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Posts posted by dancater

  1. 46 minutes ago, Flint said:

    Really? I always thought that it's about forbidden arcane powers/knowledge - faction name and symbol...

    See your point but disagree.

    Forbidden knowledge is an aspect as is power but not the thread which links all the masters in the faction.  Also the knowledge they primarily seek access to is forbidden not because of an inherent 'evil' (such as rezzers) but by the guild as much as a method of controlling power, the Arcanist pursuit of knowledge is heavily about access to that knowledge for the people (or more likely a limited section thereof) opposed to its domination by the privileged rulers of the Guild.

    So again my thinking (power/influence is a given because without these the other goals are impossible):

    • Ramos knowledge and worker rights.  Depending on the narrative and how you interpret it is whether you see Ramos (the tentative faction leader) as being more about power veiled by workers rights or power as a method of ensuring workers rights, which is really true for most revolutionaries. 
    • Marcus protection and exploration of the wilds of Malifaux
    • Raspy December, knowledge and independence (total and complete, violent), particularly for oppressed women
    • Colette knowledge, independence (more financial and equal input), particularly for women
    • Mei workers rights, racial equality, potentially threads (TT depending how Wyrd develops her story) criminal, domination for the TT and/or independence from the TT 
    • Kaeris knowledge, workers rights, power
    • Ironsides workers freedoms, independence
    • Sandeep knowledge and education for the gifted regardless of affiliation

    So the thread which runs through every Arcanist master is some form of freedom and independence for their wards and the concept that this freedom can and will be secured by access to the knowledge and power of the arcane which is currently criminalized and dominated by the Guild in order to exploit and oppress for their own gain.  For some master the pursuit of power is a goal unto itself or equal to any ideal of freedom/equality, but for others freedom is primary and I'd argue for Irons (she appears happy not leading but with her workers) and Marcus (who strikes me as willing to just be let alone to his research and beasts) and possibly Mei (difficult to say as she is so complex with dual-faction) power itself is secondary to their goals.  On that note the two powerful suffrage masters, Colette and Raspy, are also complex regards the pure pursuit of knowledge vs women's suffrage; Raspy is at times in active conflict with December and seeks independence within her own spirit from the very source of forbidden power she possesses and Colette seems as if she would be happy if the Star and her employees would be left alone from exploitation and machinations as appears at times a reluctant smuggler and criminal her actions driven by the need to protect her 'girls' (and other crew).

    The faction symbol itself is chains breaking around a book, symbolic for me of freedom through access to knowledge. 

    One of the things I love about Malifaux is how it takes a incredibly turbulent historical period (roughly analogous to the mid-late 19th century to early 20th century [1840-1920]) and reflects many of the salient dramas with its own twist of the fantasy and fantastic.  So the emergence of racial equality (Mei, perhaps Irons and Marcus, also possibly Sandeep), women's suffrage (Raspy and Colette with perhaps Irons and Kaeris), workers rights (Ramos, Karis, Irons and Mei), freedom of education (Sandeep), recognition of importance of nature/environment (Marcus and maybe even Raspy) all threads from that era in the real world and given comparison in Malifaux in no small part within the Arcanist faction.  


    • Like 4
  2. Yes,


    The alt-Nekima and alt-Huggy are both regular release alts and not special edition models.  At least it certainly appears to be the case as they each appear with the other pre-release models and not under an special edition category.

    So for those folks willing to wait I expect they'll both hit the regular retail stores I'd imagine within the next few months.

  3. Well GenCon newsletter arrived in my in-box


    Some really anticipated releases in general, NB gets some Alt-sculpts.

    For us Unionists we get:

    • Kandara, looks interesting, the render has the rounded face which looks slightly swollen and seems to be more common in recent Wyrd renders.... I'll give the model 6/10.  I'll likely get it because well Arcanist and Gamin.
    • The Union Steamfitters, look really solid as models, looks like 2 ladies and a man, I'll be interested to see the model scale in comparison to other figures, is the middle model small or the other two really bulky, I like the idea of a couple of big broad steam workers used to doing the heavy lifting, particularly as one of them is clearly a woman and able to lug the heavy gear.... for me 7-8/10 depending on the Wyrd bugbear of scaling which sometimes crops up (although mostly with mounted and kneeling models and this box contains neither), still get it... Arcanist..

    Overall with other August releases for the faction it looks like an expensive but not wallet breaking GenCon-August and I might even roam cross faction and/or grab a Tarot Deck, we'll see.  But already sold on Curiosity and got to admit I'm hungering for the Alt-Hungering Darkness, that model actually looks as threatening and terrifying as I imagined it always should.

    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, Myyrä said:

    I find it it somewhat interesting that there's only Gremlin players complaining, when Malifaux Raptors probably got hit harder than Stuffed Piglets. You will still be seeing Stuffeds as summons, but you won't really be seeing Raptors except when opposing Marcus uses Alpha on Myranda.

