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Posts posted by twenty4seven

  1. Saturday, May 12th SoCal Malifaux will be at Thou Shalt Game in Temecula running demos and open play.

    We have lots of members coming from as far as San Diego and it looks to be a great time. Stop by and get a demo from one of our Henchmen or meet some of the crew and enjoy a few games.

    The gaming starts at 10:30am!

    Thou Shalt Game

    27314 Jefferson Ave. #9

    Temecula, CA 92590

    I look forward to seeing you there!

  2. Welcome to the forums! Great to see more communities sprouting up all over. If you're looking for more players I've found that a facebook and webpage has done wonders for growing my local community. Keep playing and having fun and make sure to keep us updated about your journeys beyond the breach.

  3. Nicodem is far and away my favorite master to play. I can't stress enough how important having some mindless zombies around is. You'll definitely want at least 1 blister, probably 2 in the long run. But there's lots of cool looking cheap zombies out there so if you're looking to keep costs down there's no need to grab them all at once. I personally love my vultures. Being able to swoop on a corpse counter 10" away, or paralyze a model pretty much anywhere on the board is not something to take lightly but you're probably good with just one. My favorite rezzer minions are the crooked men. They create shafted markers which will either deal 3 wounds to, paralyze, or outright kill anything that gets within 2" of them. They're also no slouches in combat and being undead can stand up to a lot of punishment. I also love flesh constructs and I think that the McMourning starter is a good buy after Nicodem and some canine remains because it'll get you a construct and you'll have 2 masters to play around with. Have fun either way and make sure to ask if you need any more help.

  4. Online registration is officially open for WonderCon 2012 at the Anaheim Convention Center and SoCal Malifaux will be out in force!

    Friday, March 16th we will be hosting Demos and open gaming from 12-4pm.

    On Saturday there will be a 35ss tournament beginning at 12pm. The tournament will be Open Faction, Gaining Grounds Domination format with Prizes for the top 3 players and grab bags for all participants.

    Sunday will round out the con with more demos and open gaming from 11am - 5pm.

    Visit our website and facebook for more information http://www.socalmalifaux.com.

    Check back for more updates about prizes and events.

    I look forward to seeing everyone at WonderCon!

  5. LA area gamers, this Sunday SoCal Malifaux will be hosting Demos and Open Gaming at Game Empire Pasadena. If you've been away for awhile or you're looking to try Malifaux for the first time this is the perfect opportunity.

    Game Empire has an unbelievable amount of gaming space and 2 custom built tables specifically for Malifaux!

    Gaming will start at 1:30pm and run well into the evening.

    For more information check out Game Empire's website or send me an email: jakehenchman@socalmalifaux.com

    To keep up to date on all the Malifaux happenings throughout Southern California and to stay plugged in with our fantastic community check out our facebook and website.

    Socal Malifaux's Facebook

    Socal Malifaux's Website

  6. Looks like me and a friend are going to meet up with ebonstar and come up. Hioe this has a solid turn out its a big drive ;)

    You and me both, brother. So far I think we have 8 players confirmed.

    I still plan on being there for some of the event. Will watch, don't want to show off (how to lose) too much.

    Dan, I'm making everyone sign a release that says they won't rage quit the game after you massacre them so you can play if you really want to.

  7. I hope Kirai gets an alt! I'm planning to paint it very ghostly and use it when she's a spirit.

    As far as McMourning the picture in the Avatar section is pretty cool but I think that's part of the Avatar. I've been wrong in the past about the same avatar though (I thought Simulacrum 29 was Levi's avatar for sure when the first pictures were shown).

  8. Welcome to Malifaux and the forums! Already making friends I see :) I'm pretty far to the south of your location but I've seen many posts in the events section about Malifaux happenings around Sacramento, perhaps I'll make the trek myself one day and we'll be able to get a game. Enjoy!

  9. I stopped playing 40k about a year ago. I sold off 2/3 of my armies and hung on to my Chaos Space Marines because I had a friend in the military who had gotten into the game shortly before duty called and he had to leave. Once he got back I had him play Malifaux with me and now I'm working on selling off both of our armies haha.

    I do have a small collection of Warmachine and I like that game a lot but I only play about 1 game of Warmachine for every 10 of Malifaux. The Warhammer universe is still very appealing to me, I like the Horus Heresy novels and I've looked longingly at how cool the Fantasy minis are but the idea of playing a WHFB or 40k game just feels like a chore to me at this point.

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