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About Mattjh

  • Birthday 10/10/1981

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  1. Thanks all, gives me a good idea of what I'm getting into.
  2. The guild looks interesting but then so do the outcasts. The others don't catch my eye too much. And thank you for the clear answers. What size game are most tournaments? Or does it vary greatly?
  3. Hey all. Interested in getting into malifaux but curious about a few things. The website says you can play with only a few models. How true is that? I know with warmachine they have the battle boxes but those don't really give more than a taste. Is it the same with malifaux? Also, what is the typical size game played? And finally, it sounds like there is a lot of cross faction usage. And that when you play, you don't choose your crew until after the mission is decided. Is that right? And does that mean I can go with whatever faction I want after the mission is decided? Thank you.
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