    Agree that it is interesting that as an Arcanist I have seen a number of models and a upgrade get cuddled and I'm honestly neither surprised nor particularly distressed.  The cuddles went to models that I had a pretty good feeling needed it because I was considering them to damn often in the style of every list and every opponent and taking them out of proportion to other models in faction.  Always a bad sign.

    Disagree that Raptors have become Marcus only niche take.

    Still a large base, surprisingly tough to kill (high Df), super fast, cheap model.  They have always been useful to disrupt and frustrate my opponent very economically for a turn (or two if I was lucky) draining AP and cards to kill the feathered buggers.  They still do this.

    What they don't do is scheme themselves with the Practiced Production interaction.  This is fine, for their cost this was unreasonable.

    I'll still take them to mess up opponents, interfere with their plans (and Interfere) and generally disrupt and aggravate.  Just need a different model to score my points.  Will I see them less often in my lists.... Yes but given how often they appeared that is OK.  Will I still use them in lists.... Yes.

    Generally the exact same statement goes for Practiced Production, still great but now you need to consider the list you take it with and you need to work with the models a little more to produce from it.  

    Also true for Mech Rider, which honestly should have been cuddled before instead of the poor little Metal Gamin getting heavily hugged by proxy.  This hug also makes the Mech Rider a more finesse piece and brings it in line with the original riders (although the TT rider is simply a beast) in terms of power I think.

    As for the Stuffed Piglet cuddle, well.... understand the angst I guess, can't now take a 2SS horde but instead a 3SS mini horde.  The core question is summed up here

    3 hours ago, KrazyIvan said:

    Why is it that folks seem to think that a bump in SS was the only thing discussed behind closed doors. Anyone who has been involved in Wyrd play testing knows that all kinds of ideas get discussed  before a decision is made. I got to be honest that it rubs me the wrong way when the Malifaux game designers are accused of lazy development, given the complexities designed into the game already.

    In this case the ultimate issue with the Stuffed Piglets wasn't their wound count, or their selective self-detonation, or anything else about how the models performed. It was specifically that 2SS is too cheap for a non-totem activation (non-Totem because by and large totems are Rare 1, and the ones that aren't are integral to the associated master's intended play style), complicated with the fact that the designer didn't want to make major changes to the actions and abilities on the card. How do you specifically address the design direction of "1 activation > 2SS"?

    All I see is either giving them a Rare limit, which would have to be like Rare 3 to avoid the spamming 2SS activations issue, or bump their SS cost.

    Reducing the Rare limit only improves it marginally, Rare 4 means you get 4 activation's for 8SS which yeah is better than 6 for 12 but still powerful and meanwhile it potentially inhibits summoning and such (and the same holds for Rare 3, while Rare 1 or 2 would be unworkable).

    Arguments that this cuddle makes Gremlins terrible are really empty (1) because I think Gremlins are still competitive and (2) even if I'm wrong that is a faction wide issue and the use a a single OP model in order to auto-take and correct a wider critical deficiency is abject failure.  If suddenly Gremlins are getting tabled at every tournament and in every game then hopefully Wyrd notices the problem and addresses improving the problem with something other than a horde of pig bombs.

    • Now another argument exists that now Stuffed Piglets do not get taken because they no longer have a valid place in the lists compared to other in-faction models of the same cost/purpose...
    • So here one asks how does the new 3SS Stuffed Piglet compare to other fast and cheap Gremlin models, I think notably Bayou Gremlins and the non-detonation Piglet variety.  Here I'm uncertain, time and study and game play will tell.  But yeah if you NEVER (or really rarely) see Stuffed Piglets outside Gremlin Taxidermy summons and experimental fun games then this is a problem which Wyrd should and hopefully will visit and perhaps slightly buff the Bacon Bombers.

    However I think Wyrd has a addressed the core problem of easy to field and quite dangerous value 2SS activation spam lists with 4-6 Stuffed Piglets for less than the cost of a single elite beater.  This is the simplest approach to the identified problem of OP activation economy.  If it has knock on power effects then time will tell and Wyrd can review the results and take further action as necessary (speaking from experience as the Metal Gamin and then Mech Rider cuddles demonstrate).

    I personally like the idea of the simplest solutions to the most egregious problems and perhaps fine tuning that simple solution after some in the wilds observation.  

    • Like 3
  5. Colette is a master who manipulates scheme markers and attacks your enemy sideways, she can prompt to scalpel out threats and aggravates an opponent into mistakes.  She appears vulnerable and simple to kill but if played properly it is exceptionally hard to do, so inexperienced opponents tend to burn resources trying and experienced opponents often don't bother, both good results.

