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Mister Shine

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Posts posted by Mister Shine

  1. Wyrd never announces stuff that will be for sale at gencon anymore until they are 100% sure it  will really be able to be there. This is not a new or worrying thing.


    As for new stuff, there's a pile of new masters (bring on IRONSIDES) as well a scattering of new models outside of the crew boxes. But with essentially the entire back catalog ACTING as new models for the purposes of testing and designing for plastic, I suppose there hasn't been a lot of wiggle room to add that much more without making Devs cry tears of blood trying to balance it all.


    As for the Wave 3 split. We needed. Oh god, I had been doing nothing but play Malifaux and post bat reps for over a year. We were burned out. We didnt want to do it anymore. That is not a good testing environment, so we take a break, we get our shiny new Arsenal decks at Gencon (assumedly, since the book is coming out then) and then yes, I will want to figure out how to make Avatars work along with everyone else again.


    The whole switchover has been/is tough, but we've been getting monthly FAQ/Errata updates from Justin, we get new releases (when they arent delayed by evil happenstance) I wouldnt call it no updates. I would call it sticking to Wyrd's normal policy of "we'll tell you when theres a change" for better or worse.


    Malifaux has been picking up steam here in Toronto and I am still trying to figure the new and interesting combos I think I can wring out of 2nd edition.

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  2. I feel Coppellius is on that dangerous line where you can start thinking of really good combos for him, but end of the day you're thinking of combos for him and other models, not your master. The things that he brings to the table work much better in a Dreamer crew IMO, as opposed to Widow, who's benefits to Collodi are right up front.


    By all means take him if you want, Myth points out some really great tactics for him above, but Collodi doesnt really gain any particular benefit from him that benefits him more than anyone else.

  3. Hey I pledged a crapton,(note the secret level art asset) am not in a situation where that money isnt felt. And yup I am still waiting patiently. I think there could have been more communication sure,  but most people I know who backed it are in the same boat: waiting, wanting it soon, but not throwing out the RAWRWYRDDEVILS vitriol that seems to be taking center stage

  4. Eh, the internet lens is weird. You get 20 people yelling loudly, it seems like everyone is mad, but you've got 1500 backers, so a lot of those are just sitting back and waiting.


    Either way, happy that these forums can soon be more about the gameplay than the game itself soon

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