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Posts posted by HunterB

  1. Thanks, reading the text it would sound like they would not be allowed as they would technically be proxies rather than conversions I guess which would be a shame as I want to avoid repeating sculpts.

    this is why I thought I would ask as it is a bit of a grey area as they are official wyrd models but not strictly what they are representing, I can see unique models being an issue but for generic minions I would hope it was fine

    may just keep them for friendly games and check with TOs prior to events

  2. Hi,

    I was wondering if there is ever an issue (in competitive) with using the malifaux through the breach mulitpart kits to make alternative figures?

    Maybe just for extra non unique minions like ronin, rail workers etc?   Is there any issue with making more unique characters especially if you make sure the opponent knows what it is (name on base maybe)


  3. Hi everyone.

    I have the new Mei Feng 1980s style box and am looking at ways to expand.   I also have the Fuhatsu special model.

    Looking at the crew builder I was wondering if it would be good to go with Metal Golem and Metal Gamin?

    Any other directions worth looking at?



  4. Hi,

    I originally asked to go down on the reserves list for this, (not sure if that happened or not as with several drop outs and shout outs for more people I did not hear anything)

    either way if I am still on the list can you take me off please, other RL events may be kciking off in November instead.

    Have fun!

  5. I'd go with Hasselfree, the models are decent and a good price.

    May be a little bit smaller on the scale but should not be too much, I have the katie model from the juveniles range and she is a wee bit smaller than the dreamer model.

    I think the Sarah model could be a good alt. Dreamer with her little Cthulhu doll!!

  6. I would stick with giving Molly more toys

    I was thinking of starting a Molly crew but as the options are so slim I left it, glad to hear that she may be getting some more stuff in the new book so I may have to look again later in the year.

    I think the thoughts about gender stereotypes is an interesting one and yes Malifaux does stick very much to the cliches we are used to but yes it does also tend to mix things up a bit.

    I do like the idea of alternate gender-swap sculpts, that could in theory tick both boxes of giving something different whilst sticking to thier original vision.

  7. Don't worry about the time it takes to click, especially if you are used to other game systems.

    I too play a lot of 40k and WFB and can find Malifaux a bit tricky to get to grips with all the special rules different models have.

    I only have about 10 games of Malifaux under my belt so am still a bit newbish as far as this game goes but I do have some tips for you.

    Chill and play it for fun, do not worry about the other crew to begin with, make sure you know what you can do and try and do it.

    Find a good group to play with. the club I go to has some very experienced players (look at the top UK players and you will see a lot of them!!) who play hard but fair and are open to helping out and I find it a great place to learn the game.

    I think one thing that really helped me out was playing in a tournament. It was a bit daunting at first but you learn to get your turns in quickly and effectively. I finished mid table and picked up my first ever wins and one of them was even an 8-0 win!!

    So I would say stick with it, it is a fantastic game with a lot of tactical depth.

    If you have a crew you like stick with it, there are a lot of shiny things out there to tempt the eye but the more you familiarise yourself with them the better.

  8. In the past I have not had many issues with getting hold of Malifaux products although this year I have.

    I have put in 2 orders and one took about 3 weeks to get a desperate merc back in Feb/March and 6-8 weeks to get my Von Schil box (april/may).

    The first one I just figured things happen and left it but the other I had to chase up due to an event and was told that the order would be delayed due to supplier issues.

    I have noticed some products do seem to stay "out of stock" on websites for a while now.

    May have to tryout some of the other suppliers mentioned in this post

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