    In contrast Ramos is a swarm master, he has a crew with several fearsome models and a few smaller activation's and barring horrific cards he will rapidly begin summoning spiders which are fast significant minions who can debuff enemies, are not slowed by terrain and can swarm together in a pinch to be scheme destroyers with reasonable punch.  Ramos himself then buffs his construct crew adding to both the potential attack and defense capability.  This crew out activates you with durable (barring anti-armor) fast minions, they tie things up in combat so bigger beaters can smash them and also slowing enemy strats while running all over the place and completing their own.  

    So Colette runs small-med crew which scheme's out of all proportion to their numbers and is difficult to kill while it surgically removes threats.  

    Ramos starts with a small-med crew but when the summoning engine begins it rapidly becomes large, it has potential +Att, +Df and Regen available and the models are all significant, fast and durable with armor.  It schemes and counter-schemes with numbers, overwhelms threats and outlasts/outnumbers opponents with durable minions which spawn faster than they can be killed.

    Roughly the other Arcanists:

    • Raspy is relentless (FH is immune to horror), dangerous in melee and can blast enemies off the field from odd angles with mirror.
    • Ironsides is a sticky and tanky model who will hurt you when you engage and she can buff M&SU running dangerous ranged (Ox Mage and Gunsmiths) or melee (Spiders, Howard).
    • Kaeris is a crew with speed and burning action, with flight and other tricks which make her crew fast and the either hurt (burning damage) or eat AP (putting out burning).
    • Sandeep is a kinda jack-of-all trades master, he can fight, he can buff, he's fairly tough to kill and also summons.  With Academics and good support he is a do everything well if not totally dominate anything master, he'll compete every game and also can exploit a weaknesses at the same time. 
    • Mei Fend is a fast moving scalpel that bounces out of no where and executes smaller-mid ranged models while avoiding the big fight until she chooses (ideally) with a crew dominated by durable constructs which stick around and help her attack vectors.
    • Marcus is a sub-faction on his own and can run swarm or elite smash as the case needs, solid master built around a huge beast selection which means he can tailor his crew superbly and the master himself has two limited options as either a genuine threat himself or durable scheme running/interference.

    All around Arcanists have a great varied selection depending on preference/need we can field blasts and deadly ranged, melee smash, scalpel speed, summoning, crew buffing.

    The areas we don't really run are heavy fear lists (really NB and Rezzers [Pandora, Seamus] etc) and enemy crew crippling/obey (Gremlins, NB, TT, Outcasts [Zoraida, Pandora, Brewmaster, Jack Daw etc])

  6. I'll add my final 10 cents.

    Shenlong, no idea he's a TT master I have never played or faced.

    Mei is great fun, so fast, slippery and her box is solid.  Although as pointed out Kang and Rail Workers while good won't get massive play time with other Arcanist crews (Kang not at all as he's straight TT) and Mei while fun and pretty flexible can be fragile which is a problem with a aggressive and fast model, basically play her well and she is rewarding but you'll rarely get more than one mistake.

    Irons box is very solid the Ox Mages are great (in threes since cuddle) and particularly solid in Irons and Sandeep crews.  The Captain while very expensive is a great left field model.  Better not to talk about Mouse however.  Irons herself is almost the opposite of Mei, slower, more deliberate and durable - much more forgiving crew, won't give you the raw crazy fun of Mei but you want reliable crew which fills the role then Irons is your lady.

    Doubt you'll be disappointed either box.

    Your planed purchases, look solid as a rock, would not change anything and honestly with the exception of in Irons crew with hand picked men the Dec Acolytes beat out Gunsmiths nearly every time better for points, more flexible - even in Irons crew its a 55:45 toss up, Acolytes are that good.

    I will also say that Raspy in my experience is a reliable ground and pound master and crew, they play very different to Irons but are nevertheless still a solid predictable crew, what they do is obvious but they do it well.  So maybe consider Mei because some days its just fun to play fast, loose and close to the burning edge.

    As for Colette who some have mentioned here, well.... she is my favorite master and the reason I play Malifaux, so I will not comment on the grounds of bias.  But honestly no collection is complete with out a little sparkle, style and fashion and a whole lot of production to distract.

    Luck mate, I think you've had some solid advice, you've listened well and hopefully you love the game as much as all of us sad tragics.


  7. Budget is the key consideration you have.

    Claw and Fang is good, it contains some great models but....

    It is not a key box for Raspy which you have or Ramos and Ironsides which you were considering next, nor for that matter Mei who has been mentioned.

    Myranda is great, but you'd need to buy her (the Box) and the Blessed or use Sabertooth which I think is not as good with Raspy.

    Basing off your original post I'd avoid Marcus and his box for a little while, it adds something but honestly based on your early direction less than many other purchases mentioned.  Also its a trap because Marcus invites you to purchase awesome out-faction Beasts to add to his range and flexibility, but this is expensive and adds little if anything to your other Arcanists.

