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Posts posted by dancater

  1. Just checking something, seems obvious.  The immune to slow would mean Banasuva summons with Command of Fire with the full 2 AP on the turn when summoned.  Summon sickness causes slow but he'd be immune, I got my book today :+fate:D was reading through it and that little fact occurred to me.  

    Want to check I am not missing some blindingly obvious rule however.

  2. I would love to see a Dark Carnival version of Angelica, to keep in them it would need to be a man so the PT Barnum style barker would fit.  I'd like to see a brawny man with exaggerated features in a quasi military uniform and big swagger stick who calls himself "The Field Marshal" or something similar.  You could also try to find something Alice Cooper linked...

    Also we now potentially have a female nightmare member in the form of an alternate Carlos Vasquez assuming as a Showgirl he is a member of the Star Theater troupe (I have not read his back story so do not know).

    But an alt nightmare Angelica would make my Malifaux year.

  3. I'd say Lucius would be up there.

    Mah Tucket is also rare.

    I'd say that is the two classic rare mentions.  

    I've rarely seen or heard people talking about Kaeris, Hoffman, Yan Lo or Collodi.  But I suspect this is a group which is not as rare more meta based and who has what and wants to play it.

    Ironsides seems to at least recently getting some real attention, I've played her myself.  Tara and Kirai I've also heard brought up recently and I have a friend who loves Kirai, so not rare here.

    I'd say its easier to consider the 'common' masters that you'll often see I think there is a pool of the masters you 'take' in a faction, they are strong work well with a good selection of cross-over models and have some good models in their box sets so folks often have them and they also run certain schemes and strats well.

    So in Arcanists, my main faction:

    Colette she is strong, real good in schemes, is a power booster for other models [like Howard & Joss] and her box includes Cassandra who is Arcanist essential.  

    Ramos strong for multiple schemes, works well with multiple builds and summons in good models en masse and his box includes Howard, Joss and to a lesser extent Spiders.

    Rasputina so very strong against Horror builds, the Arcanist aoe nuke, several out of box but core frozen heart models you'll get [Dec Acolyte, Silent One and Ice Dancer] and she loves 'em as well, Ice Gamin are perhaps the strongest Gamin [Summonable by Sandeep] - constructs [so summonable by Mech Rider]  and 4SS, Blessed of Dec is an awesome beast for Marcus builds and also a Raspy staple.

    The lesser masters:

    Mei Feng the dual TT, means dual appeal, is really strong Kung Fu bouncy, Rail Workers in her box are superb and maybe best construct tanks since Metal Gamin cuddle, she works great with constructs and if you play Arcanists you'll have a few already so why not Mei.  

    Ironsides is more niche, Ox Mages recently got interesting with book 4 which will upgrade her box value, The Captain is excellent but SS costly, works well with any M&SU so some nice 'I already have x' synergy.  I think we'll see more of her.

    Kaeris again niche, Burning schtick is a little mid-lane Sonnia does it better and condition blocking is common enough it is unreliable.  Firestarter is a solid henchman but not an Arcanist must have and her Fire Gamin were not much to get excited over [but Sandeep increases there value].

    Marcus is almost a faction unto himself, truly boggling array of models available to him and the shear scale and potential expense is prohibitive of taking him also until recent Book 4 update beasts had limited cross faction appeal [Blade & Claw ftw].  Book 4 will really provide a side boost to the beastmaster, new upgrades which help both him and his beasts utility in faction, Poison Gamin give him interesting new cheap minions and a potential legit poison spam build.

    Sandeep is so new he can't be anything but a qualified uncommon.  His crew box cross faction utility remains open, Poison Gamin are likely only going to be fielded in Marcus lists, Kudra is cheap and has some cool abilities but the jury is still out.  However another summoner is sweet (although his summons are spread out across multiple crew boxes so expensive) and from all reports plays fun and flexible.  I'd expect to see much more of him.

