings until she succeeds at drawing things into the puppet ball of death.


    Marionettes should always be there, they are incredibly solid for a 3ss model.


    You've honestly got a lot of freedom to bring any minions you want from NB, Collodi is a power buffer. Then just stick to normal winning rules: focus on VP/VP denial, dont get caught up killing enemies, be careful if you draw Reckoning not to over-strum or get your squishies too close to enemy death balls

  3. I play tons of games; Infinity, Malifaux, Dropzone, Warmahordes, A number of Kickstarters: I embrace all the differences, I truly do. But GW just keeps making decisions I can't possibly agree with.


    But hey, thats why we don't bring up GW and abusive exes: makes you negative. We talk about how awesome are lives are currently. Like how we, as a community, updated the entire Malifaux wiki in under a month with tactics for nearly everything in the game. Why did we do it? Someone asked nicely. Its an awesome community and I'd never dare to call it negative.


    We just dont talk about exes and GW.

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    Why the heck can't we all just love all table top games & gamers?


    It would make the online community waaaaay less toxic.


    I DO love GW's 40k IP. Love it to bits. Thats why I get so mad about it. Because I love it is why I can GET so mad when GW decides to do an obvious cash in, or sacrifice gameplay for no reason whatsoever.


    Im not going to get mad at you playing 40k, but Im really not going to understand why lol

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