    With a big budget I'd get it in a second, if you love Arcanists and the game then you'll end up owning it.  But if you are worried about the cost of the Mech Rider then I think budget is an issue and Claw & Blade provides limited return for outlay on your current collection.  Its well worth the thought, but ultimately I think you need to pare this post down and put together a budget (I have $xx) and priority list.  Schemes and Stones I think also did a nice little series of blog posts called building on a budget lists, I don't think it is gospel but it should also help.

    WWHSD makes great points but remember you want the foundation before you look for interesting tricks and left field surprise options and purchasing Claw & Blade so you can field Myranda + Imbued Energies vs a straight Blessed is.... while very economical and tricksie points/game wise probably not the best use of limited gaming related funds.

    • Like 1
  8. You have several Rasputina essential models already in Silent One and Dec Acolyte.

    You really need Ice Dancers (or another scheme runner but Dancers are best) and the Blessed of December (again best fast beater available to her).  For Rasputina they are purchase options (1) & (2).

    Snowstorm is really, really useful - not as essential as the above but I'd prioritize it as the options it provides Raspy are stellar.

    Fate Deck, Core Books and Upgrade deck are all quality of life and personal enjoyment things, not required to play the game strictly speaking.

    I would add this model as a priority:

    The Arcane Effigy - it is great, simply great and has a place in every Arcanist list.


    Ironsides is a good box, fun to play and different to Raspy.  She really wants Johan, this is a must purchase for her.

    She also likes the contents of the Ramos box, Willie, Arcane Effigy (you need), Silent Ones (you have), December Acolytes (you also have).  Potentially Union Miners and Soulstone Miner I've found are useful.

    Ramos is great simply because he is a solid master in his own right and his box synergises well with other Arcanists, notably Ironsides and Colette.

    He likes Arcane Effigy and Johan, yes that is a trend.

    Also needs as you've noted at least one additional Arachnid Swarm.

    Benefits from Large Steam Arachnid, I like Mei's Rail Workers with him, Electrical Creation.

    These three masters compliment each other nicely.  I would invest in at least 3-4 masters in a single faction (or duel/merc's) before drifting to another faction, its much better to help you form flexible lists which are the core of Malifaux with its strat/scheme winning conditions.

    Other models you'd look at:

    Arcane Emissary is a solid choice for any of the Arcanist masters, including the three above.

    Metal Gamin, Mechanical Rider, Raptors.

    Other Arcanist boxes which synergise very well with the selection above are Mei Feng, Colette and Sandeep. 

    Not sure on the new models expected in book 5, let alone the associated upgrades, they are only a few weeks away and may change several things up.  But the above models will be damn good I think regardless.

  9. Scorpius is OK.

    It benefits greatly from poison synergy but in both Arcanists and Outcasts this is not simple to pull off and requires list building for the model.  This is often counter-productive especially if the scheme/strat pool is not perfect for the designer list.

    Overall I can think of several points comparable and task comparable superior construct models available to Levi.

    Is it a choice - yes.

    Is it playable - probably.

    Is it optimal - usually not.

  10. Colette is a strong master, but fragile against certain opponents (which have increased in number recently with newer releases, as others have noted above) and she relies heavily on scheme-yness and misdirection.  This can in certain pools be problematic.  But overall she is fun and competitive.

    Sandeep is a different beast in that he is probably the single best toolbox master in the game at the moment, not only is he able to function in most scheme/strat pools but he is strong enough to be one of the 2-3 best masters in Arcanists for those pools.  He practically does not have a significant weaknesses either in opposition crew composition or the scheme/strat pool or the table/terrain layout - he is 10/10 flexibility in a game which rewards it; he can also both do some heavy lifting in terms of damage or schemes and just as easily buff allies to allow them more damage or better scheming - so make it 11/10 flexibility.


  11. Basically 

    The Blessed of December is a solid, fast moving and reasonably dangerous model which also as a Beast is a great shape-shift option for Myranda, regardless of whether you take it (or her) with Marcus.  The question becomes (1) do you need this type of model for the game (opponent/scheme/strat/terrain) (2) is there a better model for a particular master due to a synergy which does more or less the same for more or less the cost.

    Rasputina and Marcus the Blessed is first class

    For Sandeep, Colette its good, each of these masters has some synergy support but are more universal in there interaction with models.  However there are good Academic and Showgirl models in the same range so its an option only.

    For Mei, Ramos the lack of being a construct hurts and there are great construct models which largely cover the same slot the Blessed does, it won't be a detriment, the Blessed does what it does and needs minimal support.... But it won't help either master nor get much direct help from them synergy wise.

    For Ironsides basically the same as not M&SU which is Ironsides big buff, still it runs well with her as the scalpel to Toni's tar pit.  Also really useful for Toni to have a hitter model that does not benefit from staying near so the Blessed is a great roaming weapon for her.