    A rough order

    1. Ramos is such a great box, solid master and thematic option the Arcanist leader really is.
    2. Colette really characterful box and build.  Awesome henchman in the box.  Really strong master.
    3. Rasputina is a great starting master, characterful and fun to play with the addition that Frozen Heart protects new players against some of the more 'gotcha' builds around.
    4. [Postulated] Sandeep, he seems very versatile and great fun, has a great couple of in theme (Academics, Poison, Gamin spam) builds.  
    5. [Suspected promotion above Marcus] Ironsides is increasing in popularity as folks get a feel for her play style, more tank than beater.  The Captain is a great model and the Oxfordian Mages just got two Book 4 boosts [the upgrade and Sandeep Academic spam].
    6. Marcus simply because people like the beastlord and (barring Sandeep filling this role as well) he is Arcanist's best in your face mayhem beater.  So many fun models (both a + and a -).
    7. Mei Feng falls here because her box is a little weak faction wise [Kang is TT only] and Rail Workers are not summonable.  Still very good master and fun to play but not as brutally satisfying as Marcus and she kinda falls into the... oh and Mei niche.
    8. Kaeris is the 'weakest' master of an exceptional Arcanist line up, I mean if Kaeris is the least master on my list, its a good list.  Burning schtick is a little unreliable [Rasputina is much more reliable as a nuclear threat and Mei is a better speedy damage dealer] and Kaeris herself is a scheme runner master/crew in a faction which has better options for that role [Colette].  She is durable but again I think Ironsides is slowly infiltrating that spot.  Her Fire Gamin are not the most sought after minion's [Sandeep may help this but only a little as there are 'better' Gamin] and Firestarter is nice but a secondary henchman you include when the pool calls for particular talents.

    It's a rough list and folks will likely argue with it, particularly some exact placement, but I think its broadly representative.  Overall I'd say Arcanist's have an array of very solid master's and none of them really fall into a truly rare, you never see them position.  

  4. 44 minutes ago, Tayne said:

    Was trying to use Kudra for a scheme runner-hunter but I massively whiffed for most of turn three. On my way home I was thinking of her compared to Cassandra... yeah, Cassie wins in almost all ways.

    Given that Kudra is cheaper and fits in a different crew slot is that really fair?

    It seems that Kudra's better comparison in terms of points, scheme running and more niche role would be the Firestarter.  Both are costed at the lower end and seem to be equipped as good scheme running henchmen, Kudra does some poison and thousand cuts damage, Firestarter does burning and some aoe.

    Cassandra is worth 2SS more and for that you get real flexibility in purpose which you can't expect Kudra to have.  In addition Cassandra is possibly the best value model Arcanists have for all around flexibility so you're comparing our 'A' grade and finding she falls short.

    Kudra it seems is very important to Sandeep builds with her upgrade to cycle Gamin and the attached upgrades for summons.  Otherwise she is very niche I think, cheap enough to throw in and be useful in games but not likely to swing games on her own (which Cassie certainly can).  I've yet to really explore her but as an Academic she will buff certain models, her poison could be good in certain builds and as stated she is fast and as a henchman dangerous/durable enough to be a solid scheme runner or disruption missile.

    But yeah, she won't be Cassandra.

    • Like 1
  5. By the way I'll throw out one other thought.

    Lucius Neverborn fills most of your criteria and likes many of the models you mentioned.

    On 8/24/2016 at 4:00 AM, Phinn said:

    I am considering starting a new master and would like to ask you for an advice.

    I enjoy things like:

    • all kinds of tricks - he is the prototypical support/minion force multiplier
    • careful planning and scheming, and thinking a lot of steps ahead - definately
    • models that are difficult to master and require a lot of experience - he is regarded as being maybe the weakest master in the game [I disagree but he is hard to play well] 
    • versatility - most support masters are versatile as they rely on their crew's powers so you can change it up a lot more

    Models that I like the most (mainly based on their delightfully creepy aesthetics) are, in order of popularity, the following:

    • Mysterious Effigy - the Lucius upgrade for this is superb, it summons Changelings
    • Widow Weaver - she is interesting with Lucius and again summons a useful minion model with the handbag upgrade
    • Stitched Together - minion which hit hard and Lucius are friends
    • Candy - Mimic, schemey, cheap, messes with your opponent
    • Changelings - Mimic, cheap, stealing certain attacks is amazing

    Up until now I have been playing Zoraida.


    Its a little out of left field (alright, its a lot) and because of his Guild based box maybe also more expensive but if not this time next time I'd give Lucius some thought if that list above is still a priority.

