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E.T.A. Hoffman

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Posts posted by E.T.A. Hoffman

  1. I love the new Dreamer! That being said, I think his summoning build will be very hit or miss in a tournament setting (you're like, one of those competive jerks :P -like myself-) since you need a few high cards every hand to make anything happen. Where as a LCB-centric build should be more consistently awesome.

  2. What I've learned is that Von Schill and friends are really strong when they stay within 4" inches of each other and the steam trunk. Think about it, they all have armor 1, a better version of hard to kill, a 0 action healing ability that removes poison, and are mostly wp 7! Damage output is meh to good depending on how much resource you can throw into it. For instance, a freikorpsman deal 1/3/4 but if you toss a ram card for thier 0 and flip a ram then you do 3/4/6. The biggest issue I see is with Reconnoiter. Its a hard strategy for them when they benifity so much for staying close together.

  3. I don't think the NB is good for anyone but Tara. He's is very killy, but without the unbury/bury + discard tricks, he's a low def model. I mean, you could take him in a Victory list or a Hamlin, but he'd have to stay out of harms way for like 3 turns and show up turn 3/4 and start smashing. Throw him out turn 1/2, and fail to win the initiative, you'll be putting him back in your case when people realize he's def 3.

  4. This is Me2, not 1.5. The aim was to reduce needless complexity. Therefore I do not think Wyrd intended to have a distinction between 'Does Not Require' and 'Ignore', it's too contrary to the design methodology. I think this is just a common language issue and inconsistency in the nomenclature.

    The rules require a model to have LoS to use an Attack Action against it. Silurids have a rule that negates rules which remove the LoS restrictions. That's my view on it anyway. But, we could use a FAQ on diss.

  5. Hi all,

    So Silurids have the Silent trait: Models cannot ignore LoS or cover when targeting this model.

    Lilith has Master of Malifaux: This model... ...and does not need LoS to target models with Charge or Ca Actions.

    So, who's rule do we use when Lilith tries to Ca on a Silurid when she cannot see him? The wordy is not 100% consistent. Silurids says models may not 'ignore' LoS, while Lilith says she doesn't need it. It's arguable both ways here. I think Silent is more specific but I need a real ruling.

    What yall think?

  6. Ello'

    1. The terrain markers the waldgeist drop with germinate. These are soft cover, but do they only give the benefits of softcover if you ware within 1" of them? I played a game where it was argued that drawing LoS through them grants soft cover no matter how far away from the markers the target is.

  7. Hi all,

    I have had the doppelganger in my collection for 2 years. Yesterday I finally got around to using her. I've played against her plenty before that.

    Is it me, or is the ganger really broken? I mean, automatically forcing an opponent to flip negative twist on initiative flips even if they stone it? Initiative is so powerful in this game and there is no resist to it either.

    Idk, maybe it's just me but she is way to good, as in I think she bends the game in a bad way. Don't get me wrong, I love the model, the fluff, and I sure as hell love having a model that nearly promises first activations every round. Then on top of that she can just copy my masters attack and use SS and start smashing. Her utility is great.

    I tried her out in a Lynch crew with Sue. Sue got reactive from the darkness every turn, then shrug off that whole pesky dying thing. Doppelganger copied spells from just about everyone and became one hell of a utility piece.

    Does anyone else feel that the neg-twist is a bit much though?

  8. Hi,

    So, harmless is a Wp 12 duel for every attack. That means that any ability that requires multiple resists flips would also require a harmless check for each flip right?

    Example: Bell lures jackalope. Bell has to make a Wp 12 duel, because the lure spell is an attack. After the bunny fails and is lured, the bell gets a free attack. This then also has to pass a harmless check. Even though the lure is one action, one ap, and gets a free strike, they are still two seperate attacks. Correct?

  9. Not that I'm down on Silurids.......they make up the bulk of the list.....and they are incredibly fast.[/quote

    True points all around. Important things to consider when deciding who is faster. In truth they are both fast in their own ways and both fill different roles really. Lizardfolk don't have the staying potential of Bats but Bats lack the offensive potential of Lizardfolk. Including both in a broad spectrum list will never do you wrong.

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