    For Kaeris probably the 'least' ideal match as you add speed and solo to a master which runs speed and solo by default.  The Blessed brings not much to Kaeris and gives what Kaeris does not really need.   Better options but having said this the Blessed still give its points.

    The Ice Dancer is a premier fast moving scheme runner that needs minimal support and can handle or avoid most opponents in her role and points range.  Being FH and immune to horror is a huge and sometimes overlooked positive as well.

    Almost an essential Rasputina model to give Raspy much needed scheme-y speed.

    Solid with Colette and a Showgirl, but not essential as Colette does not want for speed and schemes, so an addition piece not a gap filler.

    For Sandeep and Ironsides you don't get synergy and each have good models in the range with synergy having said that each really likes having a independant fast scheme runner and that is the Ice Dancer++.

    Mei and Ramos again really like constructs and there are great metal monsters right in the Dancers price range, having said that while several construct do scheme well the Dancer is particularly good and again largely independent, each master could benefit a great deal from her and won't regret including them.

    Marcus and Kaeris are probably the least immediate benefit, for Marcus there are a pleathora of Beasts with synergy and that can fill the Dancers role.  For Kaeris there is not Burnign synergy and she or the Firestarter (a common Kaeris take) usually run fast flank and then the Kaeris crew relies on other hitters.  But still the Dancer will do work.

    So in short each model, the Blessed and Dancer, are great pieces which do what they are meant to efficiently and well within a cost effective range and without demanding support.  While they bring great additional synergy to certain crews this is a bonus, alone in any crew they will still do the work required of them and do it well.

    Two of the better all-around models in the Arcanist faction.  

    • Like 1
  12. Going to echo retnab here.  Want two basic things:

    1. First something to bring our power-meta closer with the better masters and poorer masters being brought closer together.
    2. And then upgrades which change a masters play-style, mix things up and add flexibility.

    In addition I'd like to see something which reinforces a thread in the overall faction which I think is currently as (if not more) divided than any faction but Outcasts (and maybe still then).  This has been mentioned (and I've discussed) on previous threads concerning affix connections and additions.

    I'd like to see Marcus and Rasputina have more faction related cross-over, not massive utility but at least some tie which provides them as being more than 90% Beasts or Frozen Heart and include some broader Faction options as viable.

    Another thing I'd like to see pursued is the development of a really novel and out-of-the-box master play style, something left fieldish I did not expect in Arcanists and/or in that master.

    Overall I'm pretty happy with most of our masters personally, like where Ramos is, Mei is fine and functional, Colette is a particular favorite in concept and play style, she just so captures Malifaux and its differences as a mini war game with novel concepts, thinking and theme.  I'd add Marcus who does what I want mostly in the way I want but I wished he had more viable in-faction choices.  Sandeep is probably cutting edge curve and is flexible enough to do nearly anything, he really needs a scalpel slice cuddle or the other masters to jump more than a percentage point or two on the power curve. 

  13. An excellent piece of advice is borrow McMourning or play him proxy, with the list which is giving you trouble, against a friend.  You'll rapidly see what the engine is and also the vulnerabilities, what worries you when you play the master.  This is the space you want to find when they are your opposition, it is very easy to feel that an enemy is an overwhelming monolith and your own force a vulnerable fine china construct.  Ironically this hold true when the same players switch forces, suddenly you worry about all the horrible things your opponents master (normally yours) can do and all the terrible weaknesses your current master (normally theirs and the one which gives you trouble) has.

    This is the most efficient learning technique I've found.

    Failing that the excellent podcast Schemes and Stones spotlight on McMourung discusses strengths (which you want to avoid), weaknesses (exploit) and key models (which you neutralize with prejudice) of the master and crew.

    Failing that folks have mentioned several tactics and counters, notably Warding Runes, spreading out and killing the more vulnerable key support pieces, in particular the dog and Sebastian asap.  

    Of course another thing is that all win/loss tactics are subject to the strat and scheme pool, poison does not win games in and of itself. 

  14. I have come to the belief that the residue of my tears left on the model post assembly provides them with spiritual power which provides better fate deck draws and limited protection from badly timed Black Jokers.  So I personally will embrace the pain.

    I also think it may help paint to adhere better.

  15. Oh sweet god I do not even want to contemplate the assembly process that this set may involve, tiny cat legs, minute ears and micro-thin tails.  The renders need to be seen but in a different way this could rival last years infamous nightmare McCabe box (which I resisted) for intimidating assembly.

    Perhaps Wyrd is running two separate concepts of the term nightmare box:

    1) The stuff of our collective gaming minds twisted nightmare dream imaginations for creativity. In which case this set hit it out of the park for me 10/10.

    2) [Potentially] the nightmare of multi-part plastic models with incredibly delicate pieces and complex construction which create a nightmare of snipping from sprues, assembly and construction so significant as to warrant potential PTSD counselling after they are assembled and painted.