    He's a fun challenge to play and in Neverborn in particular he can really come at you sideways.

  6. 50 minutes ago, Fetid Strumpet said:


    What Im hoping the vignettes will do is open up some potential new upgrade options for the old masters. 

    Agreed.  WM/H has in place a system of different 'versions' of key characters on a scale based on story evolution.  It is an inevitable quandary which will be faced by any game which has fixed rules, specific characters and a thematic developing story exactly like Wyrd has for Malifaux (and of course also exists in WM/H).

    One option is to simply use this as a reasoning for new/alternate model releases, either generally or for nightmare/promotion editions.  This would mean minimum disruption to the game while allowing some at least characterful visual development.  It is safe because you're not disrupting the system (but may be unsatisfying I acknowledge):

    • Folks getting upset that there master/faction has or has not been modified and this has ruined them or left them as 'old'.
    • New rules could create massive consequences to balance and factions, it is actually harder in many ways to 'change' an established model than simply create a new one.  When creating a new character you need to design in the rules and ensure theme and balance but you can in effect create and restrict your specific niche.  With already established models they already have a niche, flavor, theme and crew which needs to be taken into account; change it to much and the results could be very negative.
    • Questions and confusion over old, new, version of specific masters and crews.

    Take Von Schill-Rasputina for instance, he needs new limbs, from where will this put him indebted to the Guild, Arcanists or Resurrectionists?  If he receives boosts will this change his power curve, role, interactions with other models and game balance?  Is Raspy now his sworn enemy, should this be reflected in the rules, will the Friekorps not hire with Arcanists?  Do Raspy's actions create division in the Arcanist faction, will she be cast out, rebel?  Does Von Schill's recovery take so long that the Friekorps break up or new leadership emerges, does he even fully recover?

    You could as easily say he does not receive a new arm and/or leg or that the grafts do not benefit (or even harm him) as they present the rules suggestions above.  Given the involvement of all the masters and henchmen from all the factions in the story which ones even get or demand updates?  Is Nicodem still able to move peacefully within the Rezzer faction?  Will all the Guild officers ajust unquestioningly to the new command structure?     

    While it can be dealt with in several ways I think that the upgrade system could present an interesting compromise.  I am hoping that Wyrd don't go over the top in story changes and I especially think that doing significant redesigns of old masters would be a massive and fraught undertaking, attempting to maintain balance, continuity and flavor.

    Also Wyrd sadly have lost a key game designer in Justin and that is likely to take some small adjustment.  The last thing I'd want to see is the new team diving in precipitously to 'rebuild' multiple masters and potentially disrupting multiple aspects in the community and respective metas.

    I'm enjoying the game in its current form and to be honest hope to really explore all the RoF releases over the next year while the Otherside takes some of the spotlight and allows me to focus on what is already out which I have not played enough before demanding yet more new stuff.

    Hell I am curious and am seriously considering getting into the Otherside.

  7. I'm sure there is a Lucius thread somewhere....

    The masked lord is solid with Guild, he has some functional builds but they tend towards the one dimensional.  Part of the problem is that Guild has no really solid melee damage minions, the Guild Rifleman Gunline is good but vulnerable.  The Other Guild minions are all OK and offer alright builds but you have to mass the schtick to get an effect which means lack of flexibility and obvious tactical strength for opponent to counter.  The RoF models may change this, I need to see them in the rules (still waiting on book, damn postage problem..).

    In Neverborn Lucius can really shine, he is simply multiple times more flexible, you can do a single schtick list a tricky list or a flexible list.  Numerous good cheap minions (Changeling, Terror Tot, Corrupted Hounds, Wicked Dolls, the Depleted), several minions in the mid range hit hard area (the Illuminated, Young Nephelim) or other role (Waldgeist, Silurid, Black Blood Shaman).  With his out faction upgrade he can easily add the only thing he lacks Guardsman ranged (Rifleman and Pathfinder) or alternatively he can Merc in a Trapper.

    In addition the NB adds several mid range and really useful enforcers and henchmen including Candy, Tuco, Mr. Tannen, Doppleganger.

    Lastly some top end in Widow Weaver, Nekima, the Horseman.

