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Posts posted by twenty4seven

  1. Hey Spiralingcadaver, welcome to Malifaux! It seems as though others have already substantially answered your questions but if there's anything else I'd be happy to help (you've helped me on more than one occasion on the privateer press forums :happypuppet2). Lady J and Von Schill are both really fun boxes and should be good starters. If you're into background definitely pick up the Core rule book and the rising powers expansion at some point as the fluff is pretty engaging. Enjoy!

  2. Hello and welcome to Wyrd and Malifaux! I find the game pretty intuitive and easy to learn and teach to new players. I recommend printing out the Reference sheet available here. I still have one of these sitting out for every player when I play and it makes things go much faster. Have fun and enjoy!

  3. Join us for The Realm's August Achievement League starting on Tuesday, August 16th and Running until the 6th of September.

    Play up to 3 games per week to earn achievements and win prizes!

    $5 Entry fee.

    The Realm Games and Comics

    1021 E. Imperial hwy Suite G2

    Brea, CA 92821 USA

    PH: 714-990-8450

    EMAIL: therealmgames@sbcglobal.net

    For direct information about the league you can PM me on the Wyrd forums, or reach me at jacobsschreiber@gmail.com

    Malifaux League flyer.pdf

    The Realm Malifaux Achievements League.pdf

  4. I'm going to chime in for the envirotex as well. I've used Woodland Scenics, and a variety of cheapo alternatives and have never been as satisfied with the end result. It's pretty widely available but if you can't find it hobby lobby generally has sales going on in their online store and you can get it at a pretty reasonable price there.

  5. Wow I'm dumb. Today I put the hooded rider together and after finally getting all the fiddly little bits on the thing in a way that looked pretty decent and pinning it to a base I turned the model over, examining all the cool details when on the horses head I found lots of tiny holes that would have been perfect for the snakes :blast.

    I had cut and filed them down so they could be tucked behind that helmet looking armor piece (at least that's what it looked like to me haha). Now I'm faced with the option of either doing a little green stuff work to cover up the mistake or tearing the snakes off and properly applying them. What would you guys do?

    Edit: Okay after realizing that it would haunt me for the rest of my life I carefully removed all the snakes and properly attached them like a normal person.

  6. It wasn't hard to do and I don't know if it's the right way to do it or not as I was experimenting at the time.

    I always use a white undercoat and then just gave the dress a slight wash with watered down Badab Black. from there I went through highlighting it back to white on the high points.

    For the sheer look I took the easy route. Since I had her with the dark red skin I grabbed some Ball Red Wash and went over the higher parts so it looks lighter and as if it is showing through the dress.

    I don't know if that is how it's suppose to be done but it seems to have worked for me.

    Yet another use for the amazing washes. Well done!

  7. Thanks for the responses! I really like both of the formats that snord and Buhallin are running and will probably use some culmination of the both of them. Buhallin, I hope you don't mind but I'm going to use the first page of your doc as the basis for a flier to put up in the local shop as I'm not so photoshop savvy.

  8. I'm wondering if anyone's had any experience running or playing in a Malifaux achievement league? How did everyone respond to the format? Was it successful in generating more Malifaux buzz? I'm working on drumming up some more excitement for Malifaux at the local store and it seemed like a fun way to go about running a league.

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