    But honestly, fears aside still going to buy this box.  I declare Malifaux 2018 Fear the Kitten, it is a soulless killing machine of cuteness, claws and fluffy fur. 

  16. 2 hours ago, LunarSol said:

    Bah.  Hamelin has been a line in the sand for me for years.  Do not cross, no matter how tempting.  Only madness there I says.  And now madness awaits with fluffy arms. :(

    Right there with you mate, I'd never been grabbed by the Hamelin concept and he was on my list of "not going there masters".

    Well bugger this has grabbed me firmly by all four flying paws, it's.... simply superb.  I am not even going to try and resist, damn it, damn it all to hell, I embrace the madness.

    I mean does anything get more Malifaux and nightmarish then the cat, I would be unsurprised to discover that cats are originally Neverborn minions who infiltrated Earth to subvert and twist simple humans to whatever nefarious goals the cat-species possess.

    Love it, and its going to hurt my wallet GenCon and Black Friday, damn that shipping to Australia :mellow:, but at least I know and can begin the saving.  


    I know you've made some purchases and looks like a solid selection so far.  This is an excellent example of how if you're unsure you should proceed with Marcus, his flexibility and options are so wide that he can lead you into an expensive whirlpool of purchasing Beasts; disciplined and planned out purchases mean you can expand your options slowly, economically and in a fashion which is fun AND playable in games.

    The spot your currently missing is the 'filler' cheap scheme runner, that is the next purchase I'd consider the cheap model that can scheme run and/or disrupt but whose loss is acceptable.  Raptors are great at this in disruption but need help to scheme, its nice to have a piece which can perform absent any other support.  Arcane Effigy is also good for this but so valuable for other things in certain games you might want to hold it back.

    So you've already seen one and stated you don't like much the Moleman - great little beasts and surprisingly fast.  Hoarcat Pride is a little more expensive (SS wise) and perhaps $ wise as well, but buying two boxes and modelling two cats/base gives a nice looking 3 bases of killer kittens at a OK price.  

    Outside faction some other options are any of the Hounds although you need multiple together for them to run schemes so it is not quite a solo model.  The Piglets although control and predictability can be an (entertaining) problem as the little buggers charge everywhere.  The Gupps, these are great little scheme runners and well worth a look. 

  18. On 7/3/2017 at 4:50 AM, retnab said:

    I just took a quick skim through what models we have access to and it seems like most of the different sub-factions are actually really well balanced in their numbers!

    • Academics: 9
    • Beast: 11+ (there's so many)
    • Foundry: 8
    • Gamin: 6
    • Frozen Heart: 8
    • M&SU: 23
    • Showgirl: 9

    So with the exceptions of Beasts (of which there are tons), and M&SU which is a large chunk of the faction, the sub factions are basically 8 or 9 models each.  Not bad overall, but I hope at least 2 of those other sub-factions get a bit more love in the future :) 

    Still myself of the general opinion that we have 2 strong faction themes and a collection of sub-themes.

    The strong themes are M&SU - workers rights and freedoms and Academics - the pursuit of knowledge and arcane power free of restriction.

    Foundry I see as a sub-faction of the M&SU with tendrils into TT (and Gremlins??), basically freedoms with a racial aspect and also some additional nefarious objectives.

    Beasts is a Marcus sub-faction which could be expanded with maybe an additional series of links to M&SU/Academic but from a models perspective (non-named) is really flush with choices.  

    Frozen Heart is similar to Marcus, its a largely Rasputina niche which I think could use another master/henchman to mesh it further into the wider faction and provide more options.  From a base model perspective they are not large but make up with this in quality, still the FH range could be expanded and options abound.

    Gamin I don't really see as a sub-faction but as a type, still this area could be interesting fodder for expansion, as the "summoned and created" seek independence. 

    Finally Showgirls I think could expand in interesting direction as they explore the 'gaps' which exist in the wider Arcanists, smuggling and such, the attractive illusion of harmlessness which they move the critical elements across the city and known world(s), interesting potential to mesh and conflict more with the TT.  Also obviously here strong theme of women's suffrage something which also links strongly with FH.

    This is the central theme of Arcanists, resistance from oppression and exploitation (perhaps into a different form of the same as the rebellion leaders become the regimes tyrants..)  The themes of resistance are an interesting study:

    • Beasts and the environment - Marcus and to a lesser extent Rasputina
    • Scholars - Sandeep and to a lesser extent Colette, Kaeris and Ramos
    • Workers - Ramos, Mei, Kaeris and Ironsides
    • Women - Colette and Rasputina, with maybe  some Mei, Kaeris and Ironsides potential as yet unrealised
    • Magical spirits - Really undeveloped but potential is there, mainly Sandeep could expand here and also Kaeris

    These present interesting avenues for development and also potential for conflict both with other factions (obviously Guild but also TT vs Showgirls appears a obvious place where agendas and strategy intersects) and alliances (Raspy - NB, Marcus and Gremlins, Colette and TT [enemies, allies or both], Sandeep and/or NB, Rezzers [the pursuit of dark knowledge], even Guild and Ramos as the political/military power reassesses alliances with economic/worker strength and focus against an external threat of which scores abound]. 