    One of the interesting things about the dual faction masters is that the TT models include some dual faction minions (Ashigaru, Rail Workers, the Illuminated, Wastrels) and some not (Moon Shinobi, Tokarage).

    The non TT dual faction (Lucius, McMourning, Zoraida and Tara) are all primarily single faction with the only dual component being the master, some upgrades and usually the totem (although the Zombie pup is straight Rezzer).

    This really makes it tough to stay in budget for multiple dual faction masters as any purchases for them in the "other" faction must be almost made completely without support from the box.  In Lucius it is particularly noticeable because his NB "other" allegiance is at least if not more interesting and powerful than his "traditional box based" Guild presentation. 

  8. Besides can't complain if you force your opponent to expend the resources to constantly bury a summoned model.  Good to hear that he is playing really nicely and balanced and also kind of pleased he is interesting and challenging because ultimately I prefer that sort of game.  

    I am wondering what his builds are going to play out like, the Academic thing sounds interesting but niche, the Poison Gamin actually in his box are I think going to be very unusual selections for his crew, you'll see them summoned now and then but SS purchased I'd imagine rarely.

    retnab (and others) any particular stand out models (other than Big Blue) in your games?

    Did Kudra get a look in?

    Which little Gamin are getting summoned regularly? 

  9. 12 hours ago, Four_N_Six said:

    I think it's well done, except I don't agree with Collodi being tier 2. He's a fine master, but building on a budget and starting in Neverborn he should probably be lowest tier, since you'll use practically none of his models with any other masters. Yes, you technically succeed staying under budget, but then you have to spend it all again when you move to a different master. 

    A similar argument would be made for Marcus in Arcanist's although the new RoF Blade & Claw upgrade may change this a little adn Myranda can see action in other crews, particularly Raspy as a cheaper shape shifting Blessed.  Although I will admit these models are in faction so could be used they rarely are.

    Also while I agree a NB Lucius build at <$US 100 is very difficult (and your method is the best way) I would say he is not the worst master out there.  Lucius is powerful in the right hands and the NB build is particularly nasty if you make the right purchases (but not for the tight budget so I agree with the tier).  In particular I like the Mysterious Emissary with Lucius, it gives him a nasty attack and can summon Changlings - minions, mimics and useful.  Potentially add in Candy as she can heal things (Lucius and the Mys Em), Doppleganger because it is awesome, a Freikorp Trapper (with some nasty copied attack synergy), the Illuminated, Terror Tots and Young Nephlim this can become a very nasty list.  In addition the Corrupted Hounds get an outside activation boost which is made for Lucius, Waldgeist are great minions, even a Widow Weaver and Wicked Dolls build can be made to work.  Lucius is a solid master is my summary.  His worst deficiency in NB is needing to take the upgrade to get access to Guild Lawyers.

    So while I agree the nature of Lucius box and his need to spam minions to boost make him prohibitively expensive within a tight budget to build a useful NB list  I disagree that he cannot build and compete based on a NB list or is under powered, tricky and unforgiving of mistakes to play yes but he is a strong master to play with a huge range of builds between NB and Guild and his force multiplication. 

  10. I'd really like to see Marcus.  The Beastlord is a very odd piece, the Arcanist faction model who has no link with construct's or M&SU.  The master who almost is a faction unto himself with his range of beast options.  

    I've always imagined him as the wild, savage and primal loner and Myranda as wild fury barely restrained but I don't see this in the imagery or artwork.

    The wild lands of Malifaux need more art.  Also I remember that one of the regrets a Malifaux staffer mentioned in an interview was that Molemen were a 'creation of Marcus' and not a separate Malifaux native species in the background.  I think a re imagining of Marcus would perhaps allow this to be revisited and also provide the opportunity to develop and flesh out the distinctive flora and fauna of this corner of Malifaux beyond the Neverborn, Gremlins and limited native creatures seen thus far.

    Moleman emancipation!  

    • Like 1
  11. Great idea and addition to this podcast inventory.

