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Everything posted by Beaker

  1. That board made me laugh, and also bellow out how cool it was. Very good spotting that one sir!
  2. Well at the moment, if I play a 35 SS game, my starting go-to list will be the Leveticus boxed set, 3 Necropunks, a Canine Remains, and some spare Waifs and a Desolation Engine. We'll see how that goes down. But yeah, I realize that his learning curve is pretty steep - most of my opponents will be new as well, so while I shall be trounced most likely, I feel as though I will have a little bit of a chance anyhow lol.
  3. So I have plans for doing up a customized Peacekeeper model. I already have Leveticus at the moment. I know he can hire the thing in his crew, since it's a construct - but my question is if it's actually worth getting the big clanker with Levi. I am a brand-new player right now, just fyi.
  4. Bah - oh well. If I just order the replacements for my whole starter set from the Wyrd store, will they be the v2 cards? Or to get those, will I have to actually print them off from Tabletopgeeks
  5. Oh I see - so the v2 cards are only made up of stuff that got changed?
  6. So I ended up moving across country, and am now a denizen of the East Coast! (hello fellow Delawarians or Delawarites, or whatever you choose to call yourselves lol). During the move, I somehow lost all my Malifaux cards. This doesn't seem to be a problem - I merely had one Leveticus starter set. Looking around, I see that the Tabletopgeeks site contains .pdf's for the v2 characters, so that seemed to be a solution. And it would be... except that the Steampunk Abomination seems to be missing from the .pdf on that site. Seeing as how the Abominations are pretty much essential for Leveticus, I and hoping that someone can give me some advice on how to replace it. Thanks in advance guys!
  7. On Soulstones - my hope was to use the general rule about not taking a Scheme, and getting 2 free Soulstones for just that sort of use (getting a cool Death Touch off or something)] On the Peacekeeper - looking at the thing, it appears to be fairly self-sufficient. So I had thought about using it to just stomp around, and be big, scary and killy to draw attention, while the rest of the army does it's own thing. Additionally, my 2nd Master in this game will probably be Hoffman who does like the Peacekeeper, so I can sort of share purchases that way I don't know -those are my two thoughts there, perhaps you more experienced folks have other opinions though?
  8. Hey there all - new to the world of Malifaux, though not to the world of wargaming. I thought I would build up a Leveticus list to start, even though his laundry list of special rules might be a tad difficult to assimilate for a new player. But whatever, I'm sure I'll get there eventually, and his fig/style is quite entertaining in the meantime. Anyhow, here's my the initial list I plan to purchase, working off the starter set and adding a few things. Let me know if there is something wrong or lacking in it please. Leveticus Rusty Alice - 9 SP Abomination - 3 SP Abomination - 3 SP Abomination - 3 SP Abomination - 3 Necropunk - 3 Necropunk - 3 Peacekeeper - 9 TOTAL - 35 ss For additional starter purchases not represented in this list, my thought was a few extra Hollow Waifs since they seem so important and easy to generate. Also another pack or two of SP Abominations for the same reason. Finally a Desolation Engine for my SPA's to transform into if necessary, or to create from destroyed enemies if I get lucky - though I shall have to convert it a tad with some more steampunk-y extras (chainsaw blades or something), as he looks entirely too "normal" for my tastes. Anyhow, are there any thoughts?
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