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Mister Shine

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Posts posted by Mister Shine

  1. Its another nice thing for people who jumped on the editing partywagon to do though!


    Speaking of, if you did jump on said partywagon, let us know in thread what youve been fixing up. Goes for everyone really. A post here with your username about what youve made/spruced up is a lot easier to track for the various loot bags than trying to figure it out from the 100+ revisions a day in the change log.


    Share your contributions and beam with pride

  2. Do you know how to change the font of the text? I will start to add links to other models soon, and I added the concept art from Chronicles 10.



    Just going to go ahead and make a style guide call here, I'd like everyone to stick with the default font. Its important that PMF looks cohesive, despite being made by dozens of people's efforts.

    • Like 1
  3. I would go with B. Your attack types should be able to change during the course of your action. For example


    If I declared some kind of mimic ability and copied a :ranged action, I wouldnt be able to use it if I was engaged in melee, it still follows the normal rules. Similarily I believe if youre mimicing an attack, its still an attack action, it requires an opposed duel.

  4. Just thought I'd share the May PMF statistics with everyone




    Quite the spike in the past day!



    As for a painting tacticas, that might be a good idea for expanding into later, but I feel its a bit off point when we still have models without pages still.


    Also updated the Style Guide http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/Wiki+Style+Guide which should be a good reference article for editors. I'll add more to it as questions come up/are resolved

  5. I'd be happy to help with some Neverborn: Wicked Dolls, Lelu, and Lilitu come to mind.

    I'd also love to help proof, edit, and/or spell check anything that anyone would like looked over.



    I've got a pile of model tactica buried in my Collodi tactica if anyone wnat to use them as a base. Wicked Dolls, Weaver, Marionettes, etc

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  6. Hey since they did the legwork and I just copied the info from them (with permission) I'd like to throw the following in the Good pile:


    Kriltic on McMourning

    Dgraz on Marcus

    Fenrisian on YanLo


    They put a lot of work in and I dont think its fair they miss out on all the prize draws and stuff because I copied their tacticas in a week ago

  7. For example, Im working on Colette right now. I could talk about scheme markers in bits and pieces through Mobility, Offense and Defense.... but Im just adding a section to talk about them overall, because they are that important


    In the same vein, I talk about Marionettes in the Collodi Tactica. Sure, could have linked to a new page on marionettes, but they are so integral to playing him for most lists I made them part of his Tactica.


    Play it by ear guys. Just get as much info down as you can think of, we can always go back and neaten things up over the course of the remaining human history.

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