    I'd consider these ideas or points need to be addressed:

    • Sticking to the theme, why, when and the traps it can entail.  Outside theme or outside the box thinking.
    • Mercenaries and working out the cost/benefit analysis.
    • Building and playing to specific strengths and weaknesses.  By which I mean building lists where the weakness is known and you plan to play away from this and into specific strengths (this can often be and is an aspect of all-comers builds - scheme/strat builds - opponent builds).
    • Spreading out or double down.  An extension of model synergy, do you have models which can/do/need to work solo or do you go for synergy 'whole greater than sum' calculation?  In particular do you build to have both considerations in a list?
    • Model role, cost and fulfilling its task.  So do you get a low point scheme runner (or other task such as damage, anti-scheme, tank) or a higher point one who can do other things (or do the single thing better but risk being the only model you have which does and thus easily neutralized), including kill/defend against other scheme runners/prevention.
    • Assessing list performance.  I think this is an essential, as building a list is as much, if not more, about evaluating and refining as the initial creation.  So how did models do, did they perform the intended role (well?), were they forced into another role (well and is this reasonable?), dealing with the 'always a better model/list for this because of this' concept.
    • I think Conditions and Condition removal needs its own little section, poison and burning builds (is a little of this worthwhile or is it an all/nothing equation) - dealing with slow and paralysis etc
    • Card manipulation and card resources - so cycling cards in you list, card resource intensive vs non-intensive and can/should you build to try and spread around 'Trigger' demands (so have some models need crows vs others rams and others still books or masks), how important?  This could also include Soulstones as a mentioned resource (how many, model strats to get more etc)
    • Upgrades and how to select and manage them is also an area of importance I think could warrant its own section.  Selecting a upgrade pool and what goes where, especially with limited upgrades and such is very important to list creation.

    That's my thoughts.  Looking forward to the Podcast.

    • Like 2
  12. With Mei I prioritize like this,

    First you already have the first priority buy which is the Ramos box [Joss, Howard and the Spiders are all exceptional with her], you could buy another Spider swarm (you don't really need it but useful and if you get Mech Rider doubly so).

    Construct models first tier so I'd look long and hard at the Large Steam Arachnid, Soulstone Miner, Mech Rider and the Arcane Effigy all being awesome pieces with her.  Also given she can pull Foundry models in Sparks and the Mech Porkchop (this cyber-boar in particular) in Gremlins are legit.  Metal Gamin are OK but Rail Workers are usually better.

    Then I think utility models and burning support so Union Miners, Arcane Emissary, Raptors, Kaeris box [for Firestarter and maybe Fire Gamin] and maybe Gunsmiths as they add ranged and benefit from and can give out burning.

    Finally movement models so the Ironsides box [the Captain in great], Wind Gamin are niche but could find time, Scorpius and Poison Gamin are constructs with beast so work with Blade & Claw upgrade in RoF and Colette box [because Cassandra is awesome, Performers are always useful and Mannequins are good scheme-y constructs].

    More or less depending on look/theme/budget/availability that is the purchase list I'd go with. 

  13. Truth the threat of alpha/counter strike is as good, if not better (threat cannot actually fail after all) than the reality.

    Basically I can simplify my previous post down to:

    1. Kill the Viks, or at least Blood, do schemes/strat and win
    2. Delay the Viks, do scheme/strat and win
    3. Achieve neither, probably lose key models and likely lose

    The Viks are the two edged sword to play.  You know your alpha strike is second to none and has a long reach, if you commit and succeed you'll kill.  But if the Vik player over extends then the girls are fragile and you'll lose one or both in a turn.  If the Viks play too conservatively you lose their advantage, too aggressively and you lose them, its a fine edge.  As their opponent they force you into exactly the same balance - if they force you to play conservatively to avoid them you'll lose the advantage and they they dictate the game, if you press to hard the Blood will shatter you in a single round of bloody mist.

    Your goal is to outplay the Vik player in the paper cannon play stakes - here an experienced Vik player has an inherent advantage as they always play this balance game when they take the Viks, whereas you only play it on the occasions you face them.  


  14. 1 hour ago, Ceodoc said:

    In the typical Viks alpha build what is the threat range?

    That is a complex question as it depends on "whose" alpha you're talking about (opinions vary), terrain, hand composition and other variables.  With Student (or Oathkeeper) giving out Fast and Scramble for extra movement and unimpeded and Sisters in Spirit for a push.


