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Mister Shine

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Posts posted by Mister Shine




    Ok, so to encourage people to be awesome Im going to be giving out a Miss Step to a random someone who completes a tactica. A random someone who isn't me. But hey, write up a tactica, let the thread know you've completed a Master and I'll throw your name in the draw for the awesome Gen-Con exclusive:




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  2. Hey All, just been approving all the new people who signed up for the wiki, glad to see so many people interested. There are a LOT of empty Masters right now, but I do want to try to hit the July article target, and I certainly think we can. Most everyone has a favourite master and that means you probably have a decent idea of how to use them. So I encourage everyone to give article writing a shot.


    The worst that could happen is Justin hides under your bed and kills you in your sleep. And thats pretty unlikely.


    He's more of a soul-eater kinda guy.

  3. That's all fine, and I agree. However, once the models are out, why can't you have them painted? Replace the render / plastic pics with painted ones. At this point many of the plastics have been out for a long time......new players are jumping on the web-site every day. Their first experience with the model would be painted. Those of us that have been here see the renders first......so what?


    Well, then you piss off your LGS by sticking them with a bunch of "old" boxes. Works fine for Wyrd, but if your local store doesnt move those 3 Marcus box sets theyre going to be even LESS likely to sell once there's a pretty "new" version. Seems dumb, but I have seen it happen, we are in a community where OCD tendencies run high.


    Second, and this is more of a personal thing, a bad paint job can ruin a model. I'm thinking specifically of the old Wicked Dolls here (and apologies to whoever painted them) but I thought they were hideous penguin models and I didn't want to touch them, but they came with starter. But then hey, if you give them the stitched paint scheme they look great.


    Overall, its probably more of a logistics thing, one that I've already stretched my knowledge base trying to explain and I doubt Wyrd is really going to explain the reasonings behind all their decisions, but renders are here. You may be fine with not giving Wyrd money for a month or two while models get painted but Wyrd, as a business, is probably less keen on not getting your money for a month or two, what with expenses and overhead and such.


    As for on-tracking - I think putting painted stuff from the Chronicles on the website is a pretty good idea.

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