    Lastly the Otherside has huge potential impact here.  In particular where does the Gibbering Hordes fit in particularly with Marcus, the Abyssinia with many factions, they have power and access to Malifaux and represent a continent and ethnicity largely undeveloped in the lore (but historically fits front and center in Arcanist freedom from oppression lore - I mean slavery and segregation...), Kings Empire and Burning Man also have potential influences across all Malifaux but Arcanists is several spaces.



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  19. OK my contribution, first I'll say that liking some of the direction in 5th wave;

    So the Academic sub-factions:

    • Beast and Marcus - Honestly with the size of the pool he can draw from for range and options Marcus is flush.  But I'd love to see Molemen develop as a concept, maybe a Moleman enforcer or henchman.
    • Frozen Heart and Raspy - Really in a good position as many of the models here are well-regarded in Arcanists running well with or without Raspy.  Wider range would be nice but questions about what to add, perhaps some mid-point range Frozen Heart beasts like the Wendigo as minions or enforcers in the 6-7 SS range.  Perhaps some Blizzard Gamin style things.  Like the idea of maybe another Henchman or Master in this theme, perhaps showing a division in the sub-faction as Raspy diverges more and more from agendas her influences (Ramos and December) attempt to place upon this violently unpredictable and disturbed young woman.
    • M&SU and Ironsides, Ramos + Mei to a point - Here I think real development is needed, the range and focus seems scatter-shot, some OK concepts and models but the theme is spread out and does not seem to have the inner-coherence and outer-application of the other Arcanist sub-faction models.  I'd like to see more focus on the organisational structure of the M&SU and where models fit, I really like the anti-establishment revolution vibe but think it needs more development.  Here would be my second place vote for concentrating a future release.
    • Foundry and Mei - I think this is a Arcanist and TT question and mostly I've covered the Arcanist side above, I'd like more development of Foundary and maybe another sub-faction within M&SU, perhaps another Henchman or some Foundry enforcers.
    • Showgirls and Colette - love the ladies but the Showgirl theme makes expansion tough, perhaps something in acrobatics (but Ice Dancers), Fire has Carlos, maybe sword and weapon displays (Jugglers or Sword-dancers), more development of Orians+++.  Colette in previous edition had an M&SU merc buff, I think something which develops her criminal-smuggling (even a TT link, see Orian again+++) concept and also her connection to the wider faction is needed.  My third vote for development. 
    • Academic and Sandeep - This is the HUGE place for me, really need a wider range of Academic theme and connecting it across the other sub-factions.  While I understand that M&SU and worker rights is central as an Arcanist theme (see the breaking of chains) the broken chains are wrapped around a book and about the relaese of knowledge and the power that comes with it to the common man (subject to controls and constraints applied by the wise minds of the Arcanist leadership of course...); this is really one of the central pillars of the faction for me and needs real development, easily the first place I'd vote to expand;

    So thoughts on expanding Arcanists/Academic faction:

    • Beast Naturalist perhaps an Academic who has devoted their life's work studying and understanding the beasts, fauna and flora of Malifaux, could run as perhaps either a master or a henchman and maybe link to the expanded nature of the Molemen or another quasi-intelligent Malifaux species.
    • A Frozen Heart style hermit Academic, a person who wandered into the frozen mountains seeking enlightenment and inner-knowledge and found something much darker and colder alongside the insights which come from that.  Or maybe an Academic expert on storms and weather patterns whose looked too deep into the frozen heart of Malifaux more extreme weather events, so weather-wind-storm related expansion. Also development into maybe creatures of the frozen lands (Marcus link).
    • M&SU/Foundry, more science of the Union and perhaps an expansion on the bureaucratic opposition seen in recent M&SU lawyer which we all are waiting for release August.... Again I'd like to see more development in the engineers and hidden minds working behind the working man in the M&SU.
    • Showgirls and Academics expanded with maybe an emphasis on an Underground railroad for intellectuals and magic-users run from the Star. Develop the 'science' of illusion, a choreographer model, a hidden school for oppressed young women would also really nicely run a women's empowerment (Colette/Raspy) with oppressed rights (Ramos/Ironsides/Mei- also Irons and Mei have a women's role theme) with academic advancement (Sandeep) and fit the Malifaux quasi-time period and societal history I think.  A Mistress 'X' school for young girls and orphans of unusual powers and temperaments hidden and supported by the dames of the Star.

    That is my thinking, its time to free the book.

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  20. Assuming Ironside, Marcus and Colette orientated expansion.