    By herself no upgrades Blood is threat 10" (8" Ch 2" reach) charge and 3 (Ml expert) attacks.  With Fast this is 10" 4 attacks or 15" 3 attacks.  Scramble (also critically this grants unimpeded) is +1" Wk (so 5 > 6) and Ch (so 8 > 9), so add 1" to charge (11" threat 4 attacks) and 2" to Fast walk then charge (17" threat 3 attacks).  Sisters in spirit allows the sister with the upgrade (Ashes or Vanessa) to move a sister within 6" into base contact [can't remember if this is a push or place, place would add an extra inch gain] (so this would give Blood a 6" pre-activation move to get forward and set up Los and charge lane), thus up to full 17" x4 attacks or 23" x3 attacks.  It is likely that Blood is ignoring most Df (Arm, HtK, HtW & Incorp) bonuses (Mark of Shez'uul upgrade), Melee expert and is Ml 7 [+] flips 3/4/6 damage (or 5/6/8 with sis in fury upgrade) and she can also get either +1 Ml (7 > 8) or [+] flips dam depending on circumstances, she has a Whirlwind trigger (so hits multi enemies in 2" radius LoS) and can obviously use Soul Stones.  

    So best case Ashes has Sisters in Spirit, Sisters in Fury (+2 dam) and Syn Slaying (chain activation). Then Blood has Scramble and Mark Sheez'uul.  Activate Student of Conflict and grant Blood Fast.  Opponent goes.  Activate Ashes move forward Wk 5", activate Sisters in Fury and then Sisters in Spirit moving Blood up 6" and chain activate Blood (Syn Slaying).  Then Blood trigger Fast charges (threat 11") and unleashes all hell with 4 attacks at min 5 damage or walks then charges (threat 17") with 3 attacks min 5 damage (these attacks ignore nearly all def bonuses - Mark Sheez'uul).  It is devastating.   

    But she is fragile, needs LoS, they have a small SS pool base and are particularly vulnerable to ranged and counter attack.  Also to max out the threat they need to stay together, include the Student of Conflict and have the full upgrades and this is expensive (I think its 11SS total, student and upgrades).  Thus you can try the tactics mentioned above and either out maneuver them (hard but not impossible) to alpha strike first, set up a counter strike, feed a single model (4 or 6 wounds at least) into the mincing machine at a time and Df stance and/or cheat Df (so forcing Viks player to 2 hit kill it wasting AP or burn resources to [SS, cheats] to one shot them) and/or make them move away from the key schemes/strat points. 

    This is why the Viks are so feared and the Vik missile is a thing.   

    • Like 5
  15. Basically boils down to three tactics:

    1. Kill the Viks, or at least one of them ideally Blood.  Not as hard as it sounds they are pretty fragile.  Colette can do movement tricks and prompts to get a beater like Howard, Joss or Cassandra in and then you unload.  Arcanists have some great beaters and they are fast.  Always risky because you miss, you likely die.  But very valid, you simply need to commit 100% if you try to do anything else you end up being conservative and a Vik missile zergs your beater.  This can also work with snipers/ranged but is harder, however options exist especially if you choose certain mercenary's.  Revenge kill works well here especially with something big enough to have them want it but not your main beater, hard to arrange however as experienced players will recognize and avoid.
    2. Avoid, avoid, avoid.  So go for non-kill master strat/schemes and do not engage the Viks.  Now this is tricky, you don't actually not engage, you just engage on your terms.  Which means either or both give them a target they want which pulls them a long way out of position, let them chase it and kill it and that equals their contribution while you get VP's and win.  The other tactic is a slow chain of single tough expendable minions.  Send them up one after the other and engage, you lose each in one round but hopefully the AP expenditure cripples the Viks while your main models do there thing.  This is harder in some ways, it relies on your opponent doing and attacking what you want so less control, easier in others, its basically non-reliant on a positive result instead you're simply managing the negative result you want.  Raptors, the Gamin (I like Ice as they explode), Rail Workers, Spiders all can be sacrificed to the Vik alter of slaughter.
    3. Tank them.  This is really, really difficult.  Basically put a tough master (Ironsides for example) or henchman (Joss springs to mind) in combat with them and have some sort of faction or mercenary heal nearby, you need stacked SS and no other plan for them.  Keep other Vik crew models away and then you simply try to negate, heal, avoid as much damage as possible and use things like Df Stance to keep the Viks tied up for as many rounds as possible, ideally away from really useful areas of the board (kinda including an aspect of tactic 2).  Condition application for [-] twist flips, slow and paralyze are gold here as well.  This is not easy as the Viks hit a ton and a RJ damage flip pretty much ends it or a BJ prevention at the wrong moment.  Having said that it gives you a little more control than (2) and is a little less risky than (1).

