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Mister Shine

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Posts posted by Mister Shine

  1. hmmmmm let me do some calculations, that would require a lot of hand work and I would have to figure out if offering at current prices would put me in the hole. Not trying be a hard ass, just during the funding prices are so close to the line I have to be extremely careful

    Heck even as just an option on some of the smaller/easier piece would be nice :Smug_Puppet2: Don't expect you to spend 3 days on a saloon for 3 extra bucks though :P

  2. Well, for generic 3d ones Im thinking brick walls with (faction symbol) etched or chalked or bled onto them. For specific ones:

    Colette - Want to have stage props; trap doors, curtains, two halves of a box sawed in two, that sort of thing

    Tara - Been making creepy tendrils of smoke and glue for her

    Collodi - For sure making ads for the puppet show

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