    Note first, for Colette you really need to be able to field the Doves, they are simply to useful in her crew not to have as an option, I'd check the forums secondary market here to find what you are missing.

    Also Marcus is really an Arcanist outlier, the beastmaster has a huge range of options outside faction and has minimal synergy with M&SU, Frozen Heart, Showgirl and Constructs which feature heavily across our faction.  Its not that he can't run with many other non-beast Arcanist models but that he usually has a better option and many of those options are outside-faction so have then no utility in non-Marcus Arcanist lists.


    Ramos box is an amazingly useful addition, with Joss and Howard you get an excellent tank-y model and a premier killing threat respectively.  In addition the arachnids are useful little buggers.  So this is an excellent addition to your Arcanist collection.  In particular several models in this box run well with Ironsides and Colette.

    Four Frozen Hearts models (Rasputina's theme) work with these masters well to some degree;

    December Acolyte is an amazing model for its points and flexibility, well respected and can find a place in almost any Arcanist list, particularly solid in Colette crew.

    Blessed of December is a fast and dangerous Beast affix model so excellent inclusion in Marcus crew and as an Arcanist beast is a shape change option (and a popular one) for Myranda.

    Silent Ones are Arcanists basic in-faction healer and run well with any crew just for that ability, in addition they have some nasty tricks in a Colette crew potentially.

    Ice Dancers are a Showgirl Frozen Heart, lowest on the list for what you have but still a great slippery scheme runner and synergy with Colette.

    Other great models:

    Carlos is a Showgirl affix has Burning synergy, henchman, and is getting a reputation as a solid tank-y model with respectable speed and damage output.

    Angelica is a Showgirl enforcer and commonly comes with the upgrade 'Practiced Productions' stapled to her card, this makes a useful model an opponents nightmare and works so well in Malifaux with the focus on scheme markers and in particular is a godsend for the Raptors (below).

    Arcane Effigy, cheap little construct which provides Burning and incredibly useful condition removal, its cheap, can scheme run, is surprisingly durable.  Excellent model.

    Arcane Emissary is a big fast smash mouth model and with its auto-upgrade choices it runs well with each of the Arcanist masters, expensive to field but always deserves a look in.

    Mechanical Rider is an excellent choice, summons, speed, durability (especially late game), used to be the near undiputed best of the "riders" but now Yasunori exists.  Still an exceptional model and worth considering in most Arcanist lists but especially popular with Colette.

    Wind Gamin are superb, fast and slippery scheme runners, they are incredibly useful in many current scheme/strat (GG 2017) pools.  These models are nearly an auto-include in some playing lists and one of two models I think cause the most anti-Arcanist angst in other faction forums.  Need to have for competitive Arcanist list construction options.

    Which brings me to the other Arcanist model which induces outside-faction rage, the Raptors... their cheap to field, hard to kill for their points and useful to irritate and deny opponents in many ways, for their points incredibly useful.  Note they can't scheme run by themselves (but in faction options can bypass this) and low damage output (but OK for soul stone cost).  They are Beast affix so I'd include these little flyers in any list consideration but with what they bring to the table they are a Marcus list auto, can't think of a reason the beastmaster does not include one in 90% of lists. 


    That is the, what I would consider 1st tier Arcanist only takes now others:

    Johan is a merc with M&SU synergy and is great in Arcanists and truly a 1st tier choice for Ironsides crew.

    A huge range of out-faction Beasts run with Marcus (truly huge, he is nearly a sub-faction himself) and as identified the Neverborn models Silurid and Waldgiest are particularly noteworthy.


    The rest of the Arcanist range also is obviously useful but the above constitute the models I'd honestly look at first.



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  21. I acknowledge your point solkan but as Santaclaws points out I'm really referring to overall size, the employee statement is because I can give a estimate of size that way easier than attempting to guesstimate Wyrd's annual gross and net turn over.

    But yes fully understand your point.

    Simply put Wyrd is still a fairly small company, both in employee size and financial turn over.  They have to estimate their demands and order miniature production ahead of time, sometimes estimates are off, but the company simply cannot afford to over-estimate demand and over produce.  Nor can they afford to have all there own in-house plastic injection molds, let alone enough for some to sit idle and be ramped up for urgent demand.  So its a estimate > order > sell > re-estimate > cycle with unfortunate lag times.

    None of this makes a frustrated gamer dying for a particular model and finding it hard to purchase at reasonable buy+shipping prices and times fell any better, which sucks.

    I wish that Wyrd was big enough and profitable enough (gaming is sadly not a huge growth industry) to say order it all and damn the consequences, they are not.

    So best anybody on the forums, in the company or across the world can say is....  Try to be patient and understanding, speak up in forums, maybe folks like Omenbringer can provide a viable solution, and Wyrd are doing what they can I am pretty certain to solve such delays. 

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