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Mister Shine

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Posts posted by Mister Shine

  1. Beckoners fold quickly, but most Lynch players will try to charge you first with the Illuminated, and then let the beckoners safely throw brilliance at you without scattering into combat. So try and stay out of LoS of the beckoners until you can nail them in combat.

    The Illuminated themselves are going to heal 2 or more every turn, so if you want to take one down, focus focus focus on it

    Lynch players will also often be taking Expert Cheater and cheating face down. Try and watch where your opponent is stuffing their Aces in their hand so you can get an edge on when theyre bluffing you

  2. TONS of people watch that drivel. Keep in mind a lot of the poeple you hang out with are also probably nerds, so its an unfair sampling of whats popular. Think of the average person, then realize half of EVERYONE is dumber than that.

    Not to mention the shows you mentioned cost comparatively nothing to produce, where as most scifi and fantasy shows have a huge operating budget and if they arent runaway successes (Hi Game of Thrones) most networks arent going to risk putting a ton of their budget into it since most shows see a dropoff in viewership/ad dollars around season 2 and 3

    As for the mid season thing, I dunno, probably so they can hype it in ads of "BIG FINALE" and get that season finale boost in viewership twice a season instead of just once. There could be some other reason for it though, Im just guessing on this one

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