    The trick I think with the Viks is to realize what they can do and commit to a single tactic to neutralize it.  If you can get to Rd 4 with them only having killed what you've been willing to lose (or even better with them dead) then you should be in a strong position.  Fighting Viks is about direction momentum and control initiative if they have it you lose if you do you win -  so if they kill what they want bad, what you want/can lose good and if they are moving where they want bad and towards where you want good.  

    • Like 1
  16. 6 hours ago, BFOmega said:

    Mannequins are peons, so no switching with them. Arcane emissary is only a construct when he's played with Ramos (or Mei if sparks robots him)

    Damn, I was worried Mannequins were peons but did not have the rules handy, disappointing.

    Also correct on emissary and I actually meant to say effigy, which is a construct all the damn time, thanks for noticing the mistake.


  17. In addition the Blade & Claw upgrade has obvious utility with many faction pieces. 

    I might be wrong but I think that the Mannequins are viable constructs for the 'Blade' and thus a Mannequin <-> Circus Bear placement switch would be a potential tactic and I imagine a reasonably disturbing event in the mind of my enemy.  The Arcane Emissary and Coryphee/Coryphee Duet are also common models in a Colette list not to mention Howard and the Mech Rider all able to switch with the Circus bear.  So charge in a Coryphee Duet, smash something and do the swirl of movement push into engagement with another good target then Blade & Claw switch in the Circus Bear and lay down some angry dancing bear maimage.  Sure its not as graceful as the Duet but an angry six limbed bear has a beauty all its own. 

    • Like 2
  18. It is interesting to see how this will all play out.  Comments have been very, very contradictory (as they always are).

    Popularity scale it appears pretty clear that Titania is the early winner, her box has been immensely popular and sold out and general commentary has been she is durable and brings an unusual (for NB) skill pool to the table with her crew.  However there has not been (that I've heard) acclaim that she is immensely powerful.

    Nellie is a clear early power-mechanism winner.  Her card and crew have several unusual or (currently) unique mechanism's and she also brings a very 'outside the traditional' master to Guild.  Nellie herself seems strong and both her totem and minion reporters have received acclaim as being excellent and cheap pieces, her hench(wo)man has the poorest review and that is largely in light of the excellent array of damage dealing henchmen Guild already has in that SS range.  If any set of models will tilt the meta's this seems the most likely.

    Sandeep is interesting, I've heard people say he's good and adaptable but several reviews have been underwhelmed.  Sandeep himself is regarded as strong but his box has received mixed review, Kudra has I think been unfairly labelled as under whelming (unfair because she is being compared to more expensive henchmen who have a different purpose), the poison gamin have been generally regarded as weak models and pieces (I think they have a place in poison builds and as construct/beasts at the very least).  His totem is so connected (and unique to him in nature) to Sandeep that I consider the master and totem to be nearly inseparable.

    Arcanist had what appears to be a commensurate gain in upgrades with the other factions in particular the Slate Ridge and Scorpius may benefit from a directed upgrade (Slate) and Blade & Claw.  Blade & Claw in particular could have far reaching impact if it plays as the reading of the card seems to indicate it can, but it may be more hype than deliverable's.... maybe.  Ox Mages got a potential boost but it is number handicapped, it does potentially make 3x OxM's interesting but the 15SS cost remains prohibitive enough that it will be a niche thing I am near certain.

    The two new Arcanist henchperson's have had mixed reviews, they exist in a faction which has a plethora of strong 9+SS models and strong henchmen.  Amina has a definite role and it will be interesting to see how often and with who she features but I imagine she will see solid table time.  Carlos is mostly schticked for burning lists and will be excluded or beaten out by other models in many lists I think, his most likely action will be in specific Kaeris and maybe Mei builds.  Ramos, Rasputina and Ironsides all benefit to much from other henchmen and their various station characteristics for me to think Carlos will be a frequent piece played.  Colette ironically has an already great henchwoman and also two others well regarded (Joss and Captain) with several high demand expensive enforcer/minion options, Carlos may bring the heat but it is a different heat than Colette's schtick, the fire of desire to impress is her thing, Burning not so much.  

    The  Shastar Vidya Guard are an enigma, I really need to sit down and study these guys.  They are expensive pieces in a faction which has already got an array of strength at those levels.  They don't appear to have much station/type synergy.  Damage and durability wise they appear pretty vanilla, not to marvelous or bad.  I expect these fellows will be a niche and a build specific piece but I need to really absorb the stats they bring to be certain.

    So I'd say Guild at least initially appears to have the strongest all around release which I think will be impacting the meta in 6+ months time.  Neverborn has a box (at least) which will see regular play time in whole or part if only because the models are regarded as superb, but they are also durable pieces in a traditionally less durable faction, at least for low-mid range minions.  I am happy with Arcanist's release in general and I think it will nearly all see play and some of it regularly but I don't think any Arcanist builds will suddenly break the meta open (although I reserve judgement until someone does something hideous with a Blade & Claw combo).


  19. Maybe, maybe.

    It certainly seems as if there is power creep which is unfortunate.  Having said that it is also the case that:

    1. Several of these masters appear to bring a specific ability/play style that their respective faction lacked or had little of.  Nellie is the scheme manipulator Guild does not really have a lot of, Sandeep is a all-rounder in a faction of mostly specialists, Titania is a durable brawler in a faction of sideways hitting glass cannons, Asami is a summoner in a faction which did not heavily feature that mechanic.  All examples, the question is have they over compensated and turned traditional weaknesses into notable strengths.
    2. Several things in the book seem aimed at adjusting specific older release models, masters.  Obviously several upgrades (I'm Arcanist so Slate Ridge and Ox Mages) are directly aimed at bringing something more to certain perceived as under powered pieces.  In addition several crews/masters which were seen as 'weak' appear to have had models specifically designed to benefit them, for example Lucius and Thralls seem tailor made to work together.  This may be good but also may backfire as a number of these 'weaker' models were strong but difficult to play and now they have simply got much stronger and simpler.  Also inevitably some models are niche, in a limited resource game some things are commonly tool-box taken and others are specialist niche, buffing niche models to common standard.... problematic.
    3. All of this relies on the meta needing to adjust to the largest completely new and original release Wyrd has done in Mk2.  Seven new masters and crews plus a handful of extra models for every faction will mean a lot for the community to process and integrate.  We may see a number of significant power swings and complaints (of both 'too good' and 'its now/is useless').  The question will be in about 6 months from now as play normalizes and folks get experience will it be apparent that certain things are now weaker or overly powerful?

    I'm not sure what the long term is, but given I (and I suspect many others) still have not even held a copy of RoF yet let alone constructed a (Sandeep in my case) crew and played with it I'm not going to worry that the cyclone is imminent until I step outside (but having said that I might include some wet weather gear in the bag, you know, just in case).     

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  20. Poison Gamin have utility as a construct and a beast with the upgrade Blade & Claw.  They also obviously can stack poison with Kudra.  Scorpius also is a construct/beast offering some interesting placement move synergy with the 'Earth' buffs.  A Performer in the crew could make the poison stack pretty painful.

    Although honestly I'd imagine that the Poison Gamin will not see much Sandeep summoning so much as he will feature in Marcus or even Colette poison build lists.  Still as seen above you could do some real poison pain in a list with say...

    Sandeep + upgrades (say 4SS)

    Kudra + upgrades (say 2SS)

    Poison Gamin 5SS

    Poison Gamin 5SS

    Performer 5SS

    Performer 5SS

    Scorpius 6SS

    Razorspine Rattler 7SS

    This would still leave 10-15 SS to spend (11SS on the upgrade generalization I made) for specific models.  It is not the greatest poison list but its got 8 activation's without Banasuva and additional models, its fast and can pull schemes, and the poison offense is likely to surprise opponents of Arcanist's.  The problem would be durability and condition removal first and foremost.  But still with extra summons and potential Blade & Claw shenanigans it would I think be viable